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Verify message payloads using publicly available ssh keys

Most of the servers have a public/private ssh key pair available, so do most of the developers. Machines have their public parts available on port 22 (via ssh-keyscan) and devs upload theirs to Github and similar places. How about instead of authorizing our messages using passwords and tokens, we could just sign them using rsa/ecdsa/ed25519 keys we already use for SSH communication, and let the receiver verify that against publicly available records?

How it works?

The sender identifies a private key they want to use. This might be an /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key, for which the public counterpart is available via ssh-keyscan to the receiver. For people, their personal ssh key uploaded to github could be used, as the public keys of each user are available at


Most of the servers exposing something over HTTP also have a HTTPS certificate issued. While this is not strictly in scope of this package because that is not a SSH private key, it can be easily converted to one, and since the cert is exposed on port 443, it is easy to verify by the receivers.

ssh-keygen can be used to sign a message (see also bin/ssh-sign script). Then they can send the payload with a corresponding .sig file to the receiver.

ssh-keygen -Y sign -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -n "com.acme.namespace" payload.json
curl --silent \
  --form "[email protected]" \
  --form "[email protected]" \
  --form "username=mlebkowski" \

The receiver in turn needs to determine the sender’s identity. This could be done explicitly (e.g. by passing their github username along with the message), or implicitly: by the sender’s IP address.

Then the receiver confirms that the signature used one of the public keys available for a given sender, and that the signature matches the message payload. No passwords.

See also example/web-demo for a simple proof of concept.


composer require wondernetwork/ssh-pubkey-payload-verification

You will need a psr/http-client and psr/simple-cache implementations. Most frameworks will have this for you, but in case you don’t have them, you can just pick one from the top:


use WonderNetwork\SshPubkeyPayloadVerification\ValidatorBuilder;

// simples use case:
$validator = ValidatorBuilder::start()->build();

// all available configuration options:
$validator = ValidatorBuilder::start()
    // cache the fetched ssh-keyscans

    // provide your own httpClient instead of relying on autodiscovery
    // if you’d like to cache calls to github, pass your own caching client

    // when a request comes in, just execute ssh-keyscan
    // to get all their public keys. This is the default
    // instead of doing keyscan for each sender
    // pass a pre-determined known-hosts contents or filename
    // replace the whole host keyscan implementation with your own

    // replace the `KeyRepository` entirely and provide you own
    // way for getting list of keys of any given sender
    // this allows you to create custom sender types and sources 
    // of their public keys

Having the validator, we can now proceed to checking payloads:

use WonderNetwork\SshPubkeyPayloadVerification\Validator;
use WonderNetwork\SshPubkeyPayloadVerification\ValidatorException;

/** @var Validator $validator */
try {
     sender: sprintf("ssh://%s:%d", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 22),
     // alternatives:
     // sender: sprintf("https://%s:%d", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 443),
     // sender: "github://mlebkowski",
     namespace: "something you just need to agree on",
     // deliver it any way you like it
     message: $_POST['message'],
     // deliver it any way you like it:
     signature: $_POST['signature'],
   // good, we can act as if this sender/message are authenticated!
} catch (ValidatorException $e) {
   // bad cookie, we discard the message
   // depending on $e, there might be some interesting context why it failed


This solution is based on the same PKI infrastructure and mathematics behind RSA/ECC as the connection to your bank does. There are some caveats:

  • The ssh-keyscan is over an insecure connection. There are no equivalent of HTTPS certificates for SSH connections, so an attacker in position to alter your network traffic is able to spoof this. Similarly, if the target sender is taken over before the receiver had the chance to receive their public key list.

    Consider using a static known hosts file instead, or think about implementing a solution that uses HTTPS certificates if that’s something your senders have at hand.

  • This does not server as authorization of the sender’s message, so you need to do this separately. Nor this secures the communication in any way, so think about transport layer security separately (delivering over HTTPS should be enough). This is stateless, so it doesn’t prevent replay attacks in any way.

  • There is no revocation mechanism other than manually evicting a key from your cache.


Using HTTPS certificates

In order to use a certificate, you need to first convert it’s PEM private key into a SSH private key.

# copy from the place you keep HTTPS certificates
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ ssh-signkey.rsa
# limit permissions, or ssh-keyscan will refuse to work with that file
chmod 0600 ssh-signkey.rsa
# rewrite the key in-place (here: without using a passphrase) in OpenSSH format
ssh-keygen -p -N "" -f ssh-signkey.rsa
# use as any other SSH private key
jq -Mcn .valid=true | ssh-keygen -Y sign -n example -f ssh-signkey.rsa

Extending key sources

Basically, you need to implement KeyRepository to return your own KeyCollection based on the string $sender. You can decorate the existing StandardKeyRepository to keep the built-in features and only add yours on top. An example how this could be done using DNS TXT entries is in examples/dns-txt