Change log of ansible-backuppc-client role
- python3 (python3-mysqldb)
- mysql database customizable privileges
- else border case values in jinja
- last refactors and typos
- Retranscription of work on v3.0.0 of
role - Full management of BackupFilesOnly and BackupFilesExclude BackupPC configuration parameters
- As announced in v2.0.0, backwards compatibility with v1.X.Y API is no longer assuerd, to leverage code and avoid unexpected behaviours (as happend in v2 for empty include or exclude files lists)
- v3.0.0 (and a priori all v3.X.Y) of the role maintains backwards compatibility with v2.X.Y API. But again: can change in fuuture verions. Update your playbooks to the new API asap!
- backuppc_scripts desappear, as proposed in defaults/main.yml comments. big refactor of scripts management.
- pre and post dump scripts may be individually installed or not and ran with sudo or not
- New feature: now it's possible to build pre and post dump scripts from templates. This opens the possibility to develop modules for other apps than MySQL and PostgreSQL
- Idempotency of server hnown_hosts file management
- resolution of marginal bug when include or explude files lists are empty, that appears with default variables value's of v1.X.0, that we preserve for backwards compatibility
- per and post dumps scripts names and placement parametrisation
- simplification ofo some formulas
- consistent and extended documentation
- Managment of
configuration for clients, in order to achieve backups with several rsync - Standardisation of API: all variables are in namespace
- Backwards variables' compatibility and default values. Can change in future versions, adopt new API!
- Some new parameters, previously hard coded
- Documentation completion and reorganisation
- Change the place of mysql credentials, in order to affect only backuppc user, not root
- now accepts mysql without root password defined, as is now the default installation in debian
- now the role erases eventual old keys of the backed up host in the known_host of backuppc server
- The unix user used by the server to access the client host is now defined as a variable, as well as it's group
- Possiblity to configure only the client access to the server, not the host client itself. New variables:
: boolean, whether to configure the client host or not,backuppc_server_home
: home directory of user backuppc which is used to perform backups in the server,
- Ansible 2.9 compatibility,
- Variable name changes:
- First stable version.
- configure a host to be backed up by a backuppc server. Configure the client as well as the server,
- options to manage:
- pre-dump and post-dump scripts in the client,
- dump of mysql or postgresql databases in these scripts