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Review by meldridge on v2.6.1 - Exactly what I was looking for.

Finished game?: No

This romhack is exactly what I was looking for. It has all the quality of life improvements I wanted, and also changes just enough of the game to keep it interesting. All of the changes are very well designed and fit in with the feel of Gen 1 perfectly. For many, it makes you wonder why the game wasn't built that way to begin with.

If you're after a purely vanilla romhack with just QoL improvements, this isn't it. But I'd encourage you to try it anyway. I wasn't sold on the type changes at first, but I've left them on and I'm quite enjoying them.

Reviews from

Review by robby2gloves on v2.5.5 - Amazing Upgrade

This hack is amazing! It has been so long since I’ve had the patience to play through a more vanilla version of gen 1 and this hack strikes the perfect balance. It makes filling out the pokedex fun and the overall progression of the game much more engaging. This feels exactly how a gen 1 game should play if remade for the modern age. Highly recommend to anyone who doesn’t want a Red hack that doesn’t stray super far away from the source material. Personally, I can’t wait to see what Vortiene does next!

Review by Jacksta on v2.5.5 - The perfect way to play gen1

When you was a kid did you ever want to play a fully completed version of Red/Blue/Yellow? Honestly this is it.. all 151 Pokemon available with no silly requirements for evolution or travelling half way across the world for an event.

This game is the purest way to play gen 1 the way it should have always been.

The quality of life improvements or some things that even the latest Pokemon games still aren’t doing!

The added features add replay-ability and all full perfectly suited to the core gameplay.


Review by lordelan on v2.5.5 - Probably the best "vanilla" hack of R/B out there, slightly (!) better than Shin

I gotta admit it’s a very close call between this and its biggest competitor (Shin Pokémon by jojobear13).

However I have played both and although I loved both and there’s a few things that Shin does better than Pure but there’s of course also a few things that Pure does better and overall I enjoyed Pure a little more.

Since this is a review of Pure, I won’t go over features of Shin in detail but name a few things that Pure does better that I prefer.

Options menu = rather uncomplicated with no button combos needed, unfold over several pages to easily understand and toggle each option speaking of which… there’s a TON of options to tweak the experience to your own liking and it’s really hard playing any other Gen 1 hack afterwards that lacks these features Sprites = Vortiene just used the most fitting front and back sprites for each Pokémon in my opinion, battles look phenomenal especially on an Analogue Pocket “Time savers” = …like holding a button to speed up the healing dialogue in a Pokémon Center! It’s the little things like this, really! :) Movedex = While I didn’t play too many GBA PKMN hacks yet, I played a good amount of Gen 1 and 2 hacks at least and never saw something like that ever before. It’s SO handy, really. “How to obtain Mew” = This is absolute personal preference and I highly prefer the way how Mew can be caught in Pure rather than in Shin. Moves = While this is the one “feature” I’ve heard a few people argue on that it takes away from a “vanilla experience” the most, I personally like the changes Vortiene made to the moves a lot. Especially the rather useless HMs became pretty handy in battle now! As I said, Shin does a few things better than Pure too and I won’t go over them here since this isn’t the right place. There’s one thing however that I do wanna mention since it is what I’m missing from Shin while playing Pure the most and that is: The randomizer. Being able to change the encounter seed right within Oak’s lab at the start to encounter totally different Pokémon from the start rather than being stuck to Rattata over and over again was my biggest joy in Shin. And while in a perfect world, Vortiene and jojobear13 would just work together* to actually merge Shin and Pure into one hack, making each individual feature of both hacks a toggeable one in the options menu… at least including Shin’s randomizer into Pure would be the best fix until that happens (if ever).

(*I know very well that both devs DO work together and use code from each other in their hacks, they go well with each other and there’s no bad blood which is great, but there’s no plan that I’m aware of, to indeed fuse/merge Shin and Pure)

tl;dr: Pure is my favorite way to experience the original story of Gen 1 and I can’t ever go back to the stock rom from GAMEFREAK. Instead I’ll probably have another few playthroughs with Pure (and Shin) in the next years of my life, while I currently enjoy Pure a little more. :)

Review by pokefanmarcel on v2.5.5 - Top Gen1 Pokemon hack

One of the best Gen1 Pokemon rom hacks out there for those who enjoyed the original. Still feels like the game we played as children, but with a ton of upgrades: some updated sprites, repel re-use button, visualising TM content in the bag…

Two things which really stood out for me:

The postgame is arguably the best in any Gen1 rom hack, with the Battle arena but especially with the storyline additions which feel super authentic. The Viridian school basement is a very cool idea to explain some lesser known mechanics in-game. The movedex is also a cool addition – in fact given the new moves it is almost indispensable. The Pokédex area functionality differentiates between wild encounters in grass, surfing, via fishing. Hoping for more content in a future update!

Review by BrisbaneBrian on v2.5.4 - Exactly what you've been looking for

And if it’s not, then it can likely be customized to make it that way in the new enhanced options menu. I’ve played to Cinnebar Island so far and this hack remains true to the Gen I experience, while adding a level of modernity to its gameplay and some much appreciated cut content and fan service (Mew y’all).

I only have extremely minor nitpicks at the moment, which includes the changes to the rivals lineup (without any option for an og or og+), and some move changes. Things I liked so far include almost everything else in the changelog (legit go read it if you still have doubts).

I’ll be editing this in the future if it doesn’t remain a 10/10, but as it stands now, this is far superior to Firered and Leafgreen and the original games.

Review by Greyfox on v2.5.4 - Perfect hack

Great romhack, these are very good changes, such as the availability of several pokemons for capture, as well as status improvements, such as the jump in power between magikarp that is exchanged when it evolves into Giarados. I haven’t tested to see if it works with the colorization pokemon red romhack. I recommend.

Review by CVerner on v2.5.4 - Pretty much perfect

An amazing update to a classic, fixing the awful bugs and annoying limitations of the original (no more saving when changing boxes and you can auto store items!) while keeping true to the vision of the creators. There’s also a lot of small new additions that contribute to the atmosphere of Kanto and its denizens, making the space feel more lived in and real.

There is a great feature, letting Haunter keep his physical form and name after evolving to Gengar but keeping the stat boost. However it isn’t extended to other Pokémon with unsightly(albeit this is subjective) evolutions (Dragonair to Dragonite, Rhyhorn to Ryhdon, etc). I’d assume some people would also like to keep Pikachu in their original form while getting the stat boosts from Raichu. If anything was on my wishlist for this hack it’d be extending Haunter’s Curse to other Pokémon.

Otherwise there’s really nothing else to say about this hack aside from “perfection”.

Review by Jebuscrisps on v2.5.3 - I loved this

I loved the rebalancing of the game. This was fun to play from start to finish. The changed sprites and moves worked really well. I loved the original RGB games but to see them have some new life like this made me so happy. Looking forward to any future works also.

If you loved the original gen 1 games then this is a must to try! You will not be disappointed

Review by honeyavis on v2.5.2 - Hated Gen 1 before, this made me adore it !!

So having grown up with the gen 5 and 6 games and beyond my entire life, I was pretty spoiled by the convenience and polish of the newer games, which made going back to even gen 3 a pain with no phys/spec split and single use tms. Yet, even with essentially none of these conveniences being brought into this hack, I still had some of the most fun I’ve ever had with a Pokemon game to date, especially with updated Pokemon and trainers, and the unbelievably useful movedex. Not having to look up a wiki for the majority of things in a gen 1 hack is something I find to be astounding and something I wish GF could take major inspiration from. Best form of Kanto yet in my opinion !!

Review by onigirli on v2.4.5 - Type changes are a deal-breaker

Otherwise this truly is the definitive version, I thought with the absolute mass behind all the little changes there would be a hiccup or two, but there hasn’t been a single screw-up from what I’ve played. So it really is a shame, but I figure there will be others like me who’ll find the type modifications a change too many and will appreciate being made aware of it in case they don’t read the Full Features page before playing, since it’s not pointed out in the main description.

The changes aren’t absurd, some of them are even really cool (Marowak being part Ghost, Doduo having Ground typing instead of Normal), but in the end it’s just too much and breaks my immersion. I would love a Lite alternative, but the Full Features page does helpfully recommend an alternative.

EDIT: The hack creator messaged me after posting this that being able to re-adjust the type changes is going to be a feature in the next update. So the problem is soon to be solved!

Review by reaction on v2.4.5 - The best way to replay gen1 IMO

I created an account for this site just to leave this review - I love this hack. It stays so true to the original game while still making many meaningful changes and QoL improvements. If you’re looking to replay Gen 1 after having played it a bunch in the past I would highly recommend this for your next playthrough.

I don’t play enough Pokémon to play all the different romhacks, I just play through Red or Blue every few years and this will be the way I play it going forward.

Thanks a lot for your hard work, it’s much appreciated and enjoyed!!

Review by yusha on v2.4.4 - Perhaps the best Gen 1 Experience

First of all I played this on a Anbernic RG35XX with the OnionOS running RetroArch.

Almost everything about this hack is a masterpiece. From the new varied wild Pokémon allowing you to access ones you couldn’t before until near the end of the game, the new move sets which totally feel accurate and fresh, the small Easter eggs and post game content, as well as the difficulty balance and personal settings you can tweak in the menu. All of these features made the game feel so refreshing as a Gen 1 experience.

I had only run into a few minor bugs while playing. There were 2 different trainers that had Pokémon many times higher level than the trainers around them, which I assumed were just coded wrong. Sometimes when using an item like a potion the screen would go white until I hit some buttons. There was also unfortunately a time where my save data got corrupted when I tried to load it, but luckily I had a save state from just a few hours before. This may have been my hardware/software fault on RetroArch. Also I beat the elite four and did the item dupe glitch with the Missingno which they said was fine now, but something made the Gary sprite reappear below the Cerulean City Bridge. Also after all of this when I went swimming and ran into a battle the enemy sprite would be my Pokémon’s back sprite, and my Pokémon sprite area on the screen would show my trainers back.

Other than these minor bugs and glitches this was a fantastic hack. Bill’s Garden was handled so well and I loved visiting it. The post game secret areas had me absolutely jaw dropped once I figured everything out. After I beat the game I just had to make an account to write a review.

Thank you to the team for making this. You definitely breathed life into this game for an aging Pokémon fan like me.

Review by L4Fun on v2.4.3 - The Definitive G1 Solo Play Experience

First of all I played this on a Anbernic RG35XX with the OnionOS running RetroArch.

Almost everything about this hack is a masterpiece. From the new varied wild Pokémon allowing you to access ones you couldn’t before until near the end of the game, the new move sets which totally feel accurate and fresh, the small Easter eggs and post game content, as well as the difficulty balance and personal settings you can tweak in the menu. All of these features made the game feel so refreshing as a Gen 1 experience.

I had only run into a few minor bugs while playing. There were 2 different trainers that had Pokémon many times higher level than the trainers around them, which I assumed were just coded wrong. Sometimes when using an item like a potion the screen would go white until I hit some buttons. There was also unfortunately a time where my save data got corrupted when I tried to load it, but luckily I had a save state from just a few hours before. This may have been my hardware/software fault on RetroArch. Also I beat the elite four and did the item dupe glitch with the Missingno which they said was fine now, but something made the Gary sprite reappear below the Cerulean City Bridge. Also after all of this when I went swimming and ran into a battle the enemy sprite would be my Pokémon’s back sprite, and my Pokémon sprite area on the screen would show my trainers back.

Other than these minor bugs and glitches this was a fantastic hack. Bill’s Garden was handled so well and I loved visiting it. The post game secret areas had me absolutely jaw dropped once I figured everything out. After I beat the game I just had to make an account to write a review.

Thank you to the team for making this. You definitely breathed life into this game for an aging Pokémon fan like me.

Review by gokajern on v2.4.3 - Chef's kiss scrolling

The scrolling in this hack is better than gen 2. Just for that it’s worth a look. As a matter of fact, this smooth scrolling has probably ruined most hacks for gen 1 and 2 for me. But no, seriously, this hack should be the starting point for future gen 1 hacks. Gen 2 hacks better pay attention to this one too.

As for the rest of the changes, they’re certainly pleasant. It’s nice to have decent options for Pokémon that were too weak before. SGB palette choices are well made too.

This hack is a brilliant example of how you breathe life into an old classic.

Review by SventheD on v2.3.2 - Definitive Gen 1 Experience

Excellent game from start to finish. Lots of quality of life improvements, without breaking the Gen 1 “feel.” Great attention to detail and great additions to make the game feel more complete. No late game grind, leveling up happens organically. Able to complete Gen 1 Dex with an appropriate amount of difficulty. If you enjoy Gen 1, you should definitely give this a go. Had a lot of fun, thanks!

Review by Arbalist94 on v2.2.0 - Breathes new life into an old classic.

Let me start by saying that I’ve been a fan of the 1st Gen Pokémon games ever since I played Blue as a kid. I enjoy a playthrough every couple years or so to relive my childhood nostalgia.

That said, the first couple games had some balance issues like Pokémon barely learning STAB moves naturally, some types being pretty worthless offensively and many Pokémon just being plain worse than others.

This hack fixes all of that and more. Many Pokémon have been given alternate types and adjusted base stats to make them stand out from each other. Nearly all of them fit thematically and makes them far more usable - no more plethora of mono water-types that were rather forgettable.

Besides that, many moves have been changed to make types like Ghost or Bug more viable offensively. Pokémon have reworked move lists that gives them more coverage and work better with their natural stats (no more Rhydons that barely learn STAB moves!) and makes the game a lot more fun in general.

Lastly, wild Pokémon locations have been changed so you’ll have a bit more options when building a team. All of these factors combined give a sense of exploration as you can head out to any given Route, see what is available to catch and experiment with their new learnsets - something the somewhat stale Gen 1 gameplay desperately needed. The new update makes their new typings and base stats viewable in the Dex as well so you don’t have to look up the GitHub files all the time.

It does all of this without adding any later-gen evolutions, typings or the Physical / Special split, keeping the spirit of the Gen 1 games intact. I ended up with Pokémon like Rapidash and Kabutops being my MVPs despite being rather forgetabble in the vanilla game.

Besides that, this hack also adds a lot of QoL features, in-game changeable sprites for a lot of Pokémon, new ways to tackle the Safari Zone without the annoying RNG mechanics, earlier access to fossil Pokémon, a couple cool nods to old-time urban legends, TM’s that can be rebought, all 152(!) Pokémon available to catch, a new item that maxes DV’s… everything works like a charm and greatly improves the game IMO.

I can honestly say this hack beats the original for me. The amount of work and live the creator poured into this hack is palpable and all of it is aimed to make the game more fun. There is even an extensive wiki on GitHub that documents all changes, new features, move changes and whatnot (while keeping a few surprises hidden).

So yeah, if you want to replay Gen 1 in a new and exciting way you needn’t look further and hit that download button now!

Review by TrickyAudin on v2.0.9 - Awesome hack with some unusual changes

As the description for the hack suggests, this is mostly a “purist” enhancement of the original games, staying pretty true to formula with common-sense enhancements. Some of these adjustments include significantly earlier fossil Pokémon, better trainer AI, and fairly tame rebalancing (mostly in making lackluster Pokémon better).

The author does take some liberties that I wouldn’t consider purist such as adding new moves and adjusting some of the Pokémon’s types, but for the most part I think they were good additions anyways to make the game more interesting. I think the new or adjusted attacks, while “impure”, are especially welcome in improving very lackluster offensive types (Ghost and Dragon mainly) while also making some move types much more accessible (Bug, primarily). There are also minor adjustments to NPCs and even a couple new minor areas, but nothing too drastic.

Overall, this may be my go-to way of reliving R/G/B in the future. In many ways, it feels like what gen. 1 would’ve been if it was Gamefreak’s second set of games instead.

Review by Echoherb on v2.0.5 - Excellent!

Original Pokémon Red/Blue were my first Pokémon games, and I have fond memories of it. I’ve always wanted to replay the original, but it’s pretty dated now. While there have been updates like fire red/leaf green, it’s never given me quite the same nostalgia as the original Gameboy version.

What this hack does (along with PureRed and PureBlue) is update the original Gameboy game to modern standards. Not only does it allow capturing of all 152 Pokémon (including Missingno which is now a proper Pokémon that doesn’t glitch out your game), but it rebalances all the abilities to actually be useful. There’s also a ton of options for you to modify to the game to your liking, and lots of QOL changes to the game.

This is now what I’d consider the definitive version of the original Pokémon game and I’d highly recommend it for anyone who wants to play the original Gameboy version!