Refer to original README here.
cd torchreid/eval_cylib
python -s market1501 -t market1501 \
--flip-eval --eval-freq 1 \
--label-smooth \
--criterion htri \
--lambda-htri 0.1 \
--data-augment crop random-erase \
--margin 1.2 \
--train-batch-size 64 \
--height 384 \
--width 128 \
--optim adam --lr 0.0003 \
--stepsize 20 40 \
--gpu-devices 4,5 \
--max-epoch 80 \
--save-dir path/to/dir \
--arch resnet50 \
--use-of \
--abd-dan cam pam \
--abd-np 2 \
--shallow-cam \
For testing, add extra arguments --evaluate --load-weights path/to/checkpoint.pth.tar
. May bexent
--of-beta <beta>
. Default1e-6
.--of-start-epoch <epoch>
. Default23
.--of-position <p1> <p2> ...
. Can be a subset of{before, after, cam, pam, intermediate}
. Default to all of them.
--ow-beta <beta>
. Default1e-3
. When set, ShallowCAM will be used.
--branches <b1> <b2> ...
. Can be a subset of{global, abd, dan, np}
. Default to{global, abd}
--global-dim <dim>
. Default to1024
--abd-dim <dim>
. Specify the feature dim for each part. Default to1024
.--abd-np <np>
. Default to2
.--abd-dan ...
. Can be a subset of{cam, pam}
. Default to{}
. When set, DANHead will not be used.
--np-dim <dim>
. Specify the feature dim for each part. Default to1024
.--np-np <np>
. Default to2
--dan-dim <dim>
. Specify the feature dim for each part. Default to1024
.--dan-dan ...
. Can be a subset of{cam, pam}
. Default to{}
. When set, DANHead will not be used.
--arch <arch>
. May be one of{resnet50, densenet121, densenet121_d4, densenet121_t3_d4, densenet121_d3_t3_d4, densenet161, densenet161_d4, densenet161_t3_d4, densenet161_d3_t3_d4}