Releases: YosysHQ/apicula
Releases · YosysHQ/apicula
Known issues!
This release is by no means perfect. Some complex designs appear to generate bitstreams with timing violations. Passing -nodffe
resolves this in some cases. Depends on the exact commit of Yosys and Nextpnr used.
The main reason for publishing this release is that some major changes are coming, and we want to be able to do an alpha relese while most users will by default get a somewhat more stable release. Expect many bugfix and feature releases in the future.
What's Changed
- Fix nanolcd example by @yrabbit in #60
- Add pinless IO treatment by @yrabbit in #61
- Use LEDS_NR in the shift.v example by @yrabbit in #62
- Fix io flags detection. by @yrabbit in #63
- WIP: new vendor ide version support by @yrabbit in #55
- Allow the use of I2C pins iduring fuzzing. by @yrabbit in #66
- Fix base modification. by @yrabbit in #67
- compile attosoc both with and without dffe by @pepijndevos in #65
- Document the longval tables by @yrabbit in #68
- run CI on different yosys/nextpnr versions by @pepijndevos in #69
- Fix the .CST generation in the unpacker by @yrabbit in #73
Full Changelog: 0.0.1a12...0.1
What's Changed
- Pin modes by @yrabbit in #35
- gowin_pack: fix typo in description by @whitequark in #36
- Fuzz io standards by @yrabbit in #37
- Fix unpacking IOB by @yrabbit in #38
- check everything is (un)packed more or less in a sane way by @pepijndevos in #39
- Preparing for complex I/O modes and correcting minor errors. by @yrabbit in #40
- IOBUF + TBUF fuzzer by @yrabbit in #42
- Use aliases of I/O standards in the packer by @yrabbit in #43
- Create .cst (constraints) file from gowin_pack and gowin_unpack by @yrabbit in #44
- Fix the fuzzing of the DFFs. by @yrabbit in #46
- don't mangle 1000+ fuses by @pepijndevos in #47
- Correct a minor error in the documentation. by @yrabbit in #48
- Fix instructions for manual build of examples: by @yrabbit in #50
- Add long wire constraints. by @yrabbit in #51
New Contributors
- @yrabbit made their first contribution in #35
- @whitequark made their first contribution in #36
- @pepijndevos made their first contribution in #39
Full Changelog: 0.0.1a9...0.0.1a10
GW1NS-2C support
0.0.1a9 generate GW1NS-2 chipdb on CI
Slightly less broken
0.0.1a8 allow different reset polarity in same cls
Merge branch 'master' of