CARLA is a python library to benchmark counterfactual explanation and recourse models. It comes out-of-the box with commonly used datasets and various machine learning models. Designed with extensibility in mind: Easily include your own counterfactual methods, new machine learning models or other datasets.
Find extensive documentation here! Our arXiv paper can be found here.
- Actionable Recourse (AR): Paper
- CCHVAE: Paper
- Contrastive Explanations Method (CEM): Paper
- Counterfactual Latent Uncertainty Explanations (CLUE): Paper
- CRUDS: Paper
- Diverse Counterfactual Explanations (DiCE): Paper
- Feasible and Actionable Counterfactual Explanations (FACE): Paper
- Growing Sphere (GS): Paper
- Revise: Paper
- Wachter: Paper
- FOCUS: Paper
- FeatureTweak: Paper
- ANN: Artificial Neural Network with 2 hidden layers and ReLU activation function
- LR: Linear Model with no hidden layer and no activation function
The framework a counterfactual method currently works with is dependent on its underlying implementation. It is planned to make all recourse methods available for all ML frameworks . The latest state can be found here:
Recourse Method | Tensorflow | Pytorch | SKlearn | XGBoost |
Actionable Recourse | X | X | ||
Causal | X | X | ||
CCHVAE | X | |||
CEM | X | |||
CLUE | X | |||
CRUDS | X | |||
DiCE | X | X | ||
FACE | X | X | ||
FeatureTweak | X | X | ||
FOCUS | X | X | ||
Growing Spheres | X | X | ||
Revise | X | |||
Wachter | X |
pip install carla-recourse
from carla import OnlineCatalog, MLModelCatalog
from carla.recourse_methods import GrowingSpheres
# load a catalog dataset
data_name = "adult"
dataset = OnlineCatalog(data_name)
# load artificial neural network from catalog
model = MLModelCatalog(dataset, "ann")
# get factuals from the data to generate counterfactual examples
factuals = dataset.raw.iloc[:10]
# load a recourse model and pass black box model
gs = GrowingSpheres(model)
# generate counterfactual examples
counterfactuals = gs.get_counterfactuals(factuals)
(when not already shipped with python3.7)- Recommended: GNU Make
Using make:
make requirements
Using python directly or within activated virtual environment:
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip install -e .
Using make:
make test
Using python directly or within activated virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
python -m pytest test/*
We use pre-commit hooks within our build pipelines to enforce:
Install pre-commit with:
make install-dev
Using python directly or within activated virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install
carla is under the MIT Licence. See the LICENCE for more details.
This project was recently accepted to NeurIPS 2021 (Benchmark & Data Sets Track). If you use this codebase, please cite:
title={CARLA: A Python Library to Benchmark Algorithmic Recourse and Counterfactual Explanation Algorithms},
author={Martin Pawelczyk and Sascha Bielawski and Johannes van den Heuvel and Tobias Richter and Gjergji Kasneci},
Please also cite the original authors' work.