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LandBOSSE Installation

Windows Installation for End Users

Step 1: Install Anaconda

You will need the Anaconda distribution of Python. You need the distribution with Python 3.7 or higher.

Step 2: Launch the Anaconda Prompt

LandBOSSE is a command line tool. You will need to launch the Anaconda prompt (either "Anaconda Prompt" or "Anaconda Powershell Prompt" will work.) Search your start menu for "Anaconda3" and you should get a folder ike the one below which lets you select the Anaconda prompt. As you type commands, you should not get error messages. This is indicated by no messages after you type the command.

Anaconda prompt menu selection

Step 3: Create three data folders

You need 3 folders on your desktop for LandBOSSE data. You can certainly put them in a place other than your desktop, but you will need to modify the commands below if you do.

Your command prompt will look something like the following:

Command prompt for making folders

This is what you should type:

md \Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\landbosse
md \Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\landbosse\input
md \Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\landbosse\output

Step 4: Get the source code

If you are familiar with git and GitHub and have a workflow to use to obtain the source code, please skip to the next step.

However, if you are unfamiliar with git and GitHub you can simply download the .zip file. Find the main GitHub page for this project

Clone the GitHub repo

Click on "Download ZIP" to download the .zip file.

Step 5: Get the source code ready

Open the .zip file. Copy the single directory within it to the landbosse folder on the desktop. Rename the directory to LandBOSSE-dev

Your first step upon opening the .zip will be this:

Open the source code zip

Move the file into position like this.

The landbosse dev directory

This is the directory configuration you need to run LandBOSSE.

Step 6: A word of caution about input files

Input files shouldn't be placed in the LandBOSSE source code directory. This creates a risk that proprietary input data will become visible in a source code repository. This risk is mitigated by using the folder structure you just created above.

Step 7: Copy your data into the input folder

Now you can copy the template input files into the LandBOSSE input folder. Navigate to the project_input_template folder in the LandBOSSE source directory, as shown below.

Copy LandBOSSE input template

Following this example, the project input template lives in the C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Desktop\landbosse\LandBOSSE\project_input_template folder. Substitute YOUR USERNAME with the username you use to log in to your computer.

Paste these files into the input folder you made earlier:

Paste the input template files

Your result will look like this when you are done:

done pasting

Note: Depending on the version of LandBOSSE, you may have more files copied into the input folder. As long as you copy over all the input files into the destination folder, LandBOSSE will find its input files.

Step 8: Install the LandBOSSE package

The command should result in a message that begins Then install LandBOSSE itself:

cd \Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\landbosse\LandBOSSE-master
pip install -e .

Step 9: Copy and modify template input files to input folder

In the LandBOSSE directory you will find a folder named project_input_template. Copy (do not move) the contents of this folder into the inputs folder you created and specified in Steps 3 and 7. Retain the folder structure in project_input_template.

The file named projects_list.xlsx must keep the same name. The names of the project data files in the project_data folder must match the project names in projects_list.xlsx.

Step 10: Run LandBOSSE

Navigate back to where you installed LandBOSSE (in case you have navigated away) and run LandBOSSE by typing the following two commands:

cd \Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\landbosse\LandBOSSE-master\
python -i \Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\landbosse\input -o \Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\landbosse\output

Step 11: Examine the results

Your output is in the output directory of your landbosse directory!