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File metadata and controls

122 lines (74 loc) · 3.88 KB


Build Status GoDoc

A killing machine sent from the future Yet another file generator using golang text/template.


I wanted something were I could put all my application configuration templates in a single folder within my docker images, then run a single command to have them processed and placed without a ton of extra configuration.

Enter tmplnator. Templates describe where they should go, what their file mode should be and what user and group should own them. I'm sure this will not be for everyone, like I said, I made this for me.


In your Dockerfile do something like:

RUN curl -#kL<version>/tnator-linux.tgz |\
    tar xvz -C /usr/local/bin

If you are installing on your mac for testing or whatever, just grab the darwin version.


Help Menu:

usage: t2 [<flags>] <template-directory>

  --help           Show help.
  -d, --debug      Enable debug mode
  -q, --quiet      Enable quiet mode
  -p, --print-tmp  Print out TmpDir
  -F, --force-tmp  Force all generated files to be written to TmpDir
  -T, --tmpdir="$TMPDIR/T2"
                   Set TmpDir
  --version        Show application version.

    Directory under which there are templates

Super simple. Use the following methods in the template to set up how the file should be generated from the template: dir mode user group

# example supervisor.conf template
{{ file "/etc/supervisor/supervisor.conf" }}
{{ mode 0644 }}
nodaemon  = true

Add your templates to some directory: ADD configs /templates

Run tmplnator like so: t2 /templates

And that's it!

Template Functions

Access environment variables in the template with .Env like so .Env.VARIABLE

Access etcd values with .Get <key> if key not found will look in ENV

path "/path/to/destination/dir" <args...>: Describe destination directory. Accepts printf style formatting in path string. NOTE: Templates without a described dir will use default-dir as their output directory.

file "name" <args...>: Describe name of generated file. Will set path elements to the path. Accepts printf style formatting of name string.

mode <file_mode>: Describe filemode for generated file

dir_mode <file_mode>: Describe mode for any generated directories

to_json <input>: Marshal JSON string

from_json <string>: Unmarshal JSON string

from_json_array <string>: Unmarshal JSON array

first <slice>: Return the first element of the slice

last <slice>: Return the last element of the slice

file_exists <filename>: True if file exists

parseURL <string>: Return url.URL object of given url string

has_key <map> <key>: True if key exists in map

default <value> <default_value>: Output default_value if value is nil or empty string, otherwise output value

fmt <format> <args...>: fmt.Sprintf

split <string> <separator>: strings.Split

join <slice> <separator>: strings.Join

has_suffix <string> <suffix>: strings.HasSuffix

contains <string> <substring>: strings.Contains

fields <string>: strings.Fields

downcase <string>: strings.ToLower

upcase <string>: strings.ToUpper

trim_suffix <string> <suffix>: strings.TrimSuffix

trim_space <string>: strings.TrimSpace

Shout Outs

My projects steals heavily from the wonderful projects below: