Before you get started, you will need clones of devtools-source-map and mozilla-central, as well as a Bugzilla account.
1. Prepare devtools-source-map release
a. create a release branch on github
b. update minor version in package.json, reset build version:
v0.N.X -> v0.N+1.0
c. commit `Release: Bump devtools-source-map to v0.N+1.0`
d. create a PR on Github for this release
e. make sure you have a configs/local.json file, with `firefox.mcPath` pointing to your mozilla-central clone
2. Copy to mozilla central
a. update your mozilla-central clone to the latest
b. in devtools-source-map, run node bin/copy-assets.js`
c. create a new bug in Developer Tools [1]
d. commit 'Bug XXXXXXX - devtools-source-map v0.N+1.0: Update bundle from GitHub. r=reviewer'
3. Validate & cleanup
a. push to try, test locally, submit for review etc ...
b. while try fails or some problem is detected, go back to devtools-source-map, fix the issue,
create a new bundle and go back to 2.a
c. when everything is fine and the patch is r+, land on autoland/inbound
d. merge the PR on github
e. create a tag for `devtools-source-map-v0.N+1.0` on github
f. push the tag (`git push --tags <remote>`)
g. publish package to NPM (`npm publish`)
After that any issue with the bundle should be addressed with a new build version. Ideally, if the bundle has to be updated in mozilla-central for a bugfix, a corresponding tag should be created on GitHub.