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Commit 1f39787

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authoredDec 28, 2024··
[Transifex] Updates for project ZEUS (#2681)
* [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in cs 99% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'cs'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in hu 32% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'hu'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in el 92% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'el'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in nb 30% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'nb'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in uk 25% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'uk'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in ja 25% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'ja'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in ko 77% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'ko'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in sv 76% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'sv'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in he 64% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'he'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in zh_CN 39% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'zh_CN'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in fi 82% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'fi'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in sl 26% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'sl'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in de 99% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'de'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in pl 59% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'pl'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in ru 56% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'ru'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in es 99% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'es'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in pt_BR 99% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'pt_BR'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in th 70% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'th'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in hr 46% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'hr'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in tr 55% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'tr'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in ro 99% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'ro'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in sk 27% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'sk'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in fr 99% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'fr'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in it 99% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'it'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in nl 28% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'nl'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in sw 71% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'sw'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in vi 60% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'vi'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in fa 58% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'fa'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format * [Transifex] Translate locales/en.json in cs 99% of minimum 25% translated source file: 'locales/en.json' on 'cs'. Sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format --------- Co-authored-by: transifex-integration[bot] <43880903+transifex-integration[bot]>
1 parent e9d99c6 commit 1f39787

28 files changed

lines changed


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@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubSuccess": "Účet LNDHub byl úspěšně vytvořen. Poznamenejte si někam uživatelské jméno a heslo, abyste mohli obnovit své prostředky v případě, že se něco stane s vaším zařízením. Poté klepněte na „Uložit konfiguraci peněženky“.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubError": "Chyba při vytváření účtu LNDHub. Zkontrolujte prosím hostitele a zkuste to znovu.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubLoginError": "Nepodařilo se přihlásit k serveru LNDHub",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubConnectError": "Připojení k LNDHub serveru se nezdařilo. Ověřte prosím, zda je adresa hostitele správná a zda služba běží.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lncConnectError": "Nepodařilo se připojit klienta LNC k proxy serveru",
"stores.LSPStore.error": "LSP chyba",
"stores.LSPStore.connectionError": "Nepodařilo se připojit k LSP. Zkontrolujte prosím nastavení LSP nebo to zkuste později.",
"stores.LightningAddressStore.preimageNotFound": "Předobraz nebyl na vašem zařízení nalezen. Nevyměnili jste v poslední době zařízení?",
"error.connectionRefused": "Hostitel je nedostupný. Zkuste restartovat uzel nebo jeho Tor proces.",
"error.hostUnreachable": "Hostitel je nedostupný. Zkuste restartovat uzel nebo jeho Tor proces.",
"error.nodeConnectError": "Připojení k uzlu se nezdařilo. Ověřte prosím, zda jsou údaje jako adresa hostitele a port správně zadány a zda služba běží.",
"error.torBootstrap": "Chyba při spuštění služby Tor v telefonu. Zkuste restartovat Zeus. Pokud problém přetrvává, zvažte použití aplikace Orbot pro připojení k Toru nebo použití alternativní metody připojení, jako je Lightning Node Connect nebo Tailscale.",
"error.sendingPayment": "Chyba při odesílání platby",
"error.failureReasonTimeout": "Je možné vyzkoušet další cesty, ale časový limit pro platbu byl překročen.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubSuccess": "LNDHub-Account erfolgreich erstellt. Notiere dir den Benutzernamen und das Passwort an einem sicheren Ort, damit du dein Guthaben wiederherstellen kannst, falls mit deinem Gerät etwas passiert. Drücke dann auf 'Wallet-Konfiguration speichern', um fortzufahren.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubError": "Fehler beim Erstellen des LNDHub-Accounts. Bitte prüfe den Host und versuche es erneut.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubLoginError": "Anmeldung beim LNDHub-Server fehlgeschlagen",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubConnectError": "Unable to connect to LNDHub server. Please verify the host address is correct and the service is running.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lncConnectError": "Der LNC-Client konnte nicht mit dem Proxy-Server verbunden werden",
"stores.LSPStore.error": "LSP-Fehler",
"stores.LSPStore.connectionError": "Verbindung zum LSP fehlgeschlagen. Bitte LSP-Einstellungen prüfen oder später noch einmal versuchen.",
"stores.LightningAddressStore.preimageNotFound": "Pre-Image auf deinem Gerät nicht gefunden. Hast du kürzlich das Gerät gewechselt?",
"error.connectionRefused": "Host nicht erreichbar. Versuche deine Node oder den Tor-Service neuzustarten.",
"error.hostUnreachable": "Host nicht erreichbar. Versuche deine Node oder den Tor-Service neuzustarten.",
"error.nodeConnectError": "Unable to connect to node. Please verify the host and port are correct and the service is running.",
"error.torBootstrap": "Fehler beim Starten von Tor auf deinem Gerät. Ein Neustart von Zeus behebt das Problem möglicherweise. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, erwäge, die Orbot-App zu verwenden, um eine Verbindung zu Tor herzustellen. Alternativ kannst du andere Verbindungsmethoden wie Lightning Node Connect oder Tailscale verwenden.",
"error.sendingPayment": "Fehler beim Senden der Zahlung",
"error.failureReasonTimeout": "Es gibt weitere Routen, die ausprobiert werden könnten, jedoch wurde das Zeitlimit für die Zahlung überschritten.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubSuccess": "Successfully created LNDHub account. Record the username and password somewhere so you can restore your funds if something happens to your device. Then hit Save Wallet Config to continue.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubError": "Σφάλμα δημιουργίας λογαριασμού LNDHub. Ελέγξτε τον κεντρικό υπολογιστή και προσπαθήστε ξανά.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubLoginError": "Αποτυχία σύνδεσης με τον διακομιστή LNDHub ",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubConnectError": "Unable to connect to LNDHub server. Please verify the host address is correct and the service is running.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lncConnectError": "Αποτυχία σύνδεσης του προγράμματος-πελάτη LNC με το διακομιστή μεσολάβησης",
"stores.LSPStore.error": "Σφάλμα LSP",
"stores.LSPStore.connectionError": "Δεν μπόρεσε να συνδεθεί με LSP. Ελέγξτε τις ρυθμίσεις του LSP ή δοκιμάστε ξανά αργότερα.",
"stores.LightningAddressStore.preimageNotFound": "Pre-image not found on your device. Did you recently change devices?",
"error.connectionRefused": "Μη προσβάσιμος κεντρικός υπολογιστής. Δοκιμάστε να επανεκκινήσετε τον κόμβο σας ή τη διαδικασία Tor.",
"error.hostUnreachable": "Μη προσβάσιμος κεντρικός υπολογιστής. Δοκιμάστε να επανεκκινήσετε τον κόμβο σας ή τη διαδικασία Tor.",
"error.nodeConnectError": "Unable to connect to node. Please verify the host and port are correct and the service is running.",
"error.torBootstrap": "Σφάλμα εκκίνησης του Tor στο τηλέφωνό σας. Δοκιμάστε την επανεκκίνηση του Zeus. Αν το πρόβλημα παραμένει, σκεφτείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την εφαρμογή Orbot για να συνδεθείτε στο Tor ή να χρησιμοποιήσετε μια εναλλακτική μέθοδο σύνδεσης, όπως το Lightning Node Connect ή το Tailscale.",
"error.sendingPayment": "Σφάλμα στην αποστολή πληρωμής",
"error.failureReasonTimeout": "Υπάρχουν κι άλλες διαδρομές για να δοκιμάσετε, αλλά το χρονικό όριο πληρωμής έχει ξεπεραστεί.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubSuccess": "Se creó correctamente la cuenta de LNDHub. Registre el nombre de usuario y la contraseña en algún lugar para poder recuperar sus fondos si algo le sucede a su dispositivo. Luego, presione Guardar configuración de monedero para continuar.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubError": "Error al crear la cuenta LNDHub. Comprueba el host e inténtalo de nuevo.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubLoginError": "No se pudo iniciar sesión en el servidor lndhub",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubConnectError": "Unable to connect to LNDHub server. Please verify the host address is correct and the service is running.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lncConnectError": "No se pudo conectar el cliente LNC al servidor proxy",
"stores.LSPStore.error": "Error LSP",
"stores.LSPStore.connectionError": "No se pudo conectar a LSP. Verifique su configuración de LSP o vuelva a intentarlo más tarde.",
"stores.LightningAddressStore.preimageNotFound": "No se encontró la imagen previa en su dispositivo. ¿Cambió recientemente de dispositivo?",
"error.connectionRefused": "Host inalcanzable. Intente reiniciar su nodo o su proceso Tor.",
"error.hostUnreachable": "Host inalcanzable. Intente reiniciar su nodo o su proceso Tor.",
"error.nodeConnectError": "Unable to connect to node. Please verify the host and port are correct and the service is running.",
"error.torBootstrap": "Error al iniciar Tor en su móvil. Intente reiniciar Zeus. Si el problema persiste, considere usar la aplicación Orbot para conectarse a Tor, o usar un método de conexión alternativo como Lightning Node Connect o TailScale.",
"error.sendingPayment": "Error al enviar el pago",
"error.failureReasonTimeout": "Hay más rutas para probar, pero se superó el tiempo de espera de pago.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubSuccess": "Successfully created LNDHub account. Record the username and password somewhere so you can restore your funds if something happens to your device. Then hit Save Wallet Config to continue.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubError": "خطا در ساخت حساب کاربری LNDHub. لطفا هاست را بررسی کرده و دوباره تلاش کنید.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubLoginError": "خطا در ورود به سرور LNDHub",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubConnectError": "Unable to connect to LNDHub server. Please verify the host address is correct and the service is running.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lncConnectError": "اتصال کلاینت LNC به سرور پراکسی انجام نشد",
"stores.LSPStore.error": "خطای LSP ",
"stores.LSPStore.connectionError": "به LSP وصل نشد. لطفا تنظیمات LSP خود را بررسی کرده و دوباره تلاش کنید.",
"stores.LightningAddressStore.preimageNotFound": "Pre-image not found on your device. Did you recently change devices?",
"error.connectionRefused": "هاست قابل دسترسی نیست. گره تان یا فرایند Tor آن را دوباره راه اندازی کنید. ",
"error.hostUnreachable": "هاست قابل دسترسی نیست. گره تان یا فرایند Tor آن را دوباره راه اندازی کنید. ",
"error.nodeConnectError": "Unable to connect to node. Please verify the host and port are correct and the service is running.",
"error.torBootstrap": "خطا در روشن کردن Tor روی تلفن شما. زئوس را دوباره شروع کنید. اگر مشکل باقی بود اپ Orbot را استفاده کنید تا به Torوصل شوید، یا روش جایگزینی برای اتصال مانند Lightning Node Connect یا Tailscale استفاده کنید.",
"error.sendingPayment": "ایرنگ فرستادن پرداخت",
"error.failureReasonTimeout": "مسیرهای بیشتری برای امتحان کردن هست، ولی زمان پرداخت منقضی شده است.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubSuccess": "Successfully created LNDHub account. Record the username and password somewhere so you can restore your funds if something happens to your device. Then hit Save Wallet Config to continue.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubError": "Virhe LNDHub-tilin luomisessa. Tarkista ylläpitäjä ja yritä uudelleen.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubLoginError": "Kirjautuminen LNDHub-palvelimelle ei onnistu",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubConnectError": "Unable to connect to LNDHub server. Please verify the host address is correct and the service is running.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lncConnectError": "LNC-asiakasohjelmiston ja välityspalvelimen yhdistäminen epäonnistui",
"stores.LSPStore.error": "LSP-virhe",
"stores.LSPStore.connectionError": "Yhteys LSP:hen ei onnistunut. Tarkista LSP-asetuksesi tai yritä myöhemmin uudelleen.",
"stores.LightningAddressStore.preimageNotFound": "Pre-image not found on your device. Did you recently change devices?",
"error.connectionRefused": "Ylläpitäjä ei ole tavoitettavissa. Yritä käynnistää solmusi tai sen Tor-prosessi uudelleen.",
"error.hostUnreachable": "Ylläpitäjä ei ole tavoitettavissa. Yritä käynnistää solmusi tai sen Tor-prosessi uudelleen.",
"error.nodeConnectError": "Unable to connect to node. Please verify the host and port are correct and the service is running.",
"error.torBootstrap": "Virhe Torin käynnistämisessä puhelimessa. Yritä käynnistää Zeus uudelleen. Jos ongelma jatkuu, harkitse Orbot-sovelluksen käyttämistä Tor-yhteyden muodostamiseen tai vaihtoehtoisen yhteysmenetelmän, kuten Lightning Node Connectin tai Tailscalen, käyttämistä.",
"error.sendingPayment": "Virhe maksun lähettämisessä",
"error.failureReasonTimeout": "Reittejä on enemmän kokeiltavana, mutta maksun aikaraja ylittyi.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubSuccess": "Le compte LNDHub a été créé avec succès. Notez le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe quelque part afin de pouvoir restaurer vos fonds si quelque chose arrive à votre appareil. Cliquez ensuite sur Enregistrer la configuration du portefeuille pour continuer.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubError": "Erreur lors de la création du compte LNDHub. Veuillez vérifier l'hôte et réessayer.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubLoginError": "Échec de la connexion au serveur LNDHUB",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubConnectError": "Unable to connect to LNDHub server. Please verify the host address is correct and the service is running.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lncConnectError": "Échec de la connexion du client LNC au serveur proxy",
"stores.LSPStore.error": "Erreur LSP",
"stores.LSPStore.connectionError": "Impossible de se connecter à LSP. Veuillez vérifier vos paramètres LSP ou réessayer plus tard.",
"stores.LightningAddressStore.preimageNotFound": "Aucune image préliminaire n'a été trouvée sur votre appareil. Avez-vous récemment changé d'appareil ?",
"error.connectionRefused": "Hôte inaccessible. Essayez de redémarrer votre noeud ou son processus Tor.",
"error.hostUnreachable": "Hôte inaccessible. Essayez de redémarrer votre noeud ou son processus Tor.",
"error.nodeConnectError": "Unable to connect to node. Please verify the host and port are correct and the service is running.",
"error.torBootstrap": "Erreur de démarrage de Tor sur votre téléphone. Essayez de redémarrer Zeus. Si le problème persiste envisagez d'utiliser l'application Orbot pour se connecter à Tor, ou en utilisant une autre méthode de connexion comme Lightning Node Connect ou TailScale.",
"error.sendingPayment": "Erreur d'envoi de paiement",
"error.failureReasonTimeout": "Il y a plus d'itinéraires à essayer, mais le délai d'expiration du paiement a été dépassé.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubSuccess": "Successfully created LNDHub account. Record the username and password somewhere so you can restore your funds if something happens to your device. Then hit Save Wallet Config to continue.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubError": "שגיאה ביצירת חשבון LNDHub.\nאנא בדקו את שרת ונסו שוב.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubLoginError": "התחברות לשרת LNDHub נכשלה",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubConnectError": "Unable to connect to LNDHub server. Please verify the host address is correct and the service is running.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lncConnectError": "חיבור LNC לשרת הפרוקסי נכשל",
"stores.LSPStore.error": "שגיאת LSP",
"stores.LSPStore.connectionError": "Could not connect to LSP. Please check your LSP settings or try again later.",
"stores.LightningAddressStore.preimageNotFound": "Pre-image not found on your device. Did you recently change devices?",
"error.connectionRefused": "שרת לא נגיש, נסו לאתחל את השרת או את תהליך ה- Tor שלו.",
"error.hostUnreachable": "שרת לא נגיש, נסו לאתחל את השרת או את תהליך ה- Tor שלו.",
"error.nodeConnectError": "Unable to connect to node. Please verify the host and port are correct and the service is running.",
"error.torBootstrap": "Error starting up Tor on your phone. Try restarting Zeus. If the problem persists consider using the Orbot app to connect to Tor, or using an alternative connection method like Lightning Node Connect or Tailscale.",
"error.sendingPayment": "שגיאת שליחת תשלום",
"error.failureReasonTimeout": "ישנם נתיבים נוספים לנסות, אבל פסק-זמן התשלום חרג.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubSuccess": "Successfully created LNDHub account. Record the username and password somewhere so you can restore your funds if something happens to your device. Then hit Save Wallet Config to continue.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubError": "Pogreška u stvaranju lndHub računa. Molimo provjerite domaćina i pokušajte ponovo.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubLoginError": "Neuspješna prijava na LNDHub poslužitelj",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubConnectError": "Unable to connect to LNDHub server. Please verify the host address is correct and the service is running.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lncConnectError": "Nije uspjelo povezivanje LNC klijenta s proxy poslužiteljem",
"stores.LSPStore.error": "LSP error",
"stores.LSPStore.connectionError": "Could not connect to LSP. Please check your LSP settings or try again later.",
"stores.LightningAddressStore.preimageNotFound": "Pre-image not found on your device. Did you recently change devices?",
"error.connectionRefused": "Domaćin nedostupan. Pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti svoj nod ili njegov TOR proces.",
"error.hostUnreachable": "Domaćin nedostupan. Pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti svoj nod ili njegov TOR proces.",
"error.nodeConnectError": "Unable to connect to node. Please verify the host and port are correct and the service is running.",
"error.torBootstrap": "Pogreška pri pokretanju Tor-a na vašem telefonu. Pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti Zeus. Ako se problem nastavi, razmislite o korištenju aplikacije Orbot za povezivanje s Torom ili korištenju alternativne metode povezivanja kao što je Lightning Node Connect ili Tailscale.",
"error.sendingPayment": "Error sending payment",
"error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubSuccess": "Successfully created LNDHub account. Record the username and password somewhere so you can restore your funds if something happens to your device. Then hit Save Wallet Config to continue.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubError": "Hiba történt az LNDHub fiók készítésekor. Kérem nézze meg a hostot és próbálkozzon újra.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubLoginError": "Failed to log in to LNDHub server",
"stores.SettingsStore.lndhubConnectError": "Unable to connect to LNDHub server. Please verify the host address is correct and the service is running.",
"stores.SettingsStore.lncConnectError": "Failed to connect the LNC client to the proxy server",
"stores.LSPStore.error": "LSP error",
"stores.LSPStore.connectionError": "Could not connect to LSP. Please check your LSP settings or try again later.",
"stores.LightningAddressStore.preimageNotFound": "Pre-image not found on your device. Did you recently change devices?",
"error.connectionRefused": "Host unreachable. Try restarting your node or its Tor process.",
"error.hostUnreachable": "Host unreachable. Try restarting your node or its Tor process.",
"error.nodeConnectError": "Unable to connect to node. Please verify the host and port are correct and the service is running.",
"error.torBootstrap": "Error starting up Tor on your phone. Try restarting Zeus. If the problem persists consider using the Orbot app to connect to Tor, or using an alternative connection method like Lightning Node Connect or Tailscale.",
"error.sendingPayment": "Error sending payment",
"error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.",

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