The getting started guide walks through the basics of building Agents with Agno. Recipes build on each other, introducing new concepts and capabilities.
The concepts cookbook walks through the core concepts of Agno.
- Async
- Knowledge
- Memory
- Storage
- Tools
- Reasoning
- Vector DBs
- Multi-modal Agents
- Agent Teams
- Hybrid Search
- Agent Session
- Other
The examples cookbook contains real world examples of building agents with Agno.
The playground cookbook contains examples of interacting with agents using the Agno Agent UI.
The workflows cookbook contains examples of building workflows with Agno.
Just a place to store setup scripts like
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -U openai agno # And all other packages you might need
export OPENAI_API_KEY=***
export GOOGLE_API_KEY=***
python cookbook/.../