- Codes for examples and exercises in Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto's Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
- Simulation code for Reinforcement Learning Control Problems
- MATLAB Environment and GUI for Reinforcement Learning
- Reinforcement Learning Repository - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Brown-UMBC Reinforcement Learning and Planning Library (Java)
- Reinforcement Learning in R (MDP, Value Iteration)
- Reinforcement Learning Environment in Python and MATLAB
- RL-Glue (standard interface for RL) and RL-Glue Library
- PyBrain Library - Python-Based Reinforcement learning, Artificial intelligence, and Neural network
- RLPy Framework - Value-Function-Based Reinforcement Learning Framework for Education and Research
- Maja - Machine learning framework for problems in Reinforcement Learning in python
- TeachingBox - Java based Reinforcement Learning framework
- Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning Toolbox for MATLAB
- PIQLE - Platform Implementing Q-Learning and other RL algorithms
- BeliefBox - Bayesian reinforcement learning library and toolkit
- Deep Q-Learning with TensorFlow - A deep Q learning demonstration using Google Tensorflow
- Atari - Deep Q-networks and asynchronous agents in Torch
- AgentNet - A python library for deep reinforcement learning and custom recurrent networks using Theano+Lasagne.
- Reinforcement Learning Examples by RLCode - A Collection of minimal and clean reinforcement learning examples
- OpenAI Baselines - Well tested implementations (and results) of reinforcement learning algorithms from OpenAI
- PyTorch Deep RL - Popular deep RL algorithm implementations with PyTorch
- ChainerRL - Popular deep RL algorithm implementations with Chainer
- Black-DROPS - Modular and generic code for the model-based policy search Black-DROPS algorithm (IROS 2017 paper) and easy integration with the DART simulator