Update Herbie version number in
setup.py./docs/conf.pyBuild the docs (one last time before release)- ./CITATION.cff
- Make sure all leftover changes on main are committed that you want.
- Create a tag and release in GitHub.
Note: The tag name should be
with no leading zeros for the month (PyPI doesn't care about leading zeros).
On my local copy, do a git fetch
and then checkout the tag. DO NOT EDIT ANY FILES (else you will get a _post#
in the version name.)
Created a new conda environment with twine, pip, and build
# To create an environment for publishing to PyPI
conda create -n pypi python=3 twine pip build -c conda-forge
# To update that conda environment
conda update -n pypi -c conda-forge --all
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build # Needed to get the latest version of build (0.10+)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine
Use the build tool to build my package following the steps from here
conda activate pypi
cd Herbie
python -m build
twine check dist/*
# Upload to TEST PyPI site
twine upload --skip-existing --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
# followed by username and password
# Upload to REAL PyPI site
twine upload --skip-existing dist/*
Enter username and password. Note to self: I get a warning because I'm not using keyring
Now confirm the file was uploaded to PyPI at https://pypi.org/project/herbie-data/
Go to herbie-data feedstock, update the version in the meta.yml
- Fork the herbie-data Conda feedstock
- Follow the instructions in the README to update the build
- Update version
- Update sha256 has for the
file (found on PyPI) in the "Download files" tab. - Set build to 0 for releasing a new version.
- Create pull request.
- Follow instructions in the pull request template.
See PyPI download statistics at: https://pepy.tech/project/herbie-data
Check import time with
python -X importtime herbie/archive.py > importtime.txt 2>&1