Reinforcement Learning for Trading [link]
Performance functions:
- Profit or Wealth
- Sharpe ratio
- differential Sharpe ratio
Differential Sharpe ratio - new value function for risk-adjusted return that enables learning to be done online.
Consider performance functions for systems with a single asset portfolio (price series z_t).
See Moody et al. (1998) for detailed discussion of multiple asset portfolios.
Trader's actions:
- take long
- take neutral
- take short
- positions F_t \in {-1, 0, 1} of constant magnitude
F_t is established at the end of time interval t and is re-assessed at the end of period t+1.
Return R_t is realized at the end of the time interval (t-1, t] - it's profit or loss resulting from the position F_{t-1}.
Additive Profit:
- where r_t = z\_t - z_{t-1}
Wealth W_T = W_0 + P_T
Multiplicative profit are appropriate when a fixed fraction of accumulated wealth \nu > 0 is invested in each long or short trade. The Wealth at time T:
- where r_t = (z\_t/z_{t-1} - 1)
Maximizing profits Maximizing risk-adjusted return (according to Modern Portfolio Theory).
The measure is Sharpe ratio:
Differential Sharpe ratio for online optimization of trading system performance: