compile StyleGAN2
cd pnpmodules/stylegan2/stylegan2-pytorch/op
python install
Example2: training on Celeba images:
sh scripts/gan2shape/ configs/gan2shape/ GPU_NUMS
Download and extract ScanNet by following the instructions provided at
[Expected directory structure of ScanNet (click to expand)]
You can obtain the train/val/test split information from here.
│ └───scans
│ | └───scene0000_00
│ | └───color
│ | │ │ 0.jpg
│ | │ │ 1.jpg
│ | │ │ ...
│ | │ ...
│ └───scans_test
│ | └───scene0707_00
│ | └───color
│ | │ │ 0.jpg
│ | │ │ 1.jpg
│ | │ │ ...
│ | │ ...
| └───scannetv2_test.txt
| └───scannetv2_train.txt
| └───scannetv2_val.txt
Next run the data preparation script which parses the raw data format into the processed pickle format. This script also generates the ground truth TSDFs using TSDF Fusion.
[Data preparation script]
Change data_path accordingly.
sh scripts/neural_recon/
sh scripts/neural_recon/ configs/neural_recon/ GPU_NUMS
python tools/data_gen/ -i /path/to/300WLP -o /path/to/300WLP-256
sh scripts/prnet/ configs/prnet/ GPU_NUMS
python tools/data_gen/
python tools/data_gen/
sh scripts/pt3d_demos/ configs/pt3d_demos/ GPU_NUMS
download dataset
python tools/ns/ --method-name lerf --data /path/to/data_folder