This is the talk (Italian language) I've done at .NET Conference 2024.
In this talk I showed three uses of Blazor which are not related to an ASP.NET Core application.
- The first was the use of Blazor in a .NET Maui application, using Blazor Hybrid and the new ".NET Maui Blazor and Web app" template
- The second was the use of Blazor in a console application. This approach allows to render a Razor component as string
- The third was the use of Blazor custom elements
- .NET 9 SDK must be installed.
- SQL Server express installed
- .NET Maui workloads installed
- NodeJS installed
Be sure to run the Entity Framework Update-Database
command using the SmallBlazorWorld.Core project as default project and SmallBlazorWorld.App.Web as startup project.
The .NET Maui project is located in the folder SmallBlazorWorld.App/SmallBlazorWorld.App and uses a in-memory persistence, so you just need to choose the target and run and it would just works.
The Web project is located in the folder SmallBlazorWorld.App/SmallBlazorWorld.App.Web. Once created the database just run dotnet run
and you can start using the project.
The console application is located in the folder SmallBlazorWorld.ConsoleApp. Just run it and you can find the HTML generated using the Razor component in the bin/Debug/net9.0/Emails folder.
To try the Blazor custom elements, open the website folder and run npm install
Then you can run the powershell script Publish-Project.ps1
which can be found in the SmallBlazorWorld.Widgets folder. Once the command is terminated you can go back to the website folder and run npm run start
to see the react application showing the Blazor component as HTML Web Component.