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Miguel Tomas Silva edited this page Apr 12, 2023 · 20 revisions


There's an ongoing scientific project titled "Validation of Experimental Data Origins: A Swarm of DAQ devices able to Deliver Unique Experimental Data using Blockchain-like Fingerprint ID to a Data Repository" that utilizes this library. Here's the link for the documentation.

Library API Implementation Progress

Wiki? Endpoint URL Implemented? Notes
Dataverses POST 'api/dataverses/$id' Y -
- GET api/dataverses/$id Y -
- GET api/dataverses/$id/contents Y -
- - DELETE api/dataverses/$id N -
- - POST api/dataverses/$id/datasets N -
- - POST api/dataverses/$identifier/actions/:publish N -
Datasets GET api/datasets/$id/versions Y -
- GET /api/datasets/$id/locks Y -
- - DELETE api/datasets/$id N -
- - POST api/dataverses/$id N -
- GET PUT api/datasets/$id/versions/:draft? Y -
- - POST PUT api/datasets/$id/actions/:publish?type=$type N -
MetadataBlocks GET api/metadatablocks Y -
- GET api/metadatablocks/$identifier Y -
Upload file POST /api/datasets/:persistentId/add?persistentId= Y Add a file to a dataset

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