storage class
parameters are compatible with built-in azuredisk plugin
- Dynamic Provisioning
get a quick example here
Name | Meaning | Available Value | Mandatory | Default value |
skuName | azure disk storage account type (alias: storageAccountType ) |
Standard_LRS , Premium_LRS , StandardSSD_LRS , UltraSSD_LRS |
No | Standard_LRS |
kind | managed or unmanaged(blob based) disk | managed (dedicated , shared are deprecated since it's using unmanaged disk) |
No | managed |
fsType | File System Type | ext4 , ext3 , xfs |
No | ext4 |
cachingMode | azure data disk host cache setting | No | None , ReadOnly , ReadWrite |
ReadOnly |
storageAccount | specify the storage account name in which azure disk will be created | STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME | No | if empty, driver will find a suitable storage account that matches skuName in the same resource group as current k8s cluster |
location | specify the Azure location in which azure disk will be created | eastus , westus , etc. |
No | if empty, driver will use the same location name as current k8s cluster |
resourceGroup | specify the resource group in which azure disk will be created | existing resource group name | No | if empty, driver will use the same resource group name as current k8s cluster |
DiskIOPSReadWrite | UltraSSD disk IOPS Capability | 100~160000 | No | 500 |
DiskMBpsReadWrite | UltraSSD disk Throughput Capability | 1~2000 | No | 100 |
- Static Provisioning(use existing azure disk)
get a quick example here
Name | Meaning | Available Value | Mandatory | Default value |
volumeHandle | azure disk URI | /subscriptions/{sub-id}/resourcegroups/{group-name}/providers/microsoft.compute/disks/{disk-id} | Yes | N/A |
volumeAttributes.fsType | File System Type | ext4 , ext3 , xfs |
No | ext4 |
volumeAttributes.cachingMode | disk host cache setting | None , ReadOnly , ReadWrite |
No | ReadOnly |