- Tables are the high level representation of array data. They represent the Table objects in Reports.
- We only create them for USGCRP publications.
- We create them by hand.
- Tables may contain multiple arrays and in this case, a table caption would be used to briefly explain the relationship between the arrays.
Field | Description |
identifier | Short identifier based on the title. |
ordinal | The numeric position of this table within a chapter. Must start with a number, may contain numbers, letters, dashes, dots and underscores |
title | The title of the table as it appears in the publication. |
caption | The visible explanatory text that accompanies the array data in the publication. When there is a difference in the caption between the print and online tables, we match the online table. |
url | Generally not used. If the Table has a proper, stand alone landing page, it should go here. |
As child:
- With very rare exceptions, not to be used on Tables, but rather their underlying Array.
- If a cell in the array or a statement in the caption includes a citation, the table should use this semantic connection to link to the reference.
As parent:
- These are used when future USGCRP publications cite or derive things from the table.
- We do not actively look for outside use of the table.
- If the Table is within a chapter, this should be connected.
- If the Table is in a publication lacking chapters, this may be blank.
- Should always be provided, linking to the containing publication.
- To be filled in if specified in the Publication and we chose to do so on a Publication wide basis.
- Not used.
GCMD Keywords
- Can be associated if used on a publication wide basis.
- Not implemeneted
- Every table should have at least one array.