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:: **** use the "-s WASM" switch to compile WebAssembly output. warning: the SINGLE_FILE approach does NOT currently work in Chrome 63.. ****
:: note: SAFE_HEAP=0 makes iOS shit fail - has to be set to 1 for iCrap devices
emcc.bat -s WASM=0 -Os -O3 -s ASSERTIONS=0 -s SAFE_HEAP=0 -s VERBOSE=0 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wno-pointer-sign -DTEST -DDEBUG --closure 1 --llvm-lto 1 -I./src --memory-init-file 0 -s NO_FILESYSTEM=1 src/filter.cpp src/wavegenerator.cpp src/envelope.cpp src/loaders.cpp src/sid.cpp src/memory.c src/system.cpp src/cpu.c src/hacks.c src/cia.c src/vic.c src/core.cpp src/digi.cpp src/sidplayer.cpp -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_loadSidFile', '_playTune', '_getMusicInfo', '_getSampleRate', '_getSoundBuffer', '_getSoundBufferLen', '_computeAudioSamples', '_enableVoices', '_envIsSID6581', '_envSetSID6581', '_envIsNTSC', '_envSetNTSC', '_getBufferVoice1', '_getBufferVoice2', '_getBufferVoice3', '_getBufferVoice4', '_getRegisterSID', '_getRAM', '_setRAM', '_getDigiType', '_getDigiTypeDesc', '_getDigiRate', '_getNumberTraceStreams', '_getTraceStreams', '_malloc', '_free']" -o htdocs_test/tinyrsid.js -s SINGLE_FILE=0 -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['ccall'] -s BINARYEN_ASYNC_COMPILATION=1 -s BINARYEN_TRAP_MODE='clamp' && copy /b shell-pre.js + htdocs_test\tinyrsid.js + shell-post.js htdocs_test\tinyrsid3.js && del htdocs_test\tinyrsid.js && copy /b htdocs_test\tinyrsid3.js + tinyrsid_adapter.js htdocs_test\backend_tinyrsid.js && del htdocs_test\tinyrsid3.js