Configure visible tabs and their order
++ {tab.visible ? 'Visible in user mode' : 'Hidden in user mode'} +
++ {description} +
+ )} ++ Manage your external service connections and integrations +
+ +@{connection.user.login}
+Public Repos
++ {connection.user.public_repos} +
+Total Stars
++ {connection.stats.totalStars} +
+Total Forks
++ {connection.stats.totalForks} +
+ )} +Configure your GitHub connection
++ Repository URL +
+ {createdRepoUrl}
+ + Pushed Files ({pushedFiles.length}) +
++ Please connect your GitHub account in Settings {'>'} Connections to push your code to GitHub. +
++ Push your code to a new or existing GitHub repository +
+{ || user.login}
+Repository Statistics:
+{activeTab === 'my-repos' ? 'No repositories found' : 'Search for repositories'}
} +Export or delete all your chat history.
++ Export your settings to a JSON file or import settings from a previously exported file. +
++ Import API keys from a JSON file or download a template to fill in your keys. +
+Failed to load WebApp information
+ ++ {details.prompt} ++
+ {details.response} ++
+ {JSON.stringify(details.request, null, 2)} ++
+ {JSON.stringify(details.response, null, 2)} ++
+ {JSON.stringify(details.error, null, 2)} ++
+ {JSON.stringify(details, null, 2)} ++ ); + }; + + return ( +
Try adjusting your search or filters
+ {feature.tooltip &&{feature.tooltip}
} +{description}
++ Choose a prompt from the library to use as the system prompt +
+Current Version: {details.currentVersion}
+Latest Version: {details.latestVersion}
+Branch: {details.branch}
: null; + }; + + const filterOptions: { id: FilterType; label: string; icon: string; color: string }[] = [ + { id: 'all', label: 'All Notifications', icon: 'i-ph:bell', color: '#9333ea' }, + { id: 'system', label: 'System', icon: 'i-ph:gear', color: '#6b7280' }, + { id: 'update', label: 'Updates', icon: 'i-ph:arrow-circle-up', color: '#9333ea' }, + { id: 'error', label: 'Errors', icon: 'i-ph:warning-circle', color: '#ef4444' }, + { id: 'warning', label: 'Warnings', icon: 'i-ph:warning', color: '#f59e0b' }, + { id: 'info', label: 'Information', icon: 'i-ph:info', color: '#3b82f6' }, + { id: 'provider', label: 'Providers', icon: 'i-ph:robot', color: '#10b981' }, + { id: 'network', label: 'Network', icon: 'i-ph:wifi-high', color: '#6366f1' }, + ]; + + return ( +You're all caught up!
++ Category: {log.category} + {log.subCategory ? ` > ${log.subCategory}` : ''} +
+Upload a profile picture or avatar
+Connect to cloud-based AI models and services
++ {PROVIDER_DESCRIPTIONS[ as keyof typeof PROVIDER_DESCRIPTIONS] || + (URL_CONFIGURABLE_PROVIDERS.includes( + ? 'Configure custom endpoint for this provider' + : 'Standard AI provider integration')} +
+Configure and manage your local AI providers
++ {PROVIDER_DESCRIPTIONS[ as ProviderName]} +
+No models installed yet
+Install your first model below
++ {PROVIDER_DESCRIPTIONS[ as ProviderName]} +
+Install and manage your Ollama models
++ Browse models at{' '} + + + + {' '} + and copy model names to install +
+ {service.incidents && service.incidents.length > 0 && ( ++ Monitor and test the operational status of cloud LLM providers +
++ Last checked: {new Date(service.lastChecked).toLocaleTimeString()} +
+ {service.responseTime && ( ++ Response time: {Math.round(service.responseTime)}ms +
+ )} + {service.message && ( +{service.message}
+ )} +Recent Incidents:
++ {Math.floor(energySavings.timeInSaverMode / 60)}m {Math.floor(energySavings.timeInSaverMode % 60)}s +
++ {energySavings.estimatedEnergySaved.toFixed(2)} mWh +
+Check for and manage application updates
++ Automatically check and apply updates when available +
+Show notifications when updates are available
+How often to check for updates
++ Updates are fetched from: stackblitz-labs/ ( + {isLatestBranch ? 'main' : 'stable'} branch) +
++ Current version: {updateProgress.details.currentCommit} + β + Latest version: {updateProgress.details.remoteCommit} +
+Changes in this Update:
+Export or delete all your chat history.
-- Export your settings to a JSON file or import settings from a previously exported file. -
-- Import API keys from a JSON file or download a template to fill in your keys. -
- {updateMessage.includes('Update available') && ( -To update:
-git pull upstream main
- pnpm install
- Operating System
-Device Type
-- {systemInfo.screen} ({systemInfo.colorDepth}) @{systemInfo.pixelRatio}x -
-- - - { ? 'Online' : 'Offline'} - -
-Screen Resolution
-CPU Cores
-- {connitJson.commit.slice(0, 7)} - - (v{versionTag || '0.0.1'}) - {isLatestBranch ? 'nightly' : 'stable'} - -
- {provider.url && ( -- {provider.url} -
- )} -- {JSON.stringify(log.details, null, 2)} -- )} -
- Check for updates against the main branch instead of stable -
-- Let Bolt select the best starter template for your project. -
-- redact file contents form chat and puts the latest file contents on the system prompt -
-- Disclaimer: Experimental features may be unstable and are subject to change. -
-- Enable experimental providers such as Ollama, LMStudio, and OpenAILike. -
-- Choose a prompt from the library to use as the system prompt. -
-- These providers are experimental and allow you to run AI models locally or connect to your own - infrastructure. They require additional setup but offer more flexibility. -