- Updated to Selenium 2.33.0 (change log)
- (Breaking) Changed >> (drag) to --> it was overriding the f# function. << (write) stays
- Added pin FullScreen
- Updated documentation with more forms of element/elements
- Fixed bug where text area's value was not being read correctly. Pull Request
- (Breaking) Changed how start (browser) works. If you had 'start "firefox"' before, you need to change it from the string "firefox" to just firefox. You can also start browsers with profiles now. Commit
- (Breaking) Deprecated HtmlReporter. It was incomplete and not being worked on.
- LiveHtmlReporter now pins its browser to the left
- 'coverage' now accepts a url or unit. Providing unit will create a coverage report of the page you are currently on
- '<<' (write) performance on select/options improved significantly
- Updated to Selenium 2.34.0. (http://selenium.googlecode.com/git/dotnet/CHANGELOG)
- Added color to stack traces to point you at the first line of your code to help debugging.
- Fixed problem looping over multiple elements when trying to write, and one or more of them failing to write.
- Fixed problem looping over multiple elements when trying to click, and one or more of them failing to click.
- Fixed problem with other contexts continuing to run when failfast was enabled. All subsequent tests/contexts do not run.
- Fixed problem with dealing with alerts not being reliable.
- Updated to Selenium 2.35.0. (http://selenium.googlecode.com/git/dotnet/CHANGELOG)
- Added phantomJS as start option Issue #94
- read, clear, selected, and deselected can now take a cssSelector/xpath/etc or an IWebElement Issue #93
- Added phantomJSProxyNone as start option to work around phantom performance problem Issue #94
- When using PhantomJS, no longer auto pin browser as it causes a slow down [Issue #96] (lefthandedgoat#96)
- Added several methods to LiveHtmlReport class allowing access to the report browser, execution of javascript, accessing the html of the report and saving the html Issue #97
- notDisplayed now correctly passes when checking for an element that does not exist Issue #99
- jquery and sizzle css selectors are now supported (:not, :checked, :selected etc...) Pull Request #98
- (Breaking) renamed reportPath to reportTemplateUrl when adding a new feature. New feature will automatically save a report to specified path on quit() when using LiveHtmlReporter Pull Request #103
- (Breaking) previously element/elementWithin would return the first satisfactory element. someElementWithin would throw an exception if there was more than one element. Now all three will return first element. If you want it to throw an exception if more than one is found, set 'throwIfMoreThanOneElement' configuration setting to true Issue #105
- sleep now accepts floats instead of integers Pull Request #106
- displayed and notDisplayed can now take a cssSelector/xpath/etc or an IWebElement Issue #93
- (Semi-Breaking) on check for url is now smarter. The original intention for using contains instead of equality was to disregard query strings. That is now done more intelligently Pull Request #107
- Improvements to on Pull Request #108
- Updated to Selenium 2.38.0
- Pulled in IPad/IPhone user agent support
- General updates/improvements
- Made the browser used for the html reporter configureable Issue #126
- (Semi-Breaking) Moved all the types to a new module: canopy.types. You may need to add an open statement if you are referencing any of those types.
- Fixed bug in html reporter if your test name had single ticks in it Issue #127
- Fix for #127 took a dependency on System.Web so make sure your canopy projects are not Client Profiles!
- (Semi-Breaking) Fixed [Issue #85] (lefthandedgoat#85) 'element' and 'elements' are now reliable, meaning that they will try over and over until an element exists.
- Added 'unreliableElements' which has the same behavior that 'elements' had if you relied on it
- Fixed Issue #91 so that there are better error messages. Suggestions for mistyped selectors is now back and improved!
- Fixed Issue #128. You can now add finders to canopy and it will search for things by you via your defined conventions. Check the bottom of the basicTests/Program.fs for an example.
- Fixed subtle bugs in some actions Issue #130
- Fixed bug when a modal was open and would cause an error, would cause the runner to fail Issue #135
- Added
which takes a message and function and uses the message as the error message if waitFor fails Issue #136 - Fixed problem where canopy would not work with VS 2010 Issue #137
- Updated to Selenium 2.41 Issue #138
- Now built in Release mode Issue #139
- Added support for Firefox Aurora (nightly build) Issue #141
- Accepted @rachelreese refactor. Thanks Rachel! Issue #143
- Improved behaviour of << for writing to options to now also look by options value Issue #144
- Removed redundant Sizzle finder Issue #145
- Updated to the lastest version of SizSelCsZzz Issue #146
- Accepted reporter bug fix by soerennielsen. Thanks! Issue #150
- Accepted improvement to << by soerennielsen. Thanks! Issue #151
- Upgraded to Selenium 2.42 Issue #152
- Chrome is now launched with --test-type flag to hide warning message of deprecated flags Issue #153
- Accepted TeamCity Report fix by mattsonlyattack and incorporated other fixes to TC Reporter. Thanks! Issue #154
- Fix issue with iframes Issue #161
- Added sugar for Remote web driver Issue #159
- Added the ability to provide hints to a selector to say what finder to use. Helps with performance in some scenarios. Also added two configuration options to help with performance. One to turn off implicit iFrame searching and one to turn off logging used for coverage report. Issue #163
- Fixed an issue with Team City reporter character escaping
- Updated to latest Selenium for issue Issue #166
- Updated to latest Selenium 2.43.1
- Made path for failed screen shots mutable. Thanks soerennielsen! Pull Request #168
- Added back and forward via pull request from @JonCanning, thanks! Pull Request #169
- Fixed issue with using select/options in iframes, thanks @lokki Issue #170
- Added switchToTab and closeTab Issue #165
- Added hover Issue #172
- Updated to latest Selenium 2.44.0
- Exceptions blowing up 'once' now fixed, thanks ludekcakl! Issue #178
- Improvements to team city reporting enabling parallel reporting, thanks again ludekcakl! [Pull Request #180] (lefthandedgoat#180)
- Improvements to pin screen for multi monitors
- Switched FSharp.Core nuget packages
- Changed nuget dependency from = to >= for Fsharp.Core
- Updated to Selenium 2.45, thanks @pottereric
- Added &&&&& (always) tests which will run in both normal mode and wip mode Issue #195
- Added runFor which lets you run the same set of tests for multiple browsers Issue #190
- Fixed bug related to new &&&&& (always) operator Issue #195
- Fixed bug where after wouldn't run following a failed test Issue #197
- Improved Html reporter to have stack trace, error message and url of failing page Issue #202
- Updated to Selenium 2.46
- Fix broken link to html reporter introduced in 0.9.27
- Fix issue 203, using canopy for unit tests Issue #203
- Updated to Selenium 2.47
- Fix issue 205, making switchToTab more reliable Issue #205
- Improve LiveHtmlReporter so that puts and describe will add ordered messages to the output
- Improved behaviour for failing all tests if on failed. Changed it to only fail all tests if the 'once' function fails
- Fix issue 209, screenshot being taken too late in some cases Issue #209
- Fix issue 210, text based selector with apostrophes were not working Issue #205
- Accept PR adding better support for OSX and Safari. Thanks to Pedro Ramirez! Issue #211
- Fix bug were failing tests were marked as passed Issue #212
- Make print info displayed in bottom right of page optional, thanks Jeremy Bellows! Issue #213
- Improved the HTML reporter to have environment, total time, start date, time per context, and time per test
- Added features to improve granularity for skipping tests after a failure and skipping individual tests Issue #215
- Updated to Selenium 2.48
- Improve reporting skip for console and TeamCity reporter Issue #215
- Great PR from @LimoWanKenobi that fixed a performance problem with add a lot of tests, thanks! Issue #217
- Fix a bug in html reporter trying to describe json, it would fail to because the data was not encoded properly Issue #218
- Fix a bug in the bug I fixed in 0.9.38 Issue #218
- Added nmany to let you run many tests with a name Issue #219
- Updated to Selenium 2.48.1 Issue #221
- Added AutoOpen attribute so you dont have open types, runner, or configuration explicitly Issue #222
- New Startup mode for Firefox taking a path and a TimeSpan Issue #223
- Updated to Selenium 2.48.2
- Added support for configurable file names on failure screenshots Issue #224
- Improved error handeling on screenshots Issue #225
- Accepted PR to fix error handeling regression, thanks @RubenOen Pull Request #230
- Fixed issue where read could some times suffer form stale element exceptions and the likes Issue #229
- Added !=~ (regex not match) operator Issue #237
- Add a configurable optimization to disable clear before writing Issue #236
- Improve html reporter to make it friendlier to parallel runs Issue #235
- Update to selenium 2.52.0 Issue #233
- Failures in Once or Before will now skip tests in context with skipRemainingTestsInContextOnFailure <- true Issue #242
- Fix #241 for using html reporter with parallel test runs Issue #241
- Fix #240 selection + optgroup erorr Issue #240
- Fix #238 add escape key Issue #238
- Drop SizSelCsZzz dependency Issue #244
- Drop Selenium.Support dependency Issue #245
- BREAKING moved browser from canopy.core.browser to canopy.types.browser
- Fix issue with jquery selectors that had single ticks in them Issue #250
- Update to latest Selenium 2.53.0 Issue #251
- Added ability to skip a test that fails with a specific error message Issue #248
- Fix issue with failing and using the after method Issue #247
- Fix issue with encoding on the command line Issue #252
- Fix issue with multiple dropdowns with same values Issue #253
- Add onPass and OnFail hooks, thanks Tony! Issue #254
- make safelyGetUrl safery, thanks Tony! Issue #255
- Fixed a bug for jquery selectors where they wouldnt respect their context, thanks goncaloc1! Issue #257
- Added notContains Issue #263
- Added BETA support for Edge browser Issue #264
- Updated to Selenium 2.53.1 for Firefox 47.1 support Issue #270
- Add right click for Issue #273
- Added better support for chromium Issue #276
- Added ability to skip in the middle of a test Issue #280
- Added ability to position a browser in a specific location, thanks @navmed! Issue #285
- Added chromium with options support Issue #276
- Fix chrome develop options popup Issue #289
- Fix runFor Issue #292
- Update to Selenium 3.0 (Note that anything like rightClick or hover which uses the actions api does not work with FF (which now requires gechkodriver)) Issue #300
- Basic JUnitReporter implementation by blair55 Issue #302
- Added strict 'onn' to check that you are on a url (not fuzzy) by blair55 Issue #304
- Improve JUnitReporter by add time meta data by blair55 Issue #305
- Large images in caused html reporter to act funny, converted from png to jpg for better compression Issue #310
- Adding a new FireFox browser cosntructor Issue #315
- Add timestamp to log in describe() func thanks @knocte! Issue #318
- Make embedded images optional in TeamCity reporter Issue #324
- Improve suggestions on failed selector finds by switching from Levenshtein to Jaro-Winkler, thanks forki! PR #323
- Improve exception messages in errors, thanks @knocte! PR #321
- Added a C# friendly wrapper (See program.cs in the C# project for examples) Issue #327
- Improve compatability with Mono 64 bit, thanks MorganPersson PR #333
- Fix bugs in C# friendly wrapper, thanks @spindev! Issue #327
- Fix bugs jUnit reporter, thanks @vermeeca! PR #345
- Improve error on url with browser is null, thanks @forki PR #348
Update to Selenium 3.3 Issue #351
- Fix problem with auto skipping and Team city Issue #350
- Allow for the HideConsoleWindow setting to be set, thanks Ma3yTa! PR #353
- Attempt to fix js error in class name suggestions Issue #358
- Disable the 'Chrome is being run by automated process' banner Issue #355
- Add timestamps to write messages, thanks milkeg! PR #360
- Add a case insensitive contains assertion, thanks milkeg! PR #361
- Fix wrong chromium path Issue #360
- BREAKING Update *nix driver path from usr/bin to usr/local/bin Issue #363
- Update to Selenium 3.4
- BREAKING?? Added find by text selector that works by first trimming whitespace. Now a default finder.
- XmlEncode failure message in JUnitReporter PR #367
- Added a json validator PR #368
- json validator - null arrays and properties are now acceptable
- Added ability to shiftClick
- Breaking: move json validator to its own project to remove dependency on FSharp.Data Issue #371
- Added configuration for failing if any tests are WIP (useful for CI) thanks @blair55! PR #381
- Added start mode for chrome headless and firefox headless
- Updated to Selenium 3.5.2
- Fix a problem with failedContexts being written in parallel when not using it Issue #387
- Improve how wait works to clean up stack trace and not stack overflow Issue #388
- Updated to .net v4.5.2 (Possibly breaking!!!)
- Added load testing to canopy.integration !!! PR #389
- Updated to FSharp.Core (Possibly breaking!!!)
- Added more information to the results of a Load Test PR #393
- Added more granular support for Firefox, thanks RubenOen! PR #400
- Protect from null refs in selector suggestions, thanks Haf! Issue #404
- Provide better error messages when the browser is null, thanks again Haf! Issue #405
- Alpha release, some breaking changes with open statements, not yet documented, no migration docs yet
- Added parallel support, thanks @haf!
- Breaking changes, removed some old backwards compatability flags
- Beta release, some breaking changes with open statements, not yet documented, no migration docs yet
- Added .net standard 2.0 support
- Fix FSharp.Core version
- Restrict to netstandard2
- Final build
- Added parallel support
- Added .net standard 2.0 support
- Please read upgrade documentation http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/upgrade1to2.html
- Fixed a bug in waitForElement function signature, thanks draganjovanovic!! PR #428
- Added option to select WebDriver port and allow insecure SSL cert
- Thanks @OmanF (lefthandedgoat#482)