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A logger for a more civilized age.

Reference documentation for the Latest Released and Edge Version is available.

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Philosophy / Why Logsaber?

Logsaber is a lot like Ruby's built in Logger class, but it is based on the real world experience of how I actually use loggers.

The biggest difference is Logsaber's intelligent output.

Intelligent Logging

If you pass a single string argument to an event method Logsaber will just log that string without any frills.

But if you pass it an object like an Array:

array = [1,2,3]
$ array will inspect the array and the output will reflect the intent:

2013-03-02 21:08:30.797 [ INFO] 32981 | OBJ : [1, 2, 3]

Even better, if you pass in two arguments, like this:

$ 'using environment', ENV['MYAPP_ENV']

...the first will be treated as a label, and the second as an object to be inspected:

2013-03-02 20:11:22.630 [ INFO] 31395 | using environment : development

If you pass in a block: :heavy, 'this could be resource intensive' do

...Logsaber will intelligently evaluate it and format your output sanely:

2013-03-02 21:20:04.715 [ INFO] 32981 | heavy : "this could be resource intensive" | 9999

Also, since blocks are lazy loaded, they won't be evaluated at all if the severity is below the log level threshold, this is really important if your debug output is resource intensive.

Ruby Logger Limitations Surpassed

There's also some complaints about the native Logger than I address:

  1. You can't specify the log level on instantiation.

Logsaber lets you set the log level when you create it:

$log = Logsaber.create level: :warn

But you can still change the default later:

$log.level = :info
  1. You must specify the "progname" for every event.

Logsaber lets you set your app's name when you create it:

$log = Logsaber.create appname: 'MyApp'

Or change it to something else at any time:

$log.appname = 'SomethingElse'

...and the output will look like this:

2013-03-03 16:50:43.595 [ INFO] SomethingElse:8881 | MSG : ohai


Use Bundler:

# in your Gemfile
gem 'logsaber'


Give it a filename and it will log to a file:

$log = Logsaber.create './log/my_app.log'

Or you log to an IO ($stdout is the default, good for debugging):

$log = Logsaber.create $stdout

It can even log to a StringIO (good for test environments):

require 'stringio'
stringio = StringIO.create

$log = Logsaber.create stringio

You can also set the log level on initialization (it's :info by default):

$log = Logsaber.create level: :debug

And you can optionally specify the name of your app (which is nil by default, it's displayed next to the pid in the output):

$log = Logsaber.create appname: 'MyApp'

Example with all options:

Logsaber.create 'my_app.log', level: :debug, appname: 'MyApp'


Then you can use any of the logging commands:

debug, info, warn, error, or fatal

like this:

$log.warn 'Something might be amiss here'

or like this:

$log.error 'PEBKAC', @user

or maybe:

@log.debug "What is this I don't even." do


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Anthony M. Cook 2013-2021