Figures should be created for USGCRP Publications.
They are generally created automatically via a syncronizing with the TSU Resources Metadata.
In the case of supported non-USGCRP Publications, Figures may be created if the publishing entity provides the information.
Field | Description |
identifier | The title of the figure with hyphens. May differ if the figure is renamed late in the report process. Generally, we write "US" instead of "United-States" |
chapter_identifier | The associated chapter identifier inside the report, if any, associated with the figure. |
title | The title of the Figure as set by TSU. In the case of Figures not from TSU, the title as it appears in the report. |
caption | Any text appearing alongside the figure. |
attributes | deprecated. Unknown use. Not filled in anywhere. |
time_start time_end | The start and end of the temporal extent represented by this figure. We prefer to have these on the image rather than the figure. |
lat_max lat_min lon_max lon_min | The nothernmost/southmost latitude & eastmost/westmost longitudes in the bounding box for this figure. We prefer to have these on the image rather than the figure. Future development: |
usage_limits | Copyright restrictions describing how this figure may be used by the general public. Historically this has not been filled in properly. Needs to come from TSU, but should not be filled in from their usage limits, but rather whether we created it or not. For non-TSU figures, fill in accordingly. |
submission_dt | Currently, we think this is the last update before submission. Followup needed. Final determination to be made after conversation with TSU. |
create_dt | Currently, we think this is the initial creation in TSU's system. Follow-up needed. Final determination to be made after conversation with TSU. |
source_citation | If this isn't an original creation, the citation to that. Follow-up: should this be captured in provenance? |
ordinal | The internal chapter or report numbering (alphanumeric). |
report_identifier | The associated report identifier the figure. |
url | Direct URL to the Figure landing page in the associated report, if any. |
_origination | Internal field to hold data needed by TSU for presetnation of report websites. Eventually to be phased out via Activity & TSU Sync updates. |
- Figures can cite their sources
- If the Figure has been cited in a future USGCRP publication, it may be marked as isCitedBy
prov:wasGeneratedBy, prov:wasDerivedFrom, prov:wasInformedBy
- These provenence relationships would be better placed on the Image associated with a Figure, rather than on the Figure itself.
- All Figures should have an Image.
- A Figure should have an Image for each logical subpanel within the figure.
- When a logical subdivision of the Figure is unavailable, a single backing Image is acceptable.
- For when the TSU creates the Figures & Images, the Image subobjects are expected to have proper context and not just be cropped subsections of the Figure.
- Figures must belong to a Report or Indicator.
- Figures may belong to a Chapter, if the Report is broken into Chapters and the Figure is within them.
- All Figures should have a Point of Contact
- Figures may have authors, editors, or other contributors depending on the associated Assessment.
- Not yet implemented.
- On a case by case basis for the parent report, we may assign GCMD keywords to the Figure.
- All figures should have a high resolution image file associated with it.
- Preference for PNG for vector-like graphics and JPG for photo-like graphics.
Although indicators have been migrated to figures and are no longer reports, they sit under an empty parent report for each year called “indicators-{year}” . For example, visiting ‘/report/indicators-2018/’ will show you a list of all indicators (figures) for the year 2018.