Traditional Games
- Backgammon - "TD-Gammon" game play using TD(λ) (Tesauro, ACM 1995) [Paper]
- Chess - "KnightCap" program using TD(λ) (Baxter, arXiv 1999) [arXiv]
- Chess - Giraffe: Using deep reinforcement learning to play chess (Lai, arXiv 2015) [arXiv]
Computer Games
- Human-level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning (Mnih, Nature 2015) [Paper] [Code] [Video]
- Flappy Bird Reinforcement Learning [Video]
- MarI/O - learning to play Mario with evolutionary reinforcement learning using artificial neural networks (Stanley, Evolutionary Computation 2002) [Paper] [Video]
- Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning for Fast Quadrupedal Locomotion (Kohl, ICRA 2004) [Paper]
- Robot Motor SKill Coordination with EM-based Reinforcement Learning (Kormushev, IROS 2010) [Paper] [Video]
- Generalized Model Learning for Reinforcement Learning on a Humanoid Robot (Hester, ICRA 2010) [Paper] [Video]
- Autonomous Skill Acquisition on a Mobile Manipulator (Konidaris, AAAI 2011) [Paper] [Video]
- PILCO: A Model-Based and Data-Efficient Approach to Policy Search (Deisenroth, ICML 2011) [Paper]
- Incremental Semantically Grounded Learning from Demonstration (Niekum, RSS 2013) [Paper]
- Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Robots using Informative Simulated Priors (Cutler, ICRA 2015) [Paper] [Video]
- Robots that can adapt like animals (Cully, Nature 2015) [Paper] [Video] [Code]
- Black-Box Data-efficient Policy Search for Robotics (Chatzilygeroudis, IROS 2017) [Paper] [Video] [Code]
- An Application of Reinforcement Learning to Aerobatic Helicopter Flight (Abbeel, NIPS 2006) [Paper] [Video]
- Autonomous helicopter control using Reinforcement Learning Policy Search Methods (Bagnell, ICRA 2001) [Paper]
- Scaling Average-reward Reinforcement Learning for Product Delivery (Proper, AAAI 2004) [Paper]
- Cross Channel Optimized Marketing by Reinforcement Learning (Abe, KDD 2004) [Paper]
- Optimizing Dialogue Management with Reinforcement Learning: Experiments with the NJFun System (Singh, JAIR 2002) [Paper]