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Alejandro Autalan edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 3 revisions

Contributing - Howto prepare the development environment

  1. Clone the repository in your github account.

  2. Prepare the environment in your computer.

# Open a **GitBash** console:
# Right click on Desktop (or the folder you want), Click open GitBash here.

# This is the python version installed here
$ python --version
Python 3.8.5

# Create a project folder
mkdir mypygubu-project
cd mypygubu-project

# Create a virtual environment called venv
python -m venv venv

# activate virtual environment
source ./venv/Scripts/activate

# clone pygubu-designer repository (Or your own fork of pygubu-designer repo)
git clone

# Change to pygubu-designer folder, and install it in developer mode
cd pygubu-designer
pip install -e ./

# generate PO files for developer mode
./ msgf

# Run designer
python -m pygubudesigner
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