The lrucache
package provides an in-memory cache with an LRU (Least Recently Used) eviction policy and Prometheus metrics integration.
- LRU Eviction Policy: Automatically removes the least recently used items when the cache reaches its maximum size.
- Prometheus Metrics: Collects and exposes metrics to monitor cache usage and performance.
- Expiration: Supports setting TTL (Time To Live) for entries. Expired entries are removed during cleanup or when accessed.
package lrucache_test
import (
type User struct {
UUID string
Name string
type Post struct {
UUID string
Text string
func Example() {
// Make and register Prometheus metrics collector.
promMetrics := lrucache.NewPrometheusMetricsWithOpts(lrucache.PrometheusMetricsOpts{
Namespace: "my_app", // Will be prepended to all metric names.
ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"app_version": "1.2.3"}, // Will be applied to all metrics.
CurriedLabelNames: []string{"entry_type"}, // For distinguishing between cached entities.
// LRU cache for users.
const aliceUUID = "966971df-a592-4e7e-a309-52501016fa44"
const bobUUID = "848adf28-84c1-4259-97a2-acba7cf5c0b6"
usersCache, err := lrucache.New[string, User](100_000,
promMetrics.MustCurryWith(prometheus.Labels{"entry_type": "user"}))
if err != nil {
usersCache.Add(aliceUUID, User{aliceUUID, "Alice"})
usersCache.Add(bobUUID, User{bobUUID, "Bob"})
if user, found := usersCache.Get(aliceUUID); found {
fmt.Printf("User: %s, %s\n", user.UUID, user.Name)
if user, found := usersCache.Get(bobUUID); found {
fmt.Printf("User: %s, %s\n", user.UUID, user.Name)
// LRU cache for posts.
const post1UUID = "823e50c7-984d-4de3-8a09-92fa21d3cc3b"
const post2UUID = "24707009-ddf6-4e88-bd51-84ae236b7fda"
postsCache, err := lrucache.NewWithOpts[string, Post](1_000,
promMetrics.MustCurryWith(prometheus.Labels{"entry_type": "note"}), lrucache.Options{
DefaultTTL: 5 * time.Minute, // Expired entries are removed during cleanup (see RunPeriodicCleanup method) or when accessed.
if err != nil {
cleanupCtx, cleanupCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cleanupCancel()
go postsCache.RunPeriodicCleanup(cleanupCtx, 10*time.Minute) // Run cleanup every 10 minutes.
postsCache.Add(post1UUID, Post{post1UUID, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..."})
if post, found := postsCache.Get(post1UUID); found {
fmt.Printf("Post: %s, %s\n", post.UUID, post.Text)
if _, found := postsCache.Get(post2UUID); !found {
fmt.Printf("Post: %s is missing\n", post2UUID)
// The following Prometheus metrics will be exposed:
// my_app_cache_entries_amount{app_version="1.2.3",entry_type="note"} 1
// my_app_cache_entries_amount{app_version="1.2.3",entry_type="user"} 2
// my_app_cache_hits_total{app_version="1.2.3",entry_type="note"} 1
// my_app_cache_hits_total{app_version="1.2.3",entry_type="user"} 2
// my_app_cache_misses_total{app_version="1.2.3",entry_type="note"} 1
fmt.Printf("Users: %d\n", usersCache.Len())
fmt.Printf("Posts: %d\n", postsCache.Len())
// Output:
// User: 966971df-a592-4e7e-a309-52501016fa44, Alice
// User: 848adf28-84c1-4259-97a2-acba7cf5c0b6, Bob
// Post: 823e50c7-984d-4de3-8a09-92fa21d3cc3b, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
// Post: 24707009-ddf6-4e88-bd51-84ae236b7fda is missing
// Users: 2
// Posts: 1
Here is the full list of Prometheus metrics exposed by the lrucache
: Total number of entries in the cache.cache_hits_total
: Number of successfully found keys in the cache.cache_misses_total
: Number of not found keys in the cache.cache_evictions_total
: Number of evicted entries.
These metrics can be further customized with namespaces, constant labels, and curried labels as shown in the examples.
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Licensed under MIT License.