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+# p5.joystick.js
+## Overview
+The **p5.joystick** library aims to facilitate integration with physical Joysticks.
+It also has an easy calibration system, allowing you to configure different types of joysticks with the standard button format.
+This library uses the [gamepad API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Gamepad_API/Using_the_Gamepad_API).
+Through them it is possible to read directly the status of each joystick. This library also make possible an event based approach.
+## Installation
+It is necessary to insert p5.joystick.js in your html:
+### Usage
+var joystick;
+function setup() {
+ createCanvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
+ joystick = createJoystick();
+ if(!joystick.calibrated())
+ joystick.calibrate(true);
+ joystick.onButtonPressed(onJoystick);
+ joystick.onButtonReleased(onJoystick);
+ joystick.onAxesPressed(onJoystick);
+ joystick.onAxesReleased(onJoystick);
+function draw(){
+ background(100);
+ joystick.draw(width/2, height/2);
+function onJoystick(e) {
+ console.log("onJoystick", e);
+## Calibrating
+Calibration associates each button on the virtual joystick with the physical joystick.
+You can make different combinations as you wish.
+The calibration is automatically saved and loaded into a cookie.
+## Methods
+### createJoystick([debug])
+Initializes built-in listeners to integrate with gamepad API.
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| debug | Boolean | No | If `true`, adds html elements to monitor all connected joysticks and the state of each button. |
+### draw(x, y, [width], [height])
+Draws a joystick on the screen in the desired position and size.
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| x | Number | Yes | horizontal position on screen. |
+| y | Number | Yes | vertical position on the screen. |
+| width | Number | No | Width of the joystick. Standard value: 440. |
+| height | Number | No | Height of the joystick. Standard value: 200. |
+**Notice:** The drawing axis is centered, so the joystick is drawn around the x and y coordinates.
+### calibrate(enable)
+Enable/Disable calibration mode.
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| enable | Boolean | Yes | Enable/Disable calibration mode. |
+### getButtonPressedByName(name)
+Returns a boolean button state: `true` or `false`.
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| gamepadIndex | Integer | Yes | Joystick index. |
+| name | String | Yes | Button name: sholderLeft, sholderRight, axesUp, axesDown, axesLeft, axesRight, buttonBlue, buttonYellow, buttonRed, buttonGreen, start or select. |
+**Notice:** Only works when calibrated.
+### getButtonPressedByIndex(gamepadIndex, buttonIndex)
+Returns a boolean button state: `true` or `false`.
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| gamepadIndex | Integer | Yes | Joystick index. |
+| buttonIndex | Integer | Yes | Button index. |
+### getAxesValueByIndex(gamepadIndex, axesIndex)
+Returns a integer axis state: `-1`, `0`, `1`.
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| gamepadIndex | Integer | Yes | Joystick index. |
+| axesIndex | Integer | Yes | Axes index. |
+## Events
+Events return an object with the following properties:
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| gamepadName | String | Joystick name. |
+| gamepadIndex | Integer | Joystick index. |
+| index | Integer | Button index. |
+| name | String | Button name: sholderLeft, sholderRight, axesUp, axesDown, axesLeft, axesRight, buttonBlue, buttonYellow, buttonRed, buttonGreen, start or select. Return empty "" if the joystick is not calibrated. |
+| pressed | Boolean | Button is pressed or not. |
+| type | String | Button type: axes or button. |
+| value | Integer | "axes" can return directions -1, 0 or 1, and buttons can return 0 or 1. |
+There are 4 types of events:
+### onButtonPressed
+Triggered when a button is pressed.
+### onButtonReleased
+Triggered when a button is released.
+### onAxesPressed
+Triggered when an axes is pressed.
+### onAxesReleased
+Triggered when an axes is released.
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+//Code by Vamoss
+p5.prototype.createJoystick = function(debug) {
+ var _this = {
+ name: "p5Joystick"
+ };
+ const DEBUG_CONTROL = debug;
+ const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 440;
+ const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 200;
+ var calibrating = false;
+ var haveEvents = 'ongamepadconnected' in window;
+ var controllers = {};
+ /*
+ Event listeners
+ */
+ var buttonPressedHandlers = [];
+ var buttonReleasedHandlers = [];
+ var axesPressedHandlers = [];
+ var axesReleasedHandlers = [];
+ _this.onButtonPressed = function(func) {
+ buttonPressedHandlers.push(func);
+ }
+ _this.onButtonReleased = function(func) {
+ buttonReleasedHandlers.push(func);
+ }
+ _this.onAxesPressed = function(func) {
+ axesPressedHandlers.push(func);
+ }
+ _this.onAxesReleased = function(func) {
+ axesReleasedHandlers.push(func);
+ }
+ /*
+ Coordinates
+ */
+ var coordinates = {};
+ var prevX, prevY, prevW, prevH;
+ function calculateCoordinates(x, y, w, h) {
+ if (x == prevX && y == prevY && w == prevW && h == prevH)
+ return;
+ prevX = x;
+ prevY = y;
+ prevW = w;
+ prevH = h;
+ //sholder;
+ const sW = 60 * h / DEFAULT_HEIGHT; //sholder width
+ //axes
+ const aW = 40 * h / DEFAULT_HEIGHT; //axes/button width
+ const aS = 0.6; //space
+ coordinates = {
+ sholderLeft: {x: x - w - sW / 2, y: y - h / 2 - sW / 4, w: sW, h: sW / 3},
+ sholderRight: {x: x + w - sW / 2, y: y - h / 2 - sW / 4, w: sW, h: sW / 3},
+ axesUp: {x: x - w - aW / 2, y: y - aW / 2 * aS - aW, w: aW, h: aW},
+ axesDown: {x: x - w - aW / 2, y: y + aW / 2 * aS, w: aW, h: aW},
+ axesLeft: {x: x - w - aW / 2 * aS - aW, y: y - aW / 2, w: aW, h: aW},
+ axesRight: {x: x - w + aW / 2 * aS, y: y - aW / 2, w: aW, h: aW},
+ buttonBlue: {x: x + w - aW * 0.9 - aW / 2, y: y - aW / 2, w: aW, h: aW},
+ buttonYellow: {x: x + w - aW / 2, y: y - aW * 0.9 - aW / 2, w: aW, h: aW},
+ buttonRed: {x: x + w + aW * 0.9 - aW / 2, y: y - aW / 2, w: aW, h: aW},
+ buttonGreen: {x: x + w - aW / 2, y: y + aW * 0.9 - aW / 2, w: aW, h: aW},
+ start: {x: x - aW * 1.1, y: y, w: aW, h: aW / 2},
+ select: {x: x + aW * .1, y: y, w: aW, h: aW / 2}
+ }
+ loadCalibration();
+ }
+ /*
+ Calibration
+ */
+ var calibration = {};
+ loadCalibration = function(){
+ var savedCalibration = localStorage.getItem('p5Joystick');
+ if(savedCalibration){
+ calibration = JSON.parse(savedCalibration);
+ for (const [gamepadId, joystick] of Object.entries(calibration)){
+ for (const [name, inputButton] of Object.entries(joystick)){
+ if(coordinates[inputButton])
+ coordinates[inputButton].button = name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ loadCalibration();
+ saveCalibration = function(name, gamepadId, inputButton) {
+ coordinates[name].button = inputButton;
+ if (!(gamepadId in calibration))
+ calibration[gamepadId] = {};
+ calibration[gamepadId][inputButton] = name;
+ localStorage.setItem('p5Joystick', JSON.stringify(calibration));
+ }
+ getCalibrationName = function(gamepadId, inputButton) {
+ if (gamepadId in calibration)
+ if(inputButton in calibration[gamepadId])
+ return calibration[gamepadId][inputButton];
+ return "";
+ }
+ /*
+ Public Methods
+ */
+ _this.calibrated = function(){
+ return Object.keys(calibration).length > 0;
+ }
+ _this.calibrate = function(enable){
+ calibrating = enable;
+ }
+ _this.getButtonPressedByName = function(name){
+ if(coordinates[name] && coordinates[name].pressed){
+ return coordinates[name].pressed;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ _this.getButtonPressedByIndex = function(gamepadIndex, buttonIndex){
+ if(controllers[gamepadIndex] && controllers[gamepadIndex].gamepad.buttons[buttonIndex])
+ return controllers[gamepadIndex].gamepad.buttons[buttonIndex].pressed;
+ return false;
+ }
+ _this.getAxesValueByIndex = function(gamepadIndex, axesIndex){
+ if(controllers[gamepadIndex] && controllers[gamepadIndex].gamepad.axes[axesIndex])
+ return controllers[gamepadIndex].gamepad.axes[axesIndex];
+ return 0;
+ }
+ _this.draw = function(x, y, w, h) {
+ if(!x || !y) console.error("p5joystick draw() function: parameters x and y are required")
+ w = w || DEFAULT_WIDTH;
+ h = h || DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
+ w -= h;
+ w /= 2;
+ calculateCoordinates(x, y, w, h);
+ with(coordinates) {
+ noStroke();
+ //sholders
+ fill(sholderLeft.pressed ? 200 : 127);
+ rect(sholderLeft.x, sholderLeft.y, sholderLeft.w, sholderLeft.h, sholderLeft.w / 4, sholderLeft.w / 4, 0, 0);
+ fill(sholderRight.pressed ? 200 : 127);
+ rect(sholderRight.x, sholderRight.y, sholderRight.w, sholderRight.h, sholderRight.w / 4, sholderRight.w / 4, 0, 0);
+ //structure
+ fill(255);
+ circle(x - w, y, h);
+ circle(x + w, y, h);
+ rect(x - w, y - h / 2, w * 2, h * 0.75);
+ //axes
+ fill(axesUp.pressed ? 200 : 127);
+ rect(axesUp.x, axesUp.y, axesUp.w, axesUp.h, axesUp.w / 4, axesUp.w / 4, axesUp.w / 2, axesUp.w / 2);
+ fill(axesDown.pressed ? 200 : 127);
+ rect(axesDown.x, axesDown.y, axesDown.w, axesDown.h, axesDown.w / 2, axesDown.w / 2, axesDown.w / 4, axesDown.w / 4);
+ fill(axesLeft.pressed ? 200 : 127);
+ rect(axesLeft.x, axesLeft.y, axesLeft.w, axesLeft.h, axesLeft.w / 4, axesLeft.w / 2, axesLeft.w / 2, axesLeft.w / 4);
+ fill(axesRight.pressed ? 200 : 127);
+ rect(axesRight.x, axesRight.y, axesRight.w, axesRight.h, axesRight.w / 2, axesRight.w / 4, axesRight.w / 4, axesRight.w / 2);
+ //buttons
+ fill(buttonYellow.pressed ? color(255, 255, 127) : color(255, 255, 0));
+ circle(buttonYellow.x + buttonYellow.w / 2, buttonYellow.y + buttonYellow.h / 2, buttonYellow.w);
+ fill(buttonBlue.pressed ? color(127, 127, 255) : color(0, 0, 255));
+ circle(buttonBlue.x + buttonBlue.w / 2, buttonBlue.y + buttonBlue.h / 2, buttonBlue.w);
+ fill(buttonRed.pressed ? color(255, 127, 127) : color(255, 0, 0));
+ circle(buttonRed.x + buttonRed.w / 2, buttonRed.y + buttonRed.h / 2, buttonRed.w);
+ fill(buttonGreen.pressed ? color(127, 255, 127) : color(0, 255, 0));
+ circle(buttonGreen.x + buttonGreen.w / 2, buttonGreen.y + buttonGreen.h / 2, buttonGreen.w);
+ fill(start.pressed ? 200 : 127);
+ rect(start.x, start.y, start.w, start.h, start.w / 4, start.w / 4, start.w / 4, start.w / 4);
+ fill(select.pressed ? 200 : 127);
+ rect(select.x, select.y, select.w, select.h, select.w / 4, select.w / 4, select.w / 4, select.w / 4);
+ }
+ if (calibrating) {
+ for (const [name, button] of Object.entries(coordinates)) {
+ if (mouseIsPressed)
+ coordinates[name].selected = (mouseX > button.x && mouseX < button.x + button.w && mouseY > button.y && mouseY < button.y + button.h);
+ stroke(0);
+ if (button.selected)
+ fill(0, 255, 255, 100);
+ else
+ fill(0, 100);
+ rect(button.x, button.y, button.w, button.h);
+ if (button.button) {
+ fill(0);
+ noStroke();
+ text(button.button, button.x + button.w / 2 - 10, button.y + button.h / 2 + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Gamepad events
+ */
+ function connecthandler(e) {
+ addgamepad(e.gamepad);
+ }
+ function addgamepad(gamepad) {
+ controllers[gamepad.index] = {
+ gamepad: gamepad,
+ buttonPrevState: [],
+ axesPrevState: [],
+ };
+ for (var i = 0; i < gamepad.buttons.length; i++) {
+ controllers[gamepad.index].buttonPrevState[i] = {
+ value: gamepad.buttons[i].value,
+ pressed: gamepad.buttons[i].pressed
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < gamepad.axes.length; i++) {
+ controllers[gamepad.index].axesPrevState[i] = round(gamepad.axes[i]);
+ }
+ var d = document.createElement("div");
+ d.setAttribute("id", "controller" + gamepad.index);
+ d.style.position = "absolute";
+ d.style.top = "0px";
+ d.style.left = (gamepad.index * 190) + "px";
+ d.style.width = 170 + "px";
+ var t = document.createElement("h3");
+ t.appendChild(document.createTextNode("gamepad: " + gamepad.id));
+ d.appendChild(t);
+ var b = document.createElement("div");
+ b.className = "buttons";
+ b.style.margin = "10px 0px";
+ for (var i = 0; i < gamepad.buttons.length; i++) {
+ var e = document.createElement("span");
+ e.className = "button";
+ e.style.float = "left";
+ e.style.width = "20px";
+ e.style.textAlign = "center";
+ e.style.border = "1px solid blue";
+ e.style.margin = "1px";
+ e.innerHTML = i;
+ b.appendChild(e);
+ }
+ d.appendChild(b);
+ var a = document.createElement("div");
+ a.className = "axes";
+ for (var i = 0; i < gamepad.axes.length; i++) {
+ var p = document.createElement("progress");
+ p.className = "axis";
+ p.setAttribute("max", "2");
+ p.setAttribute("value", "1");
+ p.innerHTML = i;
+ a.appendChild(p);
+ }
+ d.appendChild(a);
+ document.body.appendChild(d);
+ }
+ requestAnimationFrame(updateStatus);
+ }
+ function disconnecthandler(e) {
+ removegamepad(e.gamepad);
+ }
+ function removegamepad(gamepad) {
+ var d = document.getElementById("controller" + gamepad.index);
+ document.body.removeChild(d);
+ }
+ delete controllers[gamepad.index];
+ }
+ function updateStatus() {
+ if (!haveEvents) {
+ scangamepads();
+ }
+ var i = 0;
+ var j;
+ for (j in controllers) {
+ var controller = controllers[j];
+ var gamepad = controller.gamepad;
+ var buttonPrevState = controller.buttonPrevState;
+ for (i = 0; i < gamepad.buttons.length; i++) {
+ var button = gamepad.buttons[i];
+ if (buttonPrevState[i].value != button.value) {
+ buttonPrevState[i].value = button.value;
+ var eventObj = {
+ gamepadName: gamepad.id,
+ gamepadIndex: gamepad.index,
+ value: button.value,
+ index: i,
+ pressed: button.pressed,
+ type: "button",
+ name: getCalibrationName(gamepad.id, "b" + i)
+ }
+ if(eventObj.name != "" && coordinates[eventObj.name])
+ coordinates[eventObj.name].pressed = eventObj.pressed;
+ if (button.pressed) {
+ if (calibrating)
+ for (const [name, button] of Object.entries(coordinates))
+ if (button.selected && eventObj.pressed)
+ saveCalibration(name, gamepad.id, "b" + i);
+ buttonPressedHandlers.forEach(func => func(eventObj));
+ } else {
+ buttonReleasedHandlers.forEach(func => func(eventObj));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var axesPrevState = controller.axesPrevState;
+ for (i = 0; i < gamepad.axes.length; i++) {
+ var axesValue = round(gamepad.axes[i]);
+ if (axesPrevState[i] != axesValue) {
+ var eventObj = {
+ gamepadName: gamepad.id,
+ gamepadIndex: gamepad.index,
+ value: axesValue,
+ index: i,
+ pressed: abs(axesValue) > 0.1,
+ type: "axes"
+ }
+ if (eventObj.pressed)
+ eventObj.name = getCalibrationName(gamepad.id, "a" + i + ":" + axesValue);
+ else
+ eventObj.name = getCalibrationName(gamepad.id, "a" + i + ":" + axesPrevState[i]);
+ if(eventObj.name != "" && coordinates[eventObj.name])
+ coordinates[eventObj.name].pressed = eventObj.pressed;
+ if (eventObj.pressed) {
+ if (calibrating) {
+ for (const [name, button] of Object.entries(coordinates)) {
+ if (button.selected) {
+ saveCalibration(name, gamepad.id, "a" + i + ":" + axesValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ axesPressedHandlers.forEach(func => func(eventObj));
+ } else
+ axesReleasedHandlers.forEach(func => func(eventObj));
+ axesPrevState[i] = axesValue;
+ }
+ }
+ var d = document.getElementById("controller" + j);
+ var buttonsEl = d.getElementsByClassName("button");
+ for (i = 0; i < gamepad.buttons.length; i++) {
+ var button = gamepad.buttons[i];
+ var pct = Math.round(button.value * 100) + "%";
+ buttonsEl[i].style.backgroundSize = pct + " " + pct;
+ if (button.pressed) {
+ buttonsEl[i].style.backgroundColor = "blue";
+ buttonsEl[i].style.color = "white";
+ } else {
+ buttonsEl[i].style.backgroundColor = "";
+ buttonsEl[i].style.color = "";
+ }
+ }
+ var axes = d.getElementsByClassName("axis");
+ for (i = 0; i < gamepad.axes.length; i++) {
+ var a = axes[i];
+ a.innerHTML = i + ": " + gamepad.axes[i].toFixed(4);
+ a.setAttribute("value", gamepad.axes[i] + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ requestAnimationFrame(updateStatus);
+ }
+ function scangamepads() {
+ var gamepads = navigator.getGamepads ? navigator.getGamepads() : (navigator.webkitGetGamepads ? navigator.webkitGetGamepads() : []);
+ for (var i = 0; i < gamepads.length; i++) {
+ if (gamepads[i]) {
+ if (gamepads[i].index in controllers) {
+ controllers[gamepads[i].index].gamepad = gamepads[i];
+ } else {
+ addgamepad(gamepads[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", connecthandler);
+ window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", disconnecthandler);
+ if (!haveEvents) {
+ setInterval(scangamepads, 500);
+ }
+ return _this;
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+++ b/p5.joystick.min.js
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+p5.prototype.createJoystick=function(debug){var _this={name:"p5Joystick"};const DEBUG_CONTROL=debug,DEFAULT_WIDTH=440,DEFAULT_HEIGHT=200;var calibrating=!1,haveEvents="ongamepadconnected"in window,controllers={},buttonPressedHandlers=[],buttonReleasedHandlers=[],axesPressedHandlers=[],axesReleasedHandlers=[];_this.onButtonPressed=function(e){buttonPressedHandlers.push(e)},_this.onButtonReleased=function(e){buttonReleasedHandlers.push(e)},_this.onAxesPressed=function(e){axesPressedHandlers.push(e)},_this.onAxesReleased=function(e){axesReleasedHandlers.push(e)};var coordinates={},prevX,prevY,prevW,prevH;function calculateCoordinates(e,t,a,n){if(e==prevX&&t==prevY&&a==prevW&&n==prevH)return;prevX=e,prevY=t,prevW=a,prevH=n;const s=60*n/DEFAULT_HEIGHT,o=40*n/DEFAULT_HEIGHT;coordinates={sholderLeft:{x:e-a-s/2,y:t-n/2-s/4,w:s,h:s/3},sholderRight:{x:e+a-s/2,y:t-n/2-s/4,w:s,h:s/3},axesUp:{x:e-a-o/2,y:t-o/2*.6-o,w:o,h:o},axesDown:{x:e-a-o/2,y:t+o/2*.6,w:o,h:o},axesLeft:{x:e-a-o/2*.6-o,y:t-o/2,w:o,h:o},axesRight:{x:e-a+o/2*.6,y:t-o/2,w:o,h:o},buttonBlue:{x:e+a-.9*o-o/2,y:t-o/2,w:o,h:o},buttonYellow:{x:e+a-o/2,y:t-.9*o-o/2,w:o,h:o},buttonRed:{x:e+a+.9*o-o/2,y:t-o/2,w:o,h:o},buttonGreen:{x:e+a-o/2,y:t+.9*o-o/2,w:o,h:o},start:{x:e-1.1*o,y:t,w:o,h:o/2},select:{x:e+.1*o,y:t,w:o,h:o/2}},loadCalibration()}var calibration={};function connecthandler(e){addgamepad(e.gamepad)}function addgamepad(e){controllers[e.index]={gamepad:e,buttonPrevState:[],axesPrevState:[]};for(var t=0;te(i))}else buttonReleasedHandlers.forEach(e=>e(i))}var r=a.axesPrevState;for(t=0;t.1,type:"axes"}).pressed?i.name=getCalibrationName(n.id,"a"+t+":"+l):i.name=getCalibrationName(n.id,"a"+t+":"+r[t]),""!=i.name&&coordinates[i.name]&&(coordinates[i.name].pressed=i.pressed),i.pressed){if(calibrating)for(const[e,a]of Object.entries(coordinates))a.selected&&saveCalibration(e,n.id,"a"+t+":"+l);axesPressedHandlers.forEach(e=>e(i))}else axesReleasedHandlers.forEach(e=>e(i));r[t]=l}}if(DEBUG_CONTROL){var d=document.getElementById("controller"+e),c=d.getElementsByClassName("button");for(t=0;t0},_this.calibrate=function(e){calibrating=e},_this.getButtonPressedByName=function(e){return!(!coordinates[e]||!coordinates[e].pressed)&&coordinates[e].pressed},_this.getButtonPressedByIndex=function(e,t){return!(!controllers[e]||!controllers[e].gamepad.buttons[t])&&controllers[e].gamepad.buttons[t].pressed},_this.getAxesValueByIndex=function(e,t){return controllers[e]&&controllers[e].gamepad.axes[t]?controllers[e].gamepad.axes[t]:0},_this.draw=function(x,y,w,h){with(x&&y||console.error("p5joystick draw() function: parameters x and y are required"),w=w||DEFAULT_WIDTH,h=h||DEFAULT_HEIGHT,w-=h,w/=2,calculateCoordinates(x,y,w,h),coordinates)noStroke(),fill(sholderLeft.pressed?200:127),rect(sholderLeft.x,sholderLeft.y,sholderLeft.w,sholderLeft.h,sholderLeft.w/4,sholderLeft.w/4,0,0),fill(sholderRight.pressed?200:127),rect(sholderRight.x,sholderRight.y,sholderRight.w,sholderRight.h,sholderRight.w/4,sholderRight.w/4,0,0),fill(255),circle(x-w,y,h),circle(x+w,y,h),rect(x-w,y-h/2,2*w,.75*h),fill(axesUp.pressed?200:127),rect(axesUp.x,axesUp.y,axesUp.w,axesUp.h,axesUp.w/4,axesUp.w/4,axesUp.w/2,axesUp.w/2),fill(axesDown.pressed?200:127),rect(axesDown.x,axesDown.y,axesDown.w,axesDown.h,axesDown.w/2,axesDown.w/2,axesDown.w/4,axesDown.w/4),fill(axesLeft.pressed?200:127),rect(axesLeft.x,axesLeft.y,axesLeft.w,axesLeft.h,axesLeft.w/4,axesLeft.w/2,axesLeft.w/2,axesLeft.w/4),fill(axesRight.pressed?200:127),rect(axesRight.x,axesRight.y,axesRight.w,axesRight.h,axesRight.w/2,axesRight.w/4,axesRight.w/4,axesRight.w/2),fill(buttonYellow.pressed?color(255,255,127):color(255,255,0)),circle(buttonYellow.x+buttonYellow.w/2,buttonYellow.y+buttonYellow.h/2,buttonYellow.w),fill(buttonBlue.pressed?color(127,127,255):color(0,0,255)),circle(buttonBlue.x+buttonBlue.w/2,buttonBlue.y+buttonBlue.h/2,buttonBlue.w),fill(buttonRed.pressed?color(255,127,127):color(255,0,0)),circle(buttonRed.x+buttonRed.w/2,buttonRed.y+buttonRed.h/2,buttonRed.w),fill(buttonGreen.pressed?color(127,255,127):color(0,255,0)),circle(buttonGreen.x+buttonGreen.w/2,buttonGreen.y+buttonGreen.h/2,buttonGreen.w),fill(start.pressed?200:127),rect(start.x,start.y,start.w,start.h,start.w/4,start.w/4,start.w/4,start.w/4),fill(select.pressed?200:127),rect(select.x,select.y,select.w,select.h,select.w/4,select.w/4,select.w/4,select.w/4);if(calibrating)for(const[name,button]of Object.entries(coordinates))mouseIsPressed&&(coordinates[name].selected=mouseX>button.x&&mouseXbutton.y&&mouseY