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File metadata and controls

2172 lines (1461 loc) · 86.9 KB

List of keywords

For your convenience, the description of the keywords in the ERT configuration file are divided into the following groups:

Table of keywords

Keyword name Required Default value Purpose
:ref:`ANALYSIS_COPY <analysis_copy>` NO   Create new instance of analysis module
:ref:`ANALYSIS_SET_VAR <analysis_set_var>` NO   Set analysis module internal state variable
:ref:`ANALYSIS_SELECT <analysis_select>` NO STD_ENKF Select analysis module to use in update
:ref:`CASE_TABLE <case_table>` NO   Deprecated
:ref:`DATA_FILE <data_file>` NO   Provide an ECLIPSE data file for the problem
:ref:`DATA_KW <data_kw>` NO   Replace strings in ECLIPSE .DATA files
:ref:`DEFINE <define>` NO   Define keywords with config scope
:ref:`ECLBASE <eclbase>` YES*   Define a name for the ECLIPSE simulations. *Either JOBNAME or ECLBASE must be specified
:ref:`ENKF_ALPHA <enkf_alpha>` NO 3.0 Parameter controlling outlier behaviour in EnKF algorithm
:ref:`ENKF_FORCE_NCOMP <enkf_force_ncomp>` NO 0 Indicate if ERT should force a specific number of principal components
:ref:`ENKF_NCOMP <enkf_ncomp>` NO   Number of PC to use when forcing a fixed number; used in combination with kw ENKF_FORCE_NCOMP
:ref:`ENKF_TRUNCATION <enkf_truncation>` NO 0.99 Cutoff used on singular value spectrum
:ref:`ENSPATH <enspath>` NO storage Folder used for storage of simulation results
:ref:`FIELD <field>` NO   Adds grid parameters
:ref:`FORWARD_MODEL <forward_model>` NO   Add the running of a job to the simulation forward model
:ref:`GEN_DATA <gen_data>` NO   Specify a general type of data created/updated by the forward model
:ref:`GEN_KW <gen_kw>` NO   Add a scalar parameter
:ref:`GEN_KW_TAG_FORMAT <gen_kw_tag_format>` NO <%s> Format used to add keys in the GEN_KW template files
:ref:`GRID <grid>` NO   Provide an ECLIPSE grid for the reservoir model
:ref:`HISTORY_SOURCE <history_source>` NO REFCASE_HISTORY Source used for historical values
:ref:`HOOK_WORKFLOW <hook_workflow>` NO   Install a workflow to be run automatically
:ref:`INSTALL_JOB <install_job>` NO   Install a job for use in a forward model
:ref:`ITER_CASE <iter_Case>` NO IES%d Case name format - iterated ensemble smoother
:ref:`ITER_COUNT <iter_count>` NO 4 Number of iterations - iterated ensemble smoother
:ref:`ITER_RETRY_COUNT <iter_retry_count>` NO 4 Number of retries for a iteration - iterated ensemble smoother
:ref:`JOBNAME <jobname>` YES*   Name used for simulation files. *Either JOBNAME or ECLBASE must be specified
:ref:`JOB_SCRIPT <job_script>` NO   Python script managing the forward model
:ref:`LOAD_WORKFLOW <load_workflow>` NO   Load a workflow into ERT
:ref:`LOAD_WORKFLOW_JOB <load_workflow_job>` NO   Load a workflow job into ERT
:ref:`LICENSE_PATH <license_path>` NO   A path where ert-licenses to e.g. RMS are stored
:ref:`LOG_FILE <log_file>` NO
:ref:`LOG_LEVEL <log_level>` NO
:ref:`MAX_RUNTIME <max_runtime>` NO 0 Set the maximum runtime in seconds for a realization (0 means no runtime limit)
:ref:`MAX_SUBMIT <max_submit>` NO 2 How many times should the queue system retry a simulation
:ref:`MIN_REALIZATIONS <min_realizations>` NO 0 Set the number of minimum realizations that has to succeed in order for the run to continue (0 means identical to NUM_REALIZATIONS - all must pass).
:ref:`NUM_CPU <num_cpu>` NO 1 Set the number of CPUs. Intepretation varies depending on context
:ref:`NUM_REALIZATIONS <num_realizations>` YES   Set the number of reservoir realizations to use
:ref:`OBS_CONFIG <obs_config>` NO   File specifying observations with uncertainties
:ref:`QUEUE_OPTION <queue_option>` NO   Set options for an ERT queue system
:ref:`QUEUE_SYSTEM <queue_system>` NO LOCAL_DRIVER System used for running simulation jobs
:ref:`REFCASE <refcase>` NO   Reference case used for observations and plotting (See HISTORY_SOURCE and SUMMARY)
:ref:`RESULT_PATH <result_path>` NO results/step_%d Define where ERT should store results
:ref:`RUNPATH <runpath>` NO realization-<IENS>/iter-<ITER> Directory to run simulations; simulations/realization-<IENS>/iter-<ITER>
:ref:`RUNPATH_FILE <runpath_file>` NO .ert_runpath_list Name of file with path for all forward models that ERT has run. To be used by user defined scripts to find the realizations
:ref:`RUN_TEMPLATE <run_template>` NO   Install arbitrary files in the runpath directory
:ref:`SCHEDULE_PREDICTION_FILE <schedule_prediction_file>` NO   Deprecated: Schedule prediction file
:ref:`SETENV <setenv>` NO   You can modify the UNIX environment with SETENV calls
:ref:`SIMULATION_JOB <simulation_job>` NO   Experimental alternative to FORWARD_MODEL
:ref:`STOP_LONG_RUNNING <stop_long_running>` NO FALSE Stop long running realizations after minimum number of realizations (MIN_REALIZATIONS) have run
:ref:`SUMMARY <summary>` NO   Add summary variables for internalization
:ref:`SURFACE <surface>` NO   Surface parameter read from RMS IRAP file
:ref:`TIME_MAP <time_map>` NO   Ability to manually enter a list of dates to establish report step <-> dates mapping
:ref:`UPDATE_LOG_PATH <update_log_path>` NO update_log Summary of the update steps are stored in this directory
:ref:`UPDATE_PATH <update_path>` NO   Modify a UNIX path variable like LD_LIBRARY_PATH
:ref:`WORKFLOW_JOB_DIRECTORY <workflow_job_directory>` NO   Directory containing workflow jobs

Basic required keywords

These keywords must be set to make ERT function properly.


Name of the template ECLIPSE data file used to control the simulations. A modified realization specific version of this file will be prepared by ERT, named according to :ref:`ECLBASE <ECLBASE>` and copied to the runpath folder. Note that support for parsing the ECLIPSE data file is limited, and using explicit templating with :ref:`RUN_TEMPLATE <run_template>` is recommended where possible.


-- Load the data file called ECLIPSE.DATA

See the DATA_KW keyword which can be used to utilize more template functionality in the eclipse datafile.

This is used to replace ERT magic strings into the data file, as well as update the number of cpus that are reserved for ERT in the queue system.

It searches for PARALLEL in the data file, and if that is not found it will search for SLAVE and update <NUM_CPU> according to how many nodes are found, note that it does not parse the data files of the nodes, and will assume one cpu per node where entry number 5 is not set, and the number of entry number 5 otherwise plus one cpu for the master node.

It is strongly recommended to use the :ref:`RUN_TEMPLATE <run_template>` for magic string replacement and resource allocation instead. Combined with :ref:`NUM_CPU <num_cpu>` the resources for the cluster are specified directly in the ERT configuration, and can be templated into the ECLIPSE data file, see :ref:`RUN_TEMPLATE <run_template>`.


The ECLBASE keyword sets the basename for the ECLIPSE simulations which will be generated by ERT. It can (and should, for your convenience) contain a %d specifier, which will be replaced with the realization numbers when running ECLIPSE. Note that due to limitations in ECLIPSE, the ECLBASE string must be in strictly upper or lower case.


-- Use eclipse/model/MY_VERY_OWN_OIL_FIELD-0 etc. as basename.
-- When ECLIPSE is running, the %d will be, replaced with
-- realization number, and directories ''eclipse/model''
-- will be generated by ERT if they do not already exist, giving:
-- eclipse/model/MY_VERY_OWN_OIL_FIELD-0
-- eclipse/model/MY_VERY_OWN_OIL_FIELD-1
-- eclipse/model/MY_VERY_OWN_OIL_FIELD-2
-- ...
-- and so on.


Note: JOBNAME can be used as an alternative to ECLBASE. Note that if both are supplied, ECLBASE will be ignored, and the value provided by JOBNAME will be used.


As an alternative to the ECLBASE keyword you can use the JOBNAME keyword; in particular in cases where your forward model does not include ECLIPSE at all that makes more sense. If JOBNAME is used instead of ECLBASE the same rules of no-mixed-case apply.


This is the name of an existing GRID/EGRID file for your ECLIPSE model. If you had to create a new grid file when preparing your ECLIPSE reservoir model for use with ERT, this should point to the new .EGRID file. The main use of the grid is to map out active and inactive cells when using FIELD data and define the dimension of the property parameter files in the FIELD keyword. If you do not use FIELD data you do not need the GRID keyword. The grid argument will only be used by the main ERT application and not passed down to the forward model in any way.

A new way of handling property values for the FIELD keyword is to use a help grid called ERTBOX grid. The GRID keyword should in this case specify the ERTBOX filename (which is in EGRID format). The ERTBOX grid is a grid with the same spatial location and rotation (x,y location) as the modelling grid, but it is a regular grid in a rectangular box. The dimensions of the ERTBOX grid laterally is the same as the modelling grid, but the number of layers is only large enough to store the properties for one zone, not the whole modelling grid.

The number of layers must at least be as large as the number of layers in the zone in the modelling grid with most layers. The properties used in the FIELD keyword have the dimension of the ERTBOX grid and represents properties of one zone from the modelling grid. Each grid cell in the modelling grid for a given zone corresponds to one unique grid cell in the ERTBOX grid. Inactive grid cells in the modelling grid also corresponds to grid cells in the ERTBOX grid. There may exists layers of grid cells in the ERTBOX grid that does not corresponds to grid cells in the modelling grid. It is recommended to let all grid cells in the ERTBOX grid be active and have realistic values and not a 'missing code'. For cases where the modelling grid is kept fixed for all realisations, this is not important, but for cases where the number of layers for the zones in the modelling grid may vary from realisation to realisation, this approach is more robust. It avoids mixing real physical values from one realisation with missing code value from another realization when calculating updated ensemble vectors.


-- Load the .EGRID file called MY_GRID.EGRID


This is just the size of the ensemble, i.e. the number of realizations/members in the ensemble.


-- Use 200 realizations/members


Equates to the -n argument in the context of LSF. For TORQUE, it is simply a upper bound for the product of nodes and CPUs per node.



Basic optional keywords

These keywords are optional. However, they serve many useful purposes, and it is recommended that you read through this section to get a thorough idea of what's possible to do with ERT.


The keyword DATA_KW can be used for inserting strings into placeholders in the ECLIPSE data file. For instance, it can be used to insert include paths.


-- Define the alias MY_PATH using DATA_KW. Any instances of <MY_PATH> (yes, with brackets)
-- in the ECLIPSE data file will now be replaced with /mnt/my_own_disk/my_reservoir_model
-- when running the ECLIPSE jobs.
DATA_KW  MY_PATH  /mnt/my_own_disk/my_reservoir_model

The DATA_KW keyword is of course optional. Note also that ERT has some built in magic strings.


A path where ert-licenses to e.g. RMS are stored.


Set specific seed for reproducibility.


Ignored. Was used to specify log output file.


Ignored. Was used to specify log level to output. Today this is controlled via Python's logging module.


The ENSPATH should give the name of a folder that will be used for storage by ERT. Note that the contents of this folder is not intended for human inspection. By default, ENSPATH is set to "storage".


-- Use internal storage in /mnt/my_big_enkf_disk
ENSPATH /mnt/my_big_enkf_disk

The ENSPATH keyword is optional.


In the observation configuration file you can enter observations with the keyword HISTORY_OBSERVATION; this means that ERT will extract observed values from the model historical summary vectors of the reference case. What source to use for the historical values can be controlled with the HISTORY_SOURCE keyword. The different possible values for the HISTORY_SOURCE keyword are:

This is the default value for HISTORY_SOURCE, ERT will fetch the historical values from the xxxH keywords in the refcase summary, e.g. observations of WGOR:OP_1 is based the WGORH:OP_1 vector from the refcase summary.
In this case the historical values are based on the simulated values from the refcase, this is mostly relevant when you want compare with another case which serves as 'the truth'.

When setting HISTORY_SOURCE to either REFCASE_SIMULATED or REFCASE_HISTORY you must also set the REFCASE variable to point to the ECLIPSE data file in an existing reference case (should be created with the same schedule file as you are using now).


-- Use historic data from reference case
REFCASE         /somefolder/ECLIPSE.DATA

The HISTORY_SOURCE keyword is optional.


The REFCASE key is used to provide ERT an existing ECLIPSE simulation from which it can read various information at startup. The intention is to ease the configuration needs for the user. Functionality provided with the refcase:

The REFCASE keyword should point to an existing ECLIPSE simulation; ert will then look up and load the corresponding summary results.


-- The REFCASE keyword points to the datafile of an existing ECLIPSE simulation.
REFCASE /path/to/somewhere/SIM_01_BASE.DATA

Please note that the refcase is a common source of frustration for ERT users. The reason is that ERT indexes summary observation values according to the report steping of the reservoir simulator. This indexing is extracted by the report steps of the refcase when starting ERT. Later on, when extracting results from forecasted simulations, ERT requires that the indexing is according to that of the refcase. During a project it is very easy to introduce inconsistencies between the indexing in the refcase, the forward model and the internalized summary results in storage. Unfortunately, ERT does not handle this well and leaves the user with cryptical error messages.

For the time being, it is hence necessary to keep the reporting as defined in the SCHEDULE section of the refcase and the model used in the project identical.

The HISTORY_SOURCE keyword is optional. But if you are to perform model updating, indexing of summary observations need to be defined. This is either done by the REFCASE or the :ref:`TIME_MAP <TIME_MAP>` keyword, and the former is recommended.


The INSTALL_JOB keyword is used to instruct ERT how to run external applications and scripts, i.e. defining a job. After a job has been defined with INSTALL_JOB, it can be used with the FORWARD_MODEL keyword. For example, if you have a script which generates relative permeability curves from a set of parameters, it can be added as a job, allowing you to do history matching and sensitivity analysis on the parameters defining the relative permeability curves.

The INSTALL_JOB keyword takes two arguments, a job name and the name of a configuration file for that particular job.


-- Define a Lomeland relative permeabilty job.
-- The file jobs/lomeland.txt contains a detailed
-- specification of the job.
INSTALL_JOB LOMELAND jobs/lomeland.txt

The configuration file used to specify an external job is easy to use and very flexible. It is documented in Customizing the simulation workflow in ERT.

The INSTALL_JOB keyword is optional.


The OBS_CONFIG key should point to a file defining observations and associated uncertainties. The file should be in plain text and formatted according to the guidelines given in :ref:`Creating an observation file for use with ERT<Configuring_observations_for_ERT>`.

If you include HISTORY_OBSERVATION in the observation file, you must provide a reference Eclipse case through the REFCASE keyword.


-- Use the observations in my_observations.txt
OBS_CONFIG my_observations.txt

The OBS_CONFIG keyword is optional, but for your own convenience, it is strongly recommended to provide an observation file.


ERT will print some simple tabulated results at each report step. The RESULT_PATH keyword should point to a folder where the tabulated results are to be written. It can contain a %d specifier, which will be replaced with the report step. The default value for RESULT_PATH is "results/step_%d".


-- Changing RESULT_PATH
RESULT_PATH my_nice_results/step-%d

The RESULT_PATH keyword is optional.


The RUNPATH keyword should give the name of the folders where the ECLIPSE simulations are executed. It should contain <IENS> and <ITER>, which will be replaced by the realization number and iteration number when ERT creates the folders. By default, RUNPATH is set to "simulations/realization-<IENS>/iter-<ITER>".

Deprecated syntax still allow use of two %d specifers. Use of less than two %d is prohibited. The behaviour is identical to the default substitution.


-- Using <IENS> & <ITER> specifiers for RUNPATH.
RUNPATH /mnt/my_scratch_disk/realization-<IENS>/iter-<ITER>

Example deprecated syntax:

-- Using RUNPATH with two %d specifers.
RUNPATH /mnt/my_scratch_disk/realization-%d/iteration-%d

The RUNPATH keyword is optional.


When running workflows based on external scripts it is necessary to 'tell' the external script in some way or another were all the realisations are located in the filesystem. Since the number of realisations can be quite high this will easily overflow the commandline buffer; the solution which is used is therefore to let ERT write a regular file which looks like this:

0   /path/to/realization-0   CASE0   iter
1   /path/to/realization-1   CASE1   iter
N   /path/to/realization-N   CASEN   iter

The path to this file can then be passed to the scripts using the magic string <RUNPATH_FILE>. The RUNPATH_FILE will by default be stored as .ert_runpath_list in the same directory as the configuration file, but you can set it to something else with the RUNPATH_FILE key.


RUN_TEMPLATE can be used to copy files to the run path while doing magic string replacement in the file content and the file name.


RUN_TEMPLATE my_text_file_template.txt my_text_file.txt

this will copy my_text_file_template into the run path, and perform magic string replacements in the file. If no magic strings are present, the file will be copied as it is.

It is also possible to perform replacements in target file names:


DEFINE <MY_FILE_NAME> result.txt

If one would like to do substitutions in the ECLIPSE data file, that can be done like this:



This will copy MY_DATA_FILE.DATA into the run path and name it BASE_ECL_NAME0.DATA while doing magic string replacement in the contents.

If you would like to substitute in the realization number as a part of ECLBASE using <IENS> instead of %d is a better option:



To control the number of CPUs that are reserved for ECLIPSE use RUN_TEMPLATE with :ref:`NUM_CPU <num_cpu>` and keep them in sync:


In the ECLIPSE data file:


Keywords controlling the simulations


MIN_REALIZATIONS is the minimum number of realizations that must have succeeded for the simulation to be regarded as a success.

MIN_REALIZATIONS can also be used in combination with STOP_LONG_RUNNING, see the documentation for STOP_LONG_RUNNING for a description of this.



The MIN_REALIZATIONS key can also be set as a percentage of NUM_REALIZATIONS


The MIN_REALIZATIONS key is optional, but if it has not been set all the realisations must succeed.

Please note that MIN_REALIZATIONS = 0 means all simulations must succeed (this happens to be the default value). Note MIN_REALIZATIONS is rounded up e.g. 2% of 20 realizations is rounded to 1.


The STOP_LONG_RUNNING key is used in combination with the MIN_REALIZATIONS key to control the runtime of simulations. When STOP_LONG_RUNNING is set to TRUE, MIN_REALIZATIONS is the minimum number of realizations run before the simulation is stopped. After MIN_REALIZATIONS have succeded successfully, the realizations left are allowed to run for 25% of the average runtime for successful realizations, and then killed.


-- Stop long running realizations after 20 realizations have succeeded

The STOP_LONG_RUNNING key is optional. The MIN_REALIZATIONS key must be set when STOP_LONG_RUNNING is set to TRUE.


The MAX_RUNTIME keyword is used to control the runtime of simulations. When MAX_RUNTIME is set, a job is only allowed to run for MAX_RUNTIME, given in seconds. A value of 0 means unlimited runtime.


-- Let each realizations run for 50 seconds

The MAX_RUNTIME key is optional.

Parameterization keywords

The keywords in this section are used to define a parametrization of the ECLIPSE model. I.e. defining which parameters to change in a sensitivity analysis and/or history matching project.


CASE_TABLE is deprecated.


The FIELD keyword is used to parametrize quantities which have extent over the full grid. Both dynamic properties like pressure, and static properties like porosity, are implemented in terms of FIELD objects. When adding fields in the config file the syntax is a bit different for dynamic fields (typically solution data from ECLIPSE) and parameter fields like permeability and porosity or Gaussian Random Fields used by APS.

Dynamic fields

To add a dynamic field the entry in the configuration file looks like this:


In this case ID is not an arbitrary string; it must coincide with the keyword name found in the ECLIPSE restart file, e.g. PRESSURE. Optionally, you can add a minimum and/or a maximum value with MIN:X and MAX:Y.

Example A:

-- Adding pressure field (unbounded)

Example B:

-- Adding a bounded water saturation field

Parameter fields

A parameter field (e.g. porosity or permeability or Gaussian Random Fields from APS) is defined as follows:


Here ID must be the same as the name of the parameter in the INIT_FILES. ECLIPSE_FILE is the name of the file ERT will export this field to when running simulations. Note that there should be an IMPORT statement in the ECLIPSE data file corresponding to the name given with ECLIPSE_FILE in case the field parameter is a field used in ECLIPSE data file like perm or poro. INIT_FILES is a filename (with an embedded %d if FORWARD_INIT is set to False) to load the initial field from. Can be RMS ROFF format, ECLIPSE restart format or ECLIPSE GRDECL format.

FORWARD_INIT:True means that the files specified in the INIT_FILES are expected to be created by a forward model, and does not need any embedded %d. FORWARD_INIT:False means that the files must have been created before running ERT and need an embedded %d.

The input arguments MIN, MAX, INIT_TRANSFORM and OUTPUT_TRANSFORM are all optional. MIN and MAX are as for dynamic fields.

For Assisted history matching, the variables in ERT should be normally distributed internally - the purpose of the transformations is to enable working with normally distributed variables internally in ERT. Thus, the optional arguments INIT_TRANSFORM:FUNC and OUTPUT_TRANSFORM:FUNC are used to transform the user input of parameter distribution. INIT_TRANSFORM:FUNC is a function which will be applied when they are loaded to ERT. OUTPUT_TRANSFORM:FUNC is a function which will be applied to the field when it is exported from ERT, and FUNC is the name of a transformation function to be applied. The avaialble functions are listed below:

"POW10" : This function will raise x to the power of 10: y = 10^x
"TRUNC_POW10" : This function will raise x to the power of 10 - and truncate lower values at 0.001.
"LOG" : This function will take the NATURAL logarithm of x: y = \ln{x}
"LN" : This function will take the NATURAL logarithm of x: y = \ln{x}
"LOG10" : This function will take the log10 logarithm of x: y = \log_{10}{x}
"EXP" : This function will calculate y = e^x.
"LN0" : This function will calculate y = \ln{x} + 0.000001
"EXP0" : This function will calculate y = e^x - 0.000001

For example, the most common scenario is that underlying log-normal distributed permeability in RMS are transformed to normally distributted in ERT, then you do:

INIT_TRANSFORM:LOG To ensure that the variables which were initially log-normal distributed are transformed to normal distribution when they are loaded into ERT.

OUTPUT_TRANSFORM:EXP To ensure that the variables are reexponentiated to be log-normal distributed before going out to Eclipse.

If users specify the wrong function name (e.g INIT_TRANSFORM:I_DONT_KNOW), ERT will stop and print all the valid function names.

Regarding format of ECLIPSE_FILE: The default format for the parameter fields is binary format of the same type as used in the ECLIPSE restart files. This requires that the ECLIPSE datafile contains an IMPORT statement. The advantage with using a binary format is that the files are smaller, and reading/writing is faster than for plain text files. If you give the ECLIPSE_FILE with the extension .grdecl (arbitrary case), ERT will produce ordinary .grdecl files, which are loaded with an INCLUDE statement. This is probably what most users are used to beforehand - but we recommend the IMPORT form. When using RMS APS plugin to create Gaussian Random Fields, the recommended file format is ROFF binary.

Example C:

-- Use Gaussian Random Fields from APS for zone Volon.
-- RMS APSGUI plugin will create the files specified in INIT_FILES.
-- ERT will read the INIT_FILES in iteration 0 and write the updated GRF
-- fields to the files following the keyword PARAMETER after updating.
-- NOTE: The ERTBOX grid is a container for GRF values (or perm or poro values) and
-- is used to define the dimension of the fields. It is NOT the modelling grid
-- used in RMS or the simulation grid used by ECLIPSE.
FIELD  aps_Volon_GRF1  PARAMETER  aps_Volon_GRF1.roff  INIT_FILES:rms/output/aps/aps_Volon_GRF1.roff   MIN:-5.5  MAX:5.5  FORWARD_INIT:True
FIELD  aps_Volon_GRF2  PARAMETER  aps_Volon_GRF2.roff  INIT_FILES:rms/output/aps/aps_Volon_GRF2.roff   MIN:-5.5  MAX:5.5  FORWARD_INIT:True
FIELD  aps_Volon_GRF3  PARAMETER  aps_Volon_GRF3.roff  INIT_FILES:rms/output/aps/aps_Volon_GRF3.roff   MIN:-5.5  MAX:5.5  FORWARD_INIT:True

Example D:

-- Use perm field for zone A
-- The GRID keyword should refer to the ERTBOX grid defining the size of the field.
-- Permeability must be sampled from the geomodel/simulation grid zone into the ERTBOX grid
-- and exported to /some/path/filename. Note that the name of the property in the input file
-- in INIT_FILES must be the same as the ID.
FIELD  perm_zone_A   PARAMETER  perm_zone_A.roff  INIT_FILES:/some/path/perm_zone_A.roff     INIT_TRANSFORM:LOG  OUTPUT_TRANSFORM:EXP   MIN:-5.5  MAX:5.5  FORWARD_INIT:True

General fields

In addition to dynamic and parameter field there is also a general field, where you have fine grained control over input/output. Use of the general field type is only relevant for advanced features. The arguments for the general field type are as follows:


The OPTIONS argument is the same as for the parameter field.


The GEN_DATA keyword is used to load text files which have been generated by the forward model.

The GEN_DATA keyword has several options, each of them required:

  • RESULT_FILE - This is the name of the file generated by the forward model and read by ERT. This filename _must_ have a %d as part of the name, that %d will be replaced by report step when loading.
  • INPUT_FORMAT - The format of the file written by the forward model (i.e. RESULT_FILE) and read by ERT, the only valid value is ASCII.
  • REPORT_STEPS - A list of the report step(s) where you expect the forward model to create a result file. I.e. if the forward model should create a result file for report steps 50 and 100 this setting should be: REPORT_STEPS:50,100. If you have observations of this GEN_DATA data the RESTART setting of the corresponding GENERAL_OBSERVATION must match one of the values given by REPORT_STEPS.



Here we introduce a GEN_DATA instance with name 4DWOC. When the forward model has run it should create two files with name SimulatedWOC10.txt and SimulatedWOC100.txt. The result files are in ASCII format, ERT will look for these files and load the content. The files should be pure numbers - without any header.

ERT does not have any awareness of the type of data encoded in a GEN_DATA keyword; it could be the result of gravimetric calculation or the pressure difference across a barrier in the reservoir. This means that the GEN_DATA keyword is extremely flexible, but also slightly complicated to configure. Assume a GEN_DATA keyword is used to represent the result of an estimated position of the oil water contact which should be compared with a oil water contact from 4D seismic; this could be achieved with the configuration:


The 4DWOC is an arbitrary unique key, RESULT_FILE:SimulatedWOC%d.txt means that ERT will look for results in the file SimulatedWOC_0.txt. The INPUT_FORMAT:ASCII means that ERT will expect the result file to be formatted as an ASCII file.

The REPORT_STEPS:0 is tightly bound to the %d integer format specifier in the result file - at load time the %d is replaced with the integer values given in the REPORT_STEPS: option, for the example given above that means that %d will be replaced with 0 and ERT will look for the file SimulatedWOC_0.txt. In principle it is possible to configure several report steps like: REPORT_STEPS:0,10,20 - then ERT will look for all three files SimulatedWOC_0.txt, SimultedWOC_10.txt and SimulatedWOC_20.txt. It is quite challenging to get this right, and the recommendation is to just stick with one result file at report step 0 [1], in the future the possibility to load one keyword GEN_DATA for multiple report steps will probably be removed, but for now the GEN_DATA configuration is quite strict - it will fail if the RESULT_FILE attribute does not contain a %d.

[1]The option is called report step - but the time aspect is not really important. You could just as well see it as an arbitrary label, the only important thing is that if you have a corresponding GEN_OBS observation of this GEN_DATA vector you must match the report step used when configuring the GEN_DATA and the GEN_OBS.

Observe that since the actual result file should be generated by the forward model, it is not possible for ERT to fully validate the GEN_DATA keyword at configure time. If for instance your forward model generates a file SimulatedWOC_0 (without the .txt extension you have configured), the configuration problem will not be detected before ERT eventuallly fails to load the file SimulatedWOC_0.txt.


The General Keyword, or GEN_KW is meant used for specifying a limited number of parameters. An example of a full specification is as follows;

GEN_KW  ID  templates/template.txt  include.txt  priors.txt

where ID is an arbitrary unique identifier, templates/template.txt is the name of a template file, include.txt is the name of the file created for each realization based on the template file, and priors.txt is a file containing a list of parametrized keywords and a prior distribution for each.

As a more concrete example, let's configure GEN_KW to estimate pore volume multipliers, or MULTPV, by for example adding the following line to an ERT config-file:

GEN_KW PAR_MULTPV multpv_template.txt multpv.txt multpv_priors.txt

In the GRID or EDIT section of the ECLIPSE data file, we would insert the following include statement:

 'multpv.txt' /

The template file multpv_template.txt would contain some parametrized ECLIPSE statements:

 1 10 1 30 13 13 /
 300*<MULTPV_BOX1> /

 1 10 1 30 14 14 /
 300*<MULTPV_BOX2> /

Here, <MULTPV_BOX1> and <MULTPV_BOX2>` will act as magic strings. Note that the < and > must be present around the magic strings. In this case, the parameter configuration file multpv_priors.txt could look like this:


In general, the first keyword on each line in the parameter configuration file defines a key, which when found in the template file enclosed in < and >, is replaced with a value. The rest of the line defines a prior distribution for the key.

Note that ERT only stores values sampled from a standard normal distribution, and a transformation is performed based on the configuration that is loaded from file. This means that if the distribution file is changed, the transformed values written to the run path will be different the next time ERT is started, even though the underlying value stored by ERT has not changed

The various prior distributions available for the GEN_KW keyword are described :ref:`here <prior_distributions>`.

Example: Using GEN_KW to estimate fault transmissibility multipliers

Previously ERT supported a datatype MULTFLT for estimating fault transmissibility multipliers. This has now been deprecated, as the functionality can be easily achieved with the help of GEN_KW. In the ERT config file:


Here MY-FAULTS is the (arbitrary) key assigned to the fault multiplers, MULTFLT.tmpl is the template file, which can look like this:

 'FAULT1'   <FAULT1>  /
 'FAULT2'   <FAULT2>  /

and finally the initial distribution of the parameters FAULT1 and FAULT2 are defined in the file MULTFLT.txt:

FAULT1   LOGUNIF   0.00001   0.1
FAULT2   UNIFORM   0.00      1.0

Loading GEN_KW values from an external file

The default use of the GEN_KW keyword is to let the ERT application sample random values for the elements in the GEN_KW instance, but it is also possible to tell ERT to load a precreated set of data files, this can for instance be used as a component in an experimental design based workflow. When using external files to initialize the GEN_KW instances you supply an extra keyword INIT_FILE:/path/to/priors/files%d which tells where the prior files are:

GEN_KW  MY-FAULTS   MULTFLT.tmpl   MULTFLT.INC   MULTFLT.txt    INIT_FILES:priors/multflt/faults%d

In the example above you must prepare files priors/multflt/faults0, priors/multflt/faults1, ... priors/multflt/faultsn which ERT will load when you initialize the case. The format of the GEN_KW input files can be of two varieties:

  1. The files can be plain ASCII text files with a list of numbers:

The numbers will be assigned to parameters in the order found in the MULTFLT.txt file.

  1. Alternatively values and keywords can be interleaved as in:
FAULT1 1.25
FAULT2 2.56

in this case the ordering can differ in the init files and the parameter file.

The heritage of the ERT program is based on the EnKF algorithm, and the EnKF algorithm evolves around Gaussian variables - internally the GEN_KW variables are assumed to be samples from the N(0,1) distribution, and the distributions specified in the parameters file are based on transformations starting with a N(0,1) distributed variable. The slightly awkward consequence of this is that to let your sampled values pass through ERT unmodified you must configure the distribution NORMAL 0 1 in the parameter file; alternatively if you do not intend to update the GEN_KW variable you can use the distribution RAW.

Regarding templates: You may supply the arguments TEMPLATE:/template/file and KEY:MaGiCKEY. The template file is an arbitrary existing text file, and KEY is a magic string found in this file. When ERT is running the magic string is replaced with parameter data when the ECLIPSE_FILE is written to the directory where the simulation is run from. Consider for example the following configuration:

TEMPLATE:/some/file   KEY:Magic123

The template file can look like this (only the Magic123 is special):

Header line1
Header line2
Footer line1
Footer line2

When ERT is running the string Magic123 is replaced with parameter values, and the resulting file will look like this:

Header line1
Header line2
Footer line1
Footer line2


Format used to add keys in the GEN_KW template files.


The SURFACE keyword can be used to work with surface from RMS in the irap format. The surface keyword is configured like this:

SURFACE TOP   OUTPUT_FILE:surf.irap   INIT_FILES:Surfaces/surf%d.irap   BASE_SURFACE:Surfaces/surf0.irap

The first argument, TOP in the example above, is the identifier you want to use for this surface in ERT. The OUTPUT_FILE key is the name of surface file which ERT will generate for you, INIT_FILES points to a list of files which are used to initialize, and BASE_SURFACE must point to one existing surface file. When loading the surfaces ERT will check that all the headers are compatible. An example of a surface IRAP file is:

-996   511     50.000000     50.000000
444229.9688   457179.9688  6809537.0000  6835037.0000
260      -30.0000   444229.9688  6809537.0000
0     0     0     0     0     0     0
2735.7461    2734.8909    2736.9705    2737.4048    2736.2539    2737.0122
2740.2644    2738.4014    2735.3770    2735.7327    2733.4944    2731.6448
2731.5454    2731.4810    2730.4644    2730.5591    2729.8997    2726.2217
2721.0996    2716.5913    2711.4338    2707.7791    2705.4504    2701.9187

The surface data will typically be fed into other programs like Cohiba or RMS. The data can be updated using e.g. the smoother.

Initializing from the FORWARD MODEL

All the parameter types like FIELD, GEN_KW and SURFACE can be initialized from the forward model. To achieve this you just add the setting FORWARD_INIT:True to the configuration. When using forward init the initialization will work like this:

  1. The explicit initialization from the case menu, or when you start a simulation, will be ignored.
  2. When the FORWARD_MODEL is complete ERT will try to initialize the node based on files created by the forward model. If the init fails the job as a whole will fail.
  3. If a node has been initialized, it will not be initialized again if you run again.

When using FORWARD_INIT:True ERT will consider the INIT_FILES setting to find which file to initialize from. If the INIT_FILES setting contains a relative filename, it will be interpreted relatively to the runpath directory. In the example below we assume that RMS has created a file petro.grdecl which contains both the PERMX and the PORO fields in grdecl format; we wish to initialize PERMX and PORO nodes from these files:

FIELD   PORO  PARAMETER    poro.grdecl     INIT_FILES:petro.grdecl  FORWARD_INIT:True
FIELD   PERMX PARAMETER    permx.grdecl    INIT_FILES:petro.grdecl  FORWARD_INIT:True

Observe that forward model has created the file petro.grdecl and the nodes PORO and PERMX create the ECLIPSE input files poro.grdecl and permx.grdecl, to ensure that ECLIPSE finds the input files poro.grdecl and permx.grdecl the forward model should contain a job which will copy/convert petro.grdecl -> (poro.grdecl,permx.grdecl), this job should not overwrite existing versions of permx.grdecl and poro.grdecl. This extra hoops is not strictly needed in all cases, but strongly recommended to ensure that you have control over which data is used, and that everything is consistent in the case where the forward model is run again.


The SUMMARY keyword is used to add variables from the ECLIPSE summary file to the parametrization. The keyword expects a string, which should have the format VAR:WGRNAME. Here, VAR should be a quantity, such as WOPR, WGOR, RPR or GWCT. Moreover, WGRNAME should refer to a well, group or region. If it is a field property, such as FOPT, WGRNAME need not be set to FIELD.


-- Using the SUMMARY keyword to add diagnostic variables
SUMMARY F*          -- Use of wildcards requires that you have entered a REFCASE.

The SUMMARY keyword has limited support for '*' wildcards, if your key contains one or more '*' characters all matching variables from the refcase are selected. Observe that if your summary key contains wildcards you must supply a refcase with the REFCASE key - otherwise only fully expanded keywords will be used.

Note: Properties added using the SUMMARY keyword are only diagnostic. I.e. they have no effect on the sensitivity analysis or history match.

Keywords controlling the ES algorithm


See the sub keyword ENKF_ALPHA under the UPDATE_SETTINGS keyword.


Boolean specifying if we want to resample the Kalman gain matrix in the update step. The purpose is to avoid that the ensemble covariance collapses. When this keyword is true each ensemble member will be updated based on a Kalman gain matrix estimated from a resampling with replacement of the full ensemble.

In theory and in practice this has worked well when one uses a small number of ensemble members.


Bool specifying if we want to force the subspace dimension we want to use in the EnKF updating scheme (SVD-based) to a specific integer. This is an alternative to selecting the dimension using ENKF_TRUNCATION.


-- Setting the the subspace dimension to 2
ENKF_NCOMP              2


The ENKF_MODE keyword is used to select which EnKF algorithm to use. Use the value STANDARD for the original EnKF algorithm, or SQRT for the so-called square root scheme. The default value for ENKF_MODE is STANDARD.

Example A:

-- Using the square root update

Example B:

-- Using the standard update

The ENKF_MODE keyword is optional.


Integer specifying the subspace dimension. Requires that ENKF_FORCE_NCOMP is TRUE.


Truncation factor for the SVD-based EnKF algorithm (see Evensen, 2007). In this algorithm, the forecasted data will be projected into a low dimensional subspace before assimilation. This can substantially improve on the results obtained with the EnKF, especially if the data ensemble matrix is highly collinear (Saetrom and Omre, 2010). The subspace dimension, p, is selected such that

\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{p} s_i^2}{\sum_{i=1}^r s_i^2} \geq \mathrm{ENKF\_TRUNCATION}

where si is the ith singular value of the centered data ensemble matrix and r is the rank of this matrix. This criterion is similar to the explained variance criterion used in Principal Component Analysis (see e.g. Mardia et al. 1979).

The default value of ENKF_TRUNCATION is 0.98. If ensemble collapse is a big problem, a smaller value should be used (e.g 0.90 or smaller). However, this does not guarantee that the problem of ensemble collapse will disappear. Note that setting the truncation factor to 1.00, will recover the Standard-EnKF algorithm if and only if the covariance matrix for the observation errors is proportional to the identity matrix.


A summary of the data used for updates are stored in this directory.


The UPDATE_SETTINGS keyword is a super-keyword which can be used to control parameters which apply to the Ensemble Smoother update algorithm. The UPDATE_SETTINGS currently supports the two subkeywords:

ENKF_ALPHA Scaling factor used when detecting outliers. Increasing this factor means that more observations will potentially be included in the assimilation. The default value is 3.00..

Including outliers in the Smoother algorithm can dramatically increase the coupling between the ensemble members. It is therefore important to filter out these outlier data prior to data assimilation. An observation, \textstyle d^o_i, will be classified as an outlier if

|d^o_i - \bar{d}_i| > \mathrm{ENKF\_ALPHA} \left(s_{d_i} + \sigma_{d^o_i}\right)

where \textstyle\boldsymbol{d}^o is the vector of observed data, \textstyle\boldsymbol{\bar{d}} is the average of the forcasted data ensemble, \textstyle\boldsymbol{s_{d}} is the vector of estimated standard deviations for the forcasted data ensemble, and \textstyle\boldsymbol{s_{d}^o} is the vector standard deviations for the observation error (specified a priori).

STD_CUTOFF If the ensemble variation for one particular measurment is below this limit the observation will be deactivated. The default value for this cutoff is 1e-6.

Observe that for the updates many settings should be applied on the analysis module in question.


  • Evensen, G. (2007). "Data Assimilation, the Ensemble Kalman Filter", Springer.
  • Mardia, K. V., Kent, J. T. and Bibby, J. M. (1979). "Multivariate Analysis", Academic Press.
  • Saetrom, J. and Omre, H. (2010). "Ensemble Kalman filtering with shrinkage regression techniques", Computational Geosciences (online first).

Analysis module

The final EnKF linear algebra is performed in an analysis module. The keywords to load, select and modify the analysis modules are documented here.


This command is used to select which analysis module to actually use in the updates:



The analysis modules can have internal state, like e.g. truncation cutoff values, these values can be manipulated from the config file using the ANALYSIS_SET_VAR keyword:


Here ANAME must be one of IES and STD_ENKF which are the two analysis modules currently available. To use this you must know which variables the module supports setting this way. If you try to set an unknown variable you will get an error message on stderr.


With the ANALYSIS_COPY keyword you can create a new instance of a module. This can be convenient if you want to run the same algorithm with the different settings:


We copy A1 -> A2, where A1 must be one of available analysis modules STD_ENKF and IES. After the copy operation the modules A1 and A2 are 100% identical. We then set the truncation to two different values:



Case name format - iterated ensemble smoother.
By default, this value is set to default_%d.


Number of iterations - iterated ensemble smoother.
Default is 4.


Number of retries for a iteration - iterated ensemble smoother.
Defaults to 4.


How many times should the queue system retry a simulation.
Default is 2.

Advanced optional keywords

The keywords in this section, controls advanced features of ERT. Insight in the internals of ERT and/or ECLIPSE may be required to fully understand their effect. Moreover, many of these keywords are defined in the site configuration, and thus optional to set for the user, but required when installing ERT at a new site.


With the DEFINE keyword you can define key-value pairs which will be substituted in the rest of the configuration file. The DEFINE keyword expects two arguments: a key and a value to replace for that key. Later instances of the key enclosed in '<' and '>' will be substituted with the value. The value can consist of several strings, in that case they will be joined by one single space.


DEFINE  ECLIPSE_PATH  /path/to/eclipse/run
DEFINE  KEY           VALUE1       VALUE2 VALUE3            VALUE4

-- Set the GRID in terms of the ECLIPSE_PATH
-- and ECLIPSE_BASE keys.

Observe that when you refer to the keys later in the config file they must be enclosed in '<' and '>'. Furthermore, a key-value pair must be defined in the config file before it can be used. The last key defined above (KEY) will be replaced with VALUE1 VALUE2 VALUE3 VALUE4 - i.e. the extra spaces will be discarded.


Normally the mapping between report steps and true dates is inferred by ERT indirectly by loading the ECLIPSE summary files. In cases where you do not have any ECLIPSE summary files you can use the TIME_MAP keyword to specify a file with dates which are used to establish this mapping:


-- Load a list of dates from external file: "time_map.txt"
TIME_MAP time_map.txt

The format of the TIME_MAP file should just be a list of dates formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. The example file below has four dates:



This keyword is deprecated and will be removed. This is the name of a schedule prediction file. It can contain %d to get different files for different members. Observe that the ECLIPSE datafile should include only one schedule file, even if you are doing predictions.

Keywords related to running the forward model


The FORWARD_MODEL keyword is used to define how the simulations are executed. E.g., which version of ECLIPSE to use, which rel.perm script to run, which rock physics model to use etc. Jobs (i.e. programs and scripts) that are to be used in the FORWARD_MODEL keyword must be defined using the INSTALL_JOB keyword. A set of default jobs is available, and by default FORWARD_MODEL takes the value ECLIPSE100.

The FORWARD_MODEL keyword expects one keyword defined with INSTALL_JOB.


-- Suppose that "MY_RELPERM_SCRIPT" has been defined with
-- the INSTALL_JOB keyword. This FORWARD_MODEL will execute

In available jobs in ERT you can see a list of the jobs which are available.


Experimental alternative to FORWARD_MODEL.


Running the forward model from ERT is a multi-level process which can be summarized as follows:

  1. A Python module called is written and stored in the directory where the forward simulation is run. The module contains a list of job-elements, where each element is a Python representation of the code entered when installing the job.
  2. ERT submits a Python script to the enkf queue system, this script then loads the module to find out which programs to run, and how to run them.
  3. The job_script starts and monitors the individual jobs in the module.

The JOB_SCRIPT variable should point at the Python script which is managing the forward model. This should normally be set in the site wide configuration file.


The keyword QUEUE_SYSTEM can be used to control where the simulation jobs are executed. It can take the values LSF, TORQUE, SLURM and LOCAL.

-- Tell ERT to use the LSF cluster.

The QUEUE_SYSTEM keyword is optional, and usually defaults to LSF (this is site dependent).


The chosen queue system can be configured further to for instance define the resources it is using. The different queues have individual options that are configurable.

Available LSF configuration options


By using the LSF_SERVER option you essentially tell ERT two things about how jobs should be submitted to LSF:

  1. You tell ERT that jobs should be submitted using shell commands.
  2. You tell ERT which server should be used when submitting.

So when your configuration file has the setting:


ERT will use ssh to submit your jobs using shell commands on the server be-grid01. For this to work you must have passwordless ssh to the server be-grid01. If you give the special server name LOCAL ERT will submit using shell commands on the current workstation.

bsub/bjobs/bkill options

By default ERT will use the shell commands bsub, bjobs and bkill to interact with the queue system, i.e. whatever binaries are first in your PATH will be used. For fine grained control of the shell based submission you can tell ERT which programs to use:

QUEUE_OPTION   LSF  BJOBS_CMD  /path/to/my/bjobs
QUEUE_OPTION   LSF  BSUB_CMD   /path/to/my/bsub

Example 1

LSF_SERVER    be-grid01
QUEUE_OPTION  LSF     BJOBS_CMD   /path/to/my/bjobs
QUEUE_OPTION  LSF     BSUB_CMD    /path/to/my/bsub

In this example we tell ERT to submit jobs from the workstation be-grid01 using custom binaries for bsub and bjobs.



The name of the LSF queue you are running simulations in. For example, bsub, this option will be passed to the -q parameter:




Most LSF commands accept a -R res_req argument to specify resource requirements. The exact behavior depends on the command. For example, specifying a resource requirement for the lsload command displays the load levels for all hosts that have the requested resources.

Specifying resource requirements for the lsrun command causes LSF to select the best host out of the set of hosts that have the requested resources.

A resource requirement string describes the resources that a job needs. LSF uses resource requirements to select hosts for remote execution and job execution.

Resource requirement strings can be simple (applying to the entire job) or compound (applying to the specified number of slots).



This option sets the remote shell command, which defaults to /usr/bin/ssh.



Equates to the -L parameter of e.g. bsub: Useful if you need to force the bsub command to use e.g. /bin/csh.


The bsub command. Default: bsub.



The bjobs command. Default: bjobs.



The bkill command. Default: bkill.



The bhist command. Default: bhist.



Determines how long-lived the job cache is. Default: 0 (i.e. no cache).



Whether or not to output debug information to stdout (i.e. your console). Default: FALSE, but note that the LSF queue system will change this value in various failure modes.



Determines for how long the system will sleep between submitting jobs. Defaults to 0.



Equates to the -P parameter for e.g. bsub. See



Comma separated list of hosts to be excluded. The LSF system will pass this list of hosts to the -R argument of e.g. bsub with the criteria hname!=<exluded_host_1>.



The queue option MAX_RUNNING controls the maximum number of simultaneous jobs submitted to the queue when using (in this case) the LSF option in QUEUE_SYSTEM.

-- Submit no more than 30 simultaneous jobs
-- to the TORQUE cluster.

Available TORQUE configuration options


By default ERT will use the shell commands qsub, qstat and qdel to interact with the queue system, i.e. whatever binaries are first in your PATH will be used. For fine grained control of the shell based submission you can tell ERT which programs to use:


In this example we tell ERT to submit jobs using custom binaries for bsub and bjobs.


Options to be supplied to the qstat command. This is defaulted to -x, which would tell the qstat command to include exited processes.


The name of the TORQUE queue you are running simulations in.



The name of the TORQUE cluster you are running simulations in. This might be a label (serveral clusters), or a single one, as in this example baloo.



The queue option MAX_RUNNING controls the maximum number of simultaneous jobs submitted to the queue when using (in this case) the TORQUE option in QUEUE_SYSTEM.

-- Submit no more than 30 simultaneous jobs
-- to the TORQUE cluster.


When using TORQUE, you must specify how many nodes a single job should use, and how many CPUs per node. The default setup in ERT will use one node and one CPU. These options are called NUM_NODES and NUM_CPUS_PER_NODE.

If the numbers specified is higher than supported by the cluster (i.e. use 32 CPUs, but no node has more than 16), the job will not start.

If you wish to increase this number, the program running (typically ECLIPSE) will usually also have to be told to correspondingly use more processing units (keyword PARALLEL)

-- Use more nodes and CPUs
-- in the TORQUE cluster per job submitted
-- This should (in theory) allow for 24 processing
-- units to be used by eg. ECLIPSE


Sometimes the error messages from qsub can be useful, if something is seriously wrong with the environment or setup. To keep this output (stored in your home folder), use this:



To be more gentle with the TORQUE system you can instruct the driver to sleep for every submit request. The argument to the SUBMIT_SLEEP is the number of seconds to sleep for every submit, which can be a fraction like 0.5.



You can ask the TORQUE driver to store a debug log of the jobs submitted, and the resulting job id. This is done with the queue option DEBUG_OUTPUT:


Configuring the SLURM queue

The slurm queue managing tool has a very fine grained control. In ERT only the options that are the most necessary have been added.


Command used to submit the jobs.



Command used to cancel the jobs.



Command to modify configuration and state



Command to view information about the queue



Partition/queue in which to run the jobs



Specify timeout used when querying for status of the jobs while running.



Specify the maximum runtime (in seconds) for how long a job can run.



Memory required per node (MB).



Memory required per allocated CPU



Specific host names to use when running the jobs. It is possible to add multiple hosts separated by space or comma in one option call



Specific host names to exclude when running the jobs. It is possible to add multiple hosts separated by space or comma in one option call



The queue option keyword MAX_RUNNING controls the maximum number of simultaneous jobs running when (in this case) using the SLURM option in QUEUE_SYSTEM.


-- No more than 10 simultaneous jobs
-- running via SLURM.

Workflow hooks


With the keyword HOOK_WORKFLOW you can configure workflow 'hooks'; meaning workflows which will be run automatically at certain points during ERTs execution. Currently there are five points in ERTs flow of execution where you can hook in a workflow:

  • Before the simulations (all forward models for a realization) start using PRE_SIMULATION,
  • after all the simulations have completed using POST_SIMULATION,
  • before the update step using PRE_UPDATE
  • after the update step using POST_UPDATE and
  • only before the first update using PRE_FIRST_UPDATE.

For non interactive algorithms, PRE_FIRST_UPDATE is equal to PRE_UPDATE. The POST_SIMULATION hook is typically used to trigger QC workflows.


In this example the workflow initWFLOW will run after all the simulation directories have been created, just before the forward model is submitted to the queue. The workflow preUpdateWFLOW will be run before the update step and postUpdateWFLOW will be run after the update step. When all the simulations have completed the two workflows QC_WFLOW1 and QC_WFLOW2 will be run.

Observe that the workflows being 'hooked in' with the HOOK_WORKFLOW must be loaded with the LOAD_WORKFLOW keyword.


Workflows are loaded with the configuration option LOAD_WORKFLOW:

LOAD_WORKFLOW  /path/to/workflow/WFLOW1
LOAD_WORKFLOW  /path/to/workflow/workflow2  WFLOW2

The LOAD_WORKFLOW takes the path to a workflow file as the first argument. By default the workflow will be labeled with the filename internally in ERT, but you can optionally supply a second extra argument which will be used as the name for the workflow. Alternatively, you can load a workflow interactively.


Before the jobs can be used in workflows they must be "loaded" into ERT. This can be done either by specifying jobs by name, or by specifying a directory containing jobs.

Use the keyword LOAD_WORKFLOW_JOB to specify jobs by name:

LOAD_WORKFLOW_JOB     jobConfigFile     JobName

The LOAD_WORKFLOW_JOB keyword will load one workflow job. The name of the job is optional, and will be fetched from the configuration file if not provided.


Alternatively, you can use the command WORKFLOW_JOB_DIRECTORY which will load all the jobs in a directory.

Use the keyword WORKFLOW_JOB_DIRECTORY to specify a directory containing jobs:


The WORKFLOW_JOB_DIRECTORY loads all workflow jobs found in the /path/to/jobs directory. Observe that all the files in the /path/to/jobs directory should be job configuration files. The jobs loaded in this way will all get the name of the file as the name of the job. The WORKFLOW_JOB_DIRECTORY keyword will not load configuration files recursively.

Manipulating the Unix environment

The two keywords SETENV and UPDATE_PATH can be used to manipulate the Unix environment of the ERT process, the manipulations only apply to the running ERT instance, and are not applied to the shell.


You can use the SETENV keyword to alter the unix environment ERT is running in. This is probably most relevant for setting up the environment for the external jobs invoked by ERT.


-- Setting up LSF
SETENV  LSF_BINDIR      /prog/LSF/7.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/bin
SETENV  LSF_LIBDIR      /prog/LSF/7.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib
SETENV  LSF_UIDDIR      /prog/LSF/7.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/uid
SETENV  LSF_SERVERDIR   /prog/LSF/7.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc
SETENV  LSF_ENVDIR      /prog/LSF/conf

Observe that the SETENV command is not as powerful as the corresponding shell utility. In particular you can not use $VAR to refer to the existing value of an environment variable. To add elements to the PATH variable it is easier to use the UPDATE_PATH keyword.


The UPDATE_PATH keyword will prepend a new element to an existing PATH variable, i.e. the config.

UPDATE_PATH   PATH  /some/funky/path/bin

will be equivalent to the shell command:

setenv PATH /some/funky/path/bin:$PATH

The whole thing is just a workaround because we can not use $PATH.