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REMote RAM Disk - remotely accessible sandboxed virtual storage device.

Project structure

├── client
│   ├── inc
│   │   └── Client.hpp
│   └── src
│       ├── Client.cpp
│       └── client_main.cpp
├── driver
│   ├── Makefile
│   └── ramd.c
├── server
│   ├── inc
│   │   ├── PipeWrapper.hpp
│   │   └── Server.hpp
│   └── src
│       ├── PipeWrapper.cpp
│       ├── Server.cpp
│       └── server_main.cpp
└── shared
    ├── inc
    │   ├── Connection.hpp
    │   ├── Protocol.hpp
    │   ├── remramd_exception.hpp
    │   └── Utils.hpp
    └── src
        ├── Connection.cpp
        ├── Protocol.cpp
        ├── remramd_exception.cpp
        └── Utils.cpp

./driver - contains block device driver that represents fully functional RAM disk that uses I/O multiqueue.

./client - remramd client that gets a remote shell from the server via providing server's IP address and TCP port.

./server - remramd fork server that manages a minimal CLI and client processes.

How it works?

  • Driver

RAM disk implementation using modern block subsystem API - I/O multiqueue.

  • Client

    1. Randomizes valid TCP port for netcat TCP listener.
    2. Sends this port to the server.
    3. Waits for server's permission.
    4. If declined - exits, else - gets a remote shell via netcat inside of the chroot jail. Each client uses a RAM disk as a block device for storing it's data in chroot jail.

    Enter exit to disconnect from the server.

  • Server (high level overview)

    1. Creates a thread that constantly accepting new connection attempts.
    2. If new client wants to connect, the notifiation is popped on the server showing IP address and port for remote shell for this client.
    3. There is an option to drop the pending connection request via one of the menu options.
    4. If server side wants this client to connect, the server forks a new process, creates a chroot jail for it, cd and chroots into the prepared jail, drops privileges from root to server side defined permissions (may be any unprivileged uid & gid) and opens a reverse shell for the client inside of the isolated environment with server side defined amount of exposed binaries for each client individually.

    At any point of time, the server can print out all current clients' data, drop a specific client, check for pending connections etc.


  • Linux kernel version >= 5.0
  • gcc with C++17 support
  • netcat


Client - local client process on another terminal tab

Client - my smartphone (Android 10) that runs remramd_client

~/testjail is RAM disk mount point

~/testjail/ - local client process jail

~/testjail/ - my smartphone's client jail


How to use it?

  • Server side

Compile the server and the driver by running chmod +x && sudo ./

First of all, go to driver directory and enter sudo insmod ramd.ko in order to load the driver into the kernel. lsblk command will show a new device /dev/ramd which is a given RAM disk. You can provide a size for the disk via setting ramd_size argument, e.g. sudo insmod ramd.ko ramd_size=500 will create 512 MB RAM disk (disk size is aligned to 2^x bytes). Default capacity is 1 GB.

Then you need to create a partition that will be formatted further. sudo fdisk /dev/ramd to partition the device (go for a default suggestions). lsblk will show /dev/ramd1 partition. Now the partition needs to be formatted to one of the filesystem formats, let's pick a well-known ext4. Enter sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/ramd1. Now, the partition is ready to be mounted anywhere in your filesystem. Create an arbitrary directory and mount the formatted partition on it, e.g. mkdir -p ~/jail && sudo mount /dev/ramd1 ~/jail. Now RAM disk is ready to be used as a separate virtual block device.

In order to run the server, enter sudo ./remramd_server <jail path> <listening TCP port> <backlog>.

Example: sudo ./remramd_server /home/user/jail 1337 10 - the server will listen on TCP port #1337 with a backlog of 10 pending connections. Every client will be jailed at /home/user/jail/<client's IP address> directory.

  • Client side

Compile the client by running chmod +x && ./

You need to know server's IP address and TCP listening port. Usage: ./remramd_client <server IP> <port>.