Request to join the room by room id
"room_id": "String|Number",
"user_id": "String|Number"
Request to change room language.
"language": "String"
Notification everyone in the room that a new user was joined
"user_id": "String"
Notification everyone in the room that the user leaves the room
"user_id": "String"
Request to execute code
"code": "String"
Result of the execution
"data": "String"
Error of the execution
"error": "String"
Request to the process stdin
"message": "String"
Request to create a new room. Note: Tou need to be in
"id": "String|Number",
"token": "String"
Request to delete an existing room. Note: Tou need to be in
"id": "String|Number"
- Rewrite all on TypeScript