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MapShed gSSURGO Data Procedure

Available Water Storage Capacity

This is a straight join from MapunitRaster_CONUS_30m to the muaggatt table on the field aws0100wta as described in the gSSURGO documentation.

General Steps:

  • In ArcMap, load the gSSURGO GeoDatabase
  • Add MapunitRaster_CONUS_30 to the map
  • In Geoprocessing toolbox, use the Data Management > Joins > Join Field tool
    • Input Table: MapUnitRaster, Input Join Field: mukey, Join Table: muggatt, Output Join Field: mukey
    • Join Fields: aws0100wta

After Join completes:

  • Enable Spatial Analyst extension
  • Spatial Analyst > Reclass > Lookup
    • Input Raster: MapUnitRaster, Lookup Field: 1aws0100wta, Output Raster: your destination
Soil Texture

Soil texture has a more complicated set of relationships between the raster mukey and the value we want. In the gSSURGO GDB, the tables that we need are:

  • component

  • chorizon

  • chtexturegrp

  • ctexture and can be gotten with this set of relationships:

  • mukey → component.mukey

    • For mukey, take component with highest comppct_rcokey
      • If "highest" is a tie, just pick one
  • cokey → chorizon.cokey

    • For {cokey}, take horizon with hzdept_r == 0chkey
  • chkey → chtexturegrp.chkey

    • chtgkey
  • chtgkeytexcl

  • texcl → integer map for rasterization

In practice, after extracting those tables from the GDB into the ssurgo-map-unit DB on LR16, the sql query is:

Select the cokey for each mukey with the highest comppct_r .
For that cokey, grab the horizon at depth 0 to get a texture group for that horizon.
For that chtgkey, grab the texture key for the representitive material for that component (rvindicato = Yes)
For that chtgkey, grab the texcl (or lieutex if blank) for the corresponding row

SELECT distinct 
	row_number() over (order by mukey) as OBJECTID, 
	m.mukey, m.cokey, h.chkey, tg.chtgkey, (t.texcl + t.lieutex) as type
	(SELECT distinct 
		(select TOP 1 c1.mukey from component c1 where c1.mukey = c.mukey order by c1.comppct_r DESC ) as mukey,
		(select TOP 1 c2.cokey from component c2 where c2.mukey = c.mukey order by c2.comppct_r DESC ) as cokey
	FROM component c) m 
		LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.chorizon h ON (h.cokey = m.cokey)
		JOIN chtexturegrp tg ON (h.chkey = tg.chkey AND tg.rvindicator = 'Yes')
		JOIN chtexture t ON (t.chtgkey = tg.chtgkey)
  • These textures then get mapped to integers that we can rasterize
  • Follow steps above for Join and Lookup to create output raster
Soil k-Factor (erodability)

kfactor is also produced in the same manner as soil texture, above, but with the following relationships:

  • mukey → component.mukey
    • For mukey, take all components cokeys with comppct_r
  • cokeychorizon.cokey
    • For cokey, take horizon with hzdept_r == 0
  • Weighted Average on kwfact by comppct_r per component of mukey
    • Averaged kwfact -->

With the same tables exported above, this query is used to produce the values for the mukey raster:

	convert(decimal(7,5), (SUM(c.comppct_r * kwfact) / SUM(c.comppct_r + 0.0000001))) AS kfactor 
INTO soil_kfactor
FROM component c 
	LEFT OUTER JOIN chorizon h ON (c.cokey = h.cokey)
WHERE hzdept_r = '0'
GROUP BY c.mukey
ORDER BY mukey

Again, this needs the Join and Lookup steps as the rest to produce a final output.

General Notes

Use ogr2ogr to extract attribute tables from a GDB:

ogr2ogr -f CSV chtexturegrp.csv ~/usb/passport/gSSURGO_CONUS_30m.gdb chtexturegrp

To filter out records that won't be needed in the final queries, you can use the -where argument:

ogr2ogr -where "hzdept_r=0" -f CSV ~/usb/passport/gSSURGO_CONUS_30m.gdb chorizon