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Rethink Model Re-Basin and the Linear Mode Connectivity

This repository contains PyTorch implementation for results presented in the paper: Rethink Model Re-Basin and the Linear Mode Connectivity.

Update (01/25): A new version of the paper is updated on arXiv (same link), where a more in-depth study is performed. The accompanying code is published at this repo.

Structure of the repo

  • is the main file for training models. It trains a pair of models simultaneously.
  • is similar to, but only trains a single model at a time. It can be utilized for training a model with large width.
  • training_scripts/ contains bash scripts for training models, including all the hyper-parameter settings.
  • source/ contains source code for model, dataset, training, matching, etc.
    • source/utils/ is adpted from, contaning code for calculating the Fisher Information.
    • source/utils/ contains code for parsing arguments.
    • source/utils/weight_matching/ contains code for weight matching.
    • source/utils/activation_matching/ contains code for activation pruning.
    • source/utils/connect/ contains code for re-normalization and interpolation.
  • notebooks/ contains notebooks to reproduce the results (except some in pruning) presented in the paper. It contains the least code to showcase all the functionalities of the repo and can be easily extended to all the settings.
  • WoodFisher/ is adapted from WoodFisher for pruning experiemnts. A complete description of the repo can be found there.
    • WoodFisher/ is the main file to run pruning from.
    • WoodFisher/transfer_checkpoint.ipynb contains the code to transfer pre-trained checkpoint produced in our code to fit the WoodFisher pruning code.
    • WoodFisher/checkpoints is used to store the pre-trained models for the later pruning.
    • WoodFisher/configs contains yaml config files used for specifying training and pruning schedules. In our work, we only utilize the pruning schedules.
    • WoodFisher/scripts contains the all bash scripts for pruning to reproduce the results in the paper.
    • WoodFisher/record_pruning contains the code for visualizing the results after pruning.
    • WoodFisher/lmc_source contains edited code from our repo for applying re-normalization after pruning.

Weights & Biases

We use the Weight & Biases (wandb) platform for logging results during training. To use wandb for the first time, you need to create an account and login. The --wandb-mode flag can be used to specify the mode of wandb. The default mode is online, which will log the results to the wandb server. If you want to run the code without logging to wandb, you can set --wandb-mode to disabled. If you want to log the results to wandb but do not want to create an account, you can set --wandb-mode to offline. In this case, the results will be logged to a local directory wandb/ and you can upload the results to wandb later. For more details, please refer to the wandb documentation.

Args description


We use a bash script to specify all training settings. The bash script is located in training_scripts/. All settings can be found in source/utils/ with explanations. Here we only list some important args.

  • --project: The wandb project name.
  • --run-name: The wandb run name.
  • --dataset: The dataset to use. We use mnist, cifar10 and cifar100 in our work.
  • --data-dir: The dataset directory.
  • --model: The model to use, including VGG and ResNet type of models.
    • Standard plain VGG models includ cifar_vgg11, cifar_vgg13, cifar_vgg16, and cifar_vgg19. VGG model with batch normalization is named with _bn suffix, e.g., cifar_vgg11_bn.
    • Standard ResNet models are named as cifar_resnet[xx], e.g., cifar_resnet20. Plain/Fixup ResNet model is named with plain_/fixup_ prefix, e.g., plain_cifar_resnet20 and fixup_cifar_resnet32.
    • Models with layer normalization are named with _ln suffix, e.g., cifar_vgg11_ln and cifar_resnet20_ln.
    • Models without biases are named with _nobias suffix, e.g., cifar_vgg11_nobias.
    • Models with a larger width are named with _[width_multipler]x at the end, e.g., cifar_vgg16_bn_4x.
  • --diff-init: Whether to use different initialization for the two models. If True, the two models are initialized with different random seeds.
  • --special-init: Whether to use special initialization for models. Default is None and the models are initialized with the default Kaiming uniform initialization in PyTorch. If set to vgg_init, the Kaiming normal initialization is used.
  • --train-only: Whether to only train the model without measuring the linear interpolation between the two models during training. If not, the linear interpolation is measured every --lmc-freq percent of the training.
  • --reset-bn: Whether to reset BN statistics when measuring the linear interpolation during training.
  • --repair: Whether to apply REPAIR/RESCALE when measuring the linear interpolation during training. Default is None and no re-normalizaiont is applied. If set to repair, REPAIR is applied. If set to rescale, RESCALE is applied.


We refer a complete description to the original repo: WoodFisher. Here we only list some important args in the pruning scripts located in WoodFisher/scripts/, which are important for reproducing the results in the paper.

  • MODULES: The modules to prune.
  • ROOT_DIR: The root directory to store the results.
  • DATA_DIR: The dataset directory.
  • PRUNERS: The pruners to use. Option: woodfisherblock globalmagni magni diagfisher
  • --num-samples: The number of samples to use for applying re-normalization. Default is None.
  • --from-checkpoint-path: The path to the pre-trained checkpoint.


The pruning results reported in the paper are conducted based on the framework in WoodFisher. Code is stored in WoodFisher. We manually edit some code in the original repo to force a one-shot pruning and remove some irrelevant feautres, especially for the WoodFisher/policies/ file, while this can also be done by modifying the pruning settings in the scripts. The original file is retained in WoodFisher/policies/ For applying re-normalization after pruning, we merged a modified version of our code with the repo, sotred in WoodFisher/lmc_source/. Several lines of code are also added to WoodFisher/policies/ This can be used as an example to merge our code with other pruning frameworks.

We release pre-trained checkpoints for re-producing the pruning results reported in the paper. These checkpoints were already transferred and hence there is no need to run the WoodFisher/transfer_checkpoint.ipynb.

We also provide an simple and self-contained example to showcase how to apply re-normalization after pruning in notebooks/renormalize_pruned_model.ipynb. It uses torch.nn.utils.prune to prune the model and then applies re-normalization.


We replicate the setup of the original repo in the following.

First, clone the repository by running the following command:

git clone

After that, do not forget to run source

Tensorboard Support

First of all ensure that your torch package has version 1.1.0 or above. Then install the nightly release of tensorboard:

pip install tb-nightly

After that ensure that future package is installed or invoke installation process by typing the following command in terminal:

pip install future


This codebase corresponds to the paper: Rethink Model Re-Basin and the Linear Mode Connectivity. If you use any of the code or provided models for your research, please consider citing the paper as

  title={Rethink Model Re-Basin and the Linear Mode Connectivity},
  author={Qu, Xingyu and Horvath, Samuel},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.05966},