[^jw-debanking]: _See, e.g.,_ unexpected accoutn termination at an isntutions larlgely influenced by Coinbase and tis infrastrucutre,, _available at_ https://x.com/JFWooten4/status/1814252066300207611. I have had similar experiences with corporate accounts at Coinbase whereby thy would approve comprehsnievely my business given completely and sfull entity disclosres, only to remove such authoritization as soon as any meanignful tranactions proccesss onchain. This expedrience reminds me of a banking instiutution which found cause to investigate my comrporate account after a tranaction well below the Suspicious Activity Reporting ("SAR") threshold. After I did not answer their phone calls for 48 hours, they closed the account with a signfiicant history operating as the day-to-day treasuy funds for team members. Upon later contacting this instuttions, they told me that the ccacount was closed becuase I "walked into a branch and requested so." This did not occur, so I asked the account representative to check back with their team. Approximateyl two weeks later, we had another call where this employee reaffirmed that I physically closed the account in a local branch. However, this would be impossible becuase I was on holiday in Switzerland at the time of the allefged visit, and this bank did not have any branches in Switzerland. Does the Commission believe transactional oversight should extend so far as to terminate one's ability to partocipate in the financial system just because their phone does not have signal in a gforeign coutnry?
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