- Advanced options expansion
- Progressive disclosure of options
- Input/format parsing guidelines
- Add/remove fields (e.g., multiple phone numbers)
- More examples
- Infinite scrolling
- Load more
To be scheduled
- Time picker
- Cards
- Notes
- Image/text zoom
- Image gallery
- Carousels
- Notification center
- Search
- Form field length: Do we make form fields indicative of the length of answers or visually left and right justified? How would the first option behave responsively?
v1.1 Releases (Apr 6)
- Filters
- Wizards
- Accordions
- Expandable table rows
- UI Layouts
- Navigation
- Help and help indicators
v1.1.1 Releases (May 13-15)
- Change gold to match USPTO style guide
- Edit accessibility issues in alerts and notifications
v1.2 Releases (Apr 13)
- Tags
- Tree
- Password strength and criteria-met indicators (?)
- Lists
- File upload
v2.0 Releases (TBD)
- Gadget framework
- Mobile-specific patterns
- Writing style guide (mod OCCO's for pattern library - See
- Add Section 508 guidance
- Add To Do list in the library interface