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File metadata and controls

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This plugins adds Jenkins pipeline steps to interact with the Aliyun OSS and OOS API.

Primary/Agent setups

This plugin is not optimized to setups with a primary and multiple agents. Only steps that touch the workspace are executed on the agents while the rest is executed on the master.

For the best experience make sure that primary and agents have the same global configuration of AK/SK and networking capabilities.

Usage / Steps


Upload built project to OSS and execution OOS template download OSS file to smartly deploy on ECS instances.

executeId = ossUploadAndOosExec(batchNumber: 3, mode: 'FailurePause', bucket: 'testBucket', destinationDir: '/root/', invokeScript: '', localPath: '/', objectName: '', pausePolicy: 'EveryBatchPause', region: 'cn-hangzhou', resourceId: 'asg-bp15XXXXX', resourceType: 'ESS')


Query OOS template task status by OSS template task id.

oosStatusQuery(executeId: "exec-XXXXXXXXX", region: 'cn-hangzhou')


Oos template pause task execution next step,like Approve or Cancelled.

oosExecuteNotify(executeId: "exec-XXXXXXXXX", region: 'cn-hangzhou', notifyType: "Approve")