If it does not exist, create a release branch. If it exists, merge latest changes.
git checkout -b release-2025.1 # or git merge dev
Optional: update translations (run script in PowerShell)
.\download-translations.ps1 git commit --all --message "Import latest translations"
Change version code and name in
Commit and push
git commit --all --message "Prepare version 2025.1.1 (21250102)" git push --set-upstream origin release-2025.1
If it does not exist, create a merge request against
Check build succeeds, tests are green and lint output is as expected
- Publish to alpha channel
- Test update on test device
Tag release commit
git tag v2025.1.1 git push origin v2025.1.1
Promote to beta channel
Create or update preview release post on forum
Merge release pull request to
Download universal APK from Play Store
- title like
SeriesGuide 2025.1.1
- get release notes from
- attach APK
- title like
Prepare release post on forum
Promote to production
Publish to Amazon App Store
Publish release post on forum, post on Mastodon
Test Amazon update on test device
Merge changes to dev branch
git checkout dev git merge --no-ff release-2025.1