For members of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, there is no charge for certification. There is also no charge for non-profit organizations. For commercial organizations that wish to certify but don't want to become a CNCF member, the fee is the same as joining the CNCF.
Per product. Each separate product (i.e., different product name) from your company requires a different participation form. Submit a form to [email protected] or another method made available by The Linux Foundation.
While many network certifications test Kubernetes platform properties and Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) connectivity, CNCF’s CNF Certification Program gives insights into a CNF's installability, interoperability, and resilience. The certification also promotes workload self-healing as a highly desired, cloud native property.
The certification categorizes the tests into groups that are Normal, Essental and Bonus tests. In order to earn certiciation, the CNF must PASS 10 out of the 15 essential tests. You can review the list of tests here.
✔️ PASSED indicates the CNF passes the defined test based on the best practice. ✖️ FAILED indicates it does not meet the requirements based on the best practice. ⏩ SKIPPED indicates the test was skipped entirely, usually due to a service not installed that the test is checking against. An example SKIPPED would be our test that verifies if Prometheus is being used with the CNF or k8s cluster for monitoring and is not found to be in use. ⏩ N/A indicates that the test does not apply, an example would be our SELinux_options test. If SELinux is not enabled, it's marked as N/A.
You'll need to pass (PASSED) 10 of the 15 marked Essential tests in order to become certified. See previous question for more details.
Yes. Please email us at [email protected].