If you don’t see any result with the workflow and the debugger shows a variant of:
/Users/yourname/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Scripts/E8485762-E031-5F89-A6EA-948BA2B50FF4: execution error: Error: Error: Can't get object. (-1728)
You bumped into a known bug with the Shortcuts app. Look at your list of Shortcuts and you’re likely to find two or more shortcuts with the same name (usually New Shortcut 1
or similar). Delete the duplicates and try again. Rebooting your Mac is sometimes necessary.
Accurate and thorough information is crucial for a proper diagnosis. At a minimum, your report should include:
- The debugger output of the failing action.
- Your installed versions of: the Workflow, Alfred, and macOS. Be precise, don’t say “latest”.