Source code for LREC-COLING 2024 paper titled "Zero-shot Event Detection using a Textual Entailment Model as an Enhanced Annotator".
Figure 1: The illustration of the difference between a textual entailment model as a frozen annotator and an enhanced annotator.
Figure 2: The general workflow of using a pre-trained TE model and keyword expansion to annotate unlabeled data.
- We propose to use a TE(Textual Entailment) model to annotate large-scale unlabeled text and use annotated data to finetune the TE model, yielding an improved TE model.
- We propose to use keywords to filter out sentences with a low probability of expressing event(s).
- We expand limited number of seed keywords using WordNet, so that we can use the TE model to annotate unlabeled text efficiently.
- The experimental results show that our method can outperform other baselines by 15% on the ACE05 dataset.
Install the necessary packages with:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Related data resources can be downloaded from Google Drive.
To finetune the TE model
cd ZS_TE/train_te_model
You may modify the arguments in
To do the event detection task
cd ZS_TE/predict_event
You may modify the arguments in
python pred(smoothing).py
To do the trigger classification task
cd ZS_TE/bert_classification
You may modify the arguments in