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iOS Yoonit Camera

◻ Camera preview (Front & Back)

Yoonit Facefy integration

◻ Face detection, capture and image crop

◻ Understanding of the human face

◻ Frame capture

◻ Capture timed images

◻ QR Code scanning



Table of Contents


Add the following line to your Podfile file:

pod 'YoonitCamera'

And run in the root of your project:

pod install


All the functionalities that the ios-yoonit-camera provides is accessed through the CameraView, that includes the camera preview. See an example how we use in our Demo.

Below we have the basic usage code, for more details, see the API section.

Camera Preview

@IBOutlet var cameraView: CameraView!

Do not forget request camera permission. Start camera preview:


Start capturing face images

With camera preview, we can start capture detected face and generate images:


Set camera event listener to get the result:

class YourViewController: UIViewController, CameraEventListenerDelegate {
    self.cameraView.cameraEventListener = self
    func onImageCaptured(
        _ type: String, 
        _ count: Int, 
        _ total: Int, 
        _ imagePath: String,
        _ darkness: NSNumber?,
        _ lightness: NSNumber?,
        _ sharpness: NSNumber?
    ) {
        // YOUR CODE
    func onFaceDetected(
        _ x: Int, 
        _ y: Int, 
        _ width: Int, 
        _ height: Int, 
        _ leftEyeOpenProbability: NSNumber?, 
        _ rightEyeOpenProbability: NSNumber?, 
        _ smilingProbability: NSNumber?, 
        _ headEulerAngleX: NSNumber?, 
        _ headEulerAngleY: NSNumber?, 
        _ headEulerAngleZ: NSNumber?
    ) {
        // YOUR CODE

Start scanning QR Codes

With camera preview, we can start scanning QR codes:


Set camera event listener to get the result:

class YourViewController: UIViewController, CameraEventListenerDelegate {
    self.cameraView.cameraEventListener = self
    func onQRCodeScanned(content: String) {
        // YOUR CODE



Variable Type Default Value Description
detectionTopSize Float '0.0' Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the top side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result.
detectionRightSize Float '0.0' Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the right side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result.
detectionBottomSize Float '0.0' Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the bottom side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result.
detectionLeftSize Float '0.0' Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the left side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result.


Function Parameters Valid values Return Type Description
startPreview - - void Start camera preview if has permission.
startCaptureType captureType: String
  • "none"
  • "face"
  • "qrcode"
  • "frame"
void Set capture type none, face, QR Code or frame.
stopCapture - - void Stop any type of capture.
destroy - - void Destroy camera preview.
toggleCameraLens - - void Toggle camera lens facing front/back.
setCameraLens cameraLens: String
  • "front"
  • "back"
void Set camera to use "front" or "back" lens. Default value is "front".
getCameraLens - - String Return "front" or "back".
setNumberOfImages numberOfImages: Int Any positive Int value void Default value is 0. For value 0 is saved infinity images. When saved images reached the "number os images", the onEndCapture is triggered.
setTimeBetweenImages timeBetweenImages: Int64 Any positive number that represent time in milli seconds void Set saving face/frame images time interval in milli seconds.
setOutputImageWidth width: Int Any positive number value that represents in pixels void Set face image width to be created in pixels.
setOutputImageHeight height: Int Any positive number value that represents in pixels void Set face image height to be created in pixels.
setSaveImageCaptured enable: Bool true or false void Set to enable/disable save image when capturing face and frame.
setDetectionBox enable: Bool true or false void Set to enable/disable detection box when face/qrcode detected. The detection box is the the face/qrcode bounding box normalized to UI.
setDetectionBoxColor alpha: Float, red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float Value between 0 and 1 void Set detection box ARGB color. Default value is (0.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).
setDetectionMinSize minimumSize: Float Value between 0 and 1. Represents the percentage. void Set face/qrcode minimum size to detect in percentage related with the camera preview.
setDetectionMaxSize maximumSize: Float Value between 0 and 1. Represents the percentage. void Set face/qrcode maximum size to detect in percentage related with the camera preview.
setFaceContours enable: Bool true or false void Set to enable/disable face contours when face detected.
setFaceContoursColor alpha: Float, red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float Value between 0 and 1 void Set face contours ARGB color. Default value is (0.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).
setROI enable: Bool true or false void Enable/disable the region of interest capture.
setROITopOffset topOffset: Float Value between 0 and 1. Represents the percentage. void Camera preview top distance in percentage.
setROIRightOffset rightOffset: Float Value between 0 and 1. Represents the percentage. void Camera preview right distance in percentage.
setROIBottomOffset bottomOffset: Float Value between 0 and 1. Represents the percentage. void Camera preview bottom distance in percentage.
setROILeftOffset leftOffset: Float Value between 0 and 1. Represents the percentage. void Camera preview left distance in percentage.
setROIAreaOffset enable: Bool true or false void Set to enable/disable region of interest offset visibility.
setROIAreaOffsetColor alpha: Float, red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float Value between 0 and 1 void Set face region of interest area offset color. Default value is (0.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).
setTorch enable: Bool true or false void Set to enable/disable the device torch. Available only to camera lens "back".


Event Parameters Description
onImageCaptured type: String, count: Int, total: Int, imagePath: String, darkness: NSNumber?, lightness: NSNumber?, sharpness: NSNumber? Must have started capture type of face/frame (see startCaptureType). Emitted when the image file is created:
  • type: '"face"' or '"frame"'
  • count: current index
  • total: total to create
  • imagePath: the image path
  • inferences: each array element is the image inference result.
  • darkness: image darkness classification.
  • lightness: image lightness classification.
  • sharpness: image sharpness classification.
    onFaceDetected x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, leftEyeOpenProbability: NSNumber?, rightEyeOpenProbability: NSNumber?, smilingProbability: NSNumber?, headEulerAngleX: NSNumber?, headEulerAngleY: NSNumber?, headEulerAngleZ: NSNumber? Must have started capture type of face. Emit the face analysis
    onFaceUndetected - Must have started capture type of face. Emitted after onFaceDetected, when there is no more face detecting.
    onEndCapture - Must have started capture type of face/frame. Emitted when the number of image files created is equal of the number of images set (see the method setNumberOfImages).
    onQRCodeScanned content: String Must have started capture type of qrcode (see startCaptureType). Emitted when the camera scan a QR Code.
    onError error: String Emit message error.
    onMessage message: String Emit message.
    onPermissionDenied - Emit when try to startPreview but there is not camera permission.

    Face Analysis

    The face analysis is the response send by the onFaceDetected. Here we specify all the parameters.

    Attribute Type Description
    x Int The x position of the face in the screen.
    y Int The y position of the face in the screen.
    width Int The width position of the face in the screen.
    height Int The height position of the face in the screen.
    leftEyeOpenProbability NSNumber? The left eye open probability.
    rightEyeOpenProbability NSNumber? The right eye open probability.
    smilingProbability NSNumber? The smiling probability.
    headEulerAngleX NSNumber? The angle in degrees that indicate the vertical head direction. See Head Movements
    headEulerAngleY NSNumber? The angle in degrees that indicate the horizontal head direction. See Head Movements
    headEulerAngleZ NSNumber? The angle in degrees that indicate the tilt head direction. See Head Movements

    Head Movements

    Here we explaining the above gif and how reached the "results". Each "movement" (vertical, horizontal and tilt) is a state, based in the angle in degrees that indicate head direction;

    Head Direction Attribute v < -36° -36° < v < -12° -12° < v < 12° 12° < v < 36° 36° < v
    Vertical headEulerAngleX Super Down Down Frontal Up Super Up
    Horizontal headEulerAngleY Super Left Left Frontal Right Super Right
    Tilt headEulerAngleZ Super Right Right Frontal Left Super Left

    Image Quality

    The image quality is the classification of the three attributes: darkness, lightness and sharpness. Result available in the onImageCaptured event. Let's see each parameter specifications:

    Threshold Classification
    darkness > 0.7 Too dark
    darkness <= 0.7 Acceptable
    lightness > 0.65 Too light
    lightness <= 0.65 Acceptable
    sharpness >= 0.1591 Blurred
    sharpness < 0.1591 Acceptable


    Pre-define key error used by the onError event.

    KeyError Description
    INVALID_CAPTURE_TYPE Tried to start a non-existent capture type.
    INVALID_CAMERA_LENS Tried to input invalid camera lens.
    INVALID_NUMBER_OF_IMAGES Tried to input invalid face/frame number of images to capture.
    INVALID_TIME_BETWEEN_IMAGES Tried to input invalid face time interval to capture face.
    INVALID_OUTPUT_IMAGE_WIDTH Tried to input invalid image width.
    INVALID_OUTPUT_IMAGE_HEIGHT Tried to input invalid image height.
    INVALID_DETECTION_BOX_COLOR Tried to input invalid detection box ARGB value color.
    INVALID_MINIMUM_SIZE Tried to input invalid minimum size.
    INVALID_MAXIMUM_SIZE Tried to input invalid maximum size.
    INVALID_ROI_TOP_OFFSET Tried to input invalid region of interest top offset.
    INVALID_ROI_RIGHT_OFFSET Tried to input invalid region of interest right offset.
    INVALID_ROI_BOTTOM_OFFSET Tried to input invalid region of interest bottom offset.
    INVALID_ROI_LEFT_OFFSET Tried to input invalid region of interest left offset.
    INVALID_ROI_COLOR Tried to input invalid region of interest area offset ARGB value color.
    INVALID_FACE_CONTOURS_COLOR Tried to input invalid face contour ARGB value color.


    Pre-define key messages used by the onMessage event.

    Message Description
    INVALID_MINIMUM_SIZE Face/QRCode width percentage in relation of the screen width is less than the set (setDetectionMinSize).
    INVALID_MAXIMUM_SIZE Face/QRCode width percentage in relation of the screen width is more than the set (setDetectionMaxSize).
    INVALID_OUT_OF_ROI Face bounding box is out of the set region of interest (setROI).
    INVALID_TORCH_LENS_USAGE Torch not available with camera lens "front" (setTorch).

    To contribute and make it better

    Clone the repo, change what you want and send PR. For commit messages we use Conventional Commits.

    Contributions are always welcome!

    Code with ❤ by the Yoonit Team