diff --git a/data/dfndata/colors/colors.dfn b/data/dfndata/colors/colors.dfn
index 73d0d56ea..2ef4b4afa 100644
--- a/data/dfndata/colors/colors.dfn
+++ b/data/dfndata/colors/colors.dfn
@@ -1663,4 +1663,13 @@
0x8AD // blue
0x89B // red
0x08A0 // green
+// seed colors
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/dfndata/items/gear/armor/base_armor.dfn b/data/dfndata/items/gear/armor/base_armor.dfn
index e7fa16ffe..0efbde7d8 100644
--- a/data/dfndata/items/gear/armor/base_armor.dfn
+++ b/data/dfndata/items/gear/armor/base_armor.dfn
@@ -1938,216 +1938,175 @@ restock=10
// Shields
-// Bronze Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
-name=bronze shield
+// Bronze Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
+name=bronze shield
// Buckler - Base item with shared DFN tags
// Metal Kite Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=metal kite shield
// Heater Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=heater shield
// Metal Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=metal shield
// Kite Shield (Wooden) - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=kite shield
// Wooden Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=wooden shield
// Order Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=order shield
// Chaos Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=chaos shield
// Gargish Chaos Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=gargish chaos shield
// Gargish Kite Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=gargish kite shield
// Gargish Order Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=gargish order shield
// Large Plate Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=large plate shield
// Large Stone Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=large stone shield
// Medium Plate Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=medium plate shield
// Small Plate Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=small plate shield
// Gargish Wooden Shield - Base item with shared DFN tags
name=gargish wooden shield
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/dfndata/items/misc/plantgrowing.dfn b/data/dfndata/items/misc/plantgrowing.dfn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab4b43432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/dfndata/items/misc/plantgrowing.dfn
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+//Plant System Items
+//Plant System js numbers adds this to your js file
+name=a plant bowl
+value=2 1
+name=a bowl of dirt
+hp=100 100
+name=Campion Flower Seed
+custominttag=CampionFlowerSeed 1
+name=Poppie Seed
+custominttag=PoppieSeed 1
+name=Snowdrop Seed
+custominttag=SnowdropSeed 1
+name=Bulrushe Seed
+custominttag=BulrusheSeed 1
+name=Lilie Seed
+custominttag=LilieSeed 1
+name=Pampas Grass Seed
+custominttag=PampasGrassSeed 1
+name=Rushe Seed
+custominttag=RusheSeed 1
+name=Elephant Ear Plant Seed
+custominttag=ElephantEarPlantrSeed 1
+name=Fern Seed
+custominttag=FernSeed 1
+name=Ponytail Palm Seed
+custominttag=PonytailPalmSeed 1
+name=Small Palm Seed
+custominttag=SmallPalmSeed 1
+name=Century Plant Seed
+custominttag=CenturyPlantSeed 1
+name=Water Plant Seed
+custominttag=WaterPlantSeed 1
+name=Snake Plant Seed
+custominttag=SnakePlantSeed 1
+name=Prickly Pear Cactus Seed
+custominttag=PricklyPearCactusSeed 1
+name=Barrel Cactus Seed
+custominttag=BarrelCactusSeed 1
+name=Tribarrel Cactus Seed
+custominttag=TribarrelCactusSeed 1
+name=Common Green Bonsai Seed
+custominttag=CommonGreenBonsaiSeed 1
+name=Common Pink Bonsai Seed
+custominttag=CommonPinkBonsaiSeed 1
+name=Uncommon Green Bonsai Seed
+custominttag=UncommonGreenBonsai 1
+name=Uncommon Pink Bonsai Seed
+custominttag=UncommonPinkBonsai 1
+name=Rare Green Bonsai Seed
+custominttag=RareGreenBonsai 1
+name=RarePinkBonsai Seed
+custominttag=RarePinkBonsai 1
+name=Exceptional Bonsai Seed
+custominttag=ExceptionalBonsai 1
+name=Exotic Bonsai Seed
+custominttag=ExoticBonsai 1
+name=Cactus Seed
+custominttag=Cactus 1
+name=Flax Flowers Seed
+custominttag=FlaxFlowers 1
+name=Foxglove Flowers Seed
+custominttag=FoxgloveFlowers 1
+name=Hops East Seed
+custominttag=HopsEast 1
+name=Orfluer Flowers Seed
+custominttag=OrfluerFlowers 1
+name=CypressTwisted Seed
+custominttag=CypressTwisted 1
+name=Hedge Short Seed
+custominttag=HedgeShort 1
+name=Juniper Bush Seed
+custominttag=JuniperBush 1
+name=Snowdrop Patch Seed
+custominttag=SnowdropPatch 1
+name=Cattails Seed
+custominttag=Cattails 1
+name=Poppy Patch Seed
+custominttag=PoppyPatch 1
+name=Spider Tree Seed
+custominttag=SpiderTree 1
+name=Water Lily Seed
+custominttag=WaterLily 1
+name=Cypress Straight Seed
+custominttag=CypressStraight 1
+name=Hedge Tall Seed
+custominttag=HedgeTall 1
+name=Hops South Seed
+custominttag=HopsSouth 1
+name=Sugar Canes Seed
+custominttag=SugarCanes 1
diff --git a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.CSY b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.CSY
index d19756c34..d4bd5100f 100644
--- a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.CSY
+++ b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.CSY
@@ -5311,5 +5311,39 @@
19100=Úspěšně jste převedli kov.
19101=Najednou můžete převést pouze pět set ingotů.
19102=Pro výměnu musí být položka ve vašem batohu.
+// [19110-19200] Pěstování rostlin
+19110=Abyste mohli položku použít, musíte ji mít v batohu nebo uzamčenou.
+19111=Nejprve musíte do misky zasadit semínko
+19112=Prořezáváte rostlinu. Tato rostlina již nebude produkovat zdroje ani semena, ale nebude vyžadovat žádnou údržbu.
+19113=Nemůžete sbírat pyl z mutované rostliny!
+19114=Příliš brzy na sběr pylu
+19115=Nemůžete sbírat pyl z nezdravé rostliny!
+19116=Zaměřte se na rostlinu, kterou chcete křížově opylit.
+19117=Můžete opylovat pouze jiné speciálně pěstované rostliny!
+19118=Tato rostlina není ve fázi květu. Nemůžete to opylit!
+19119=Nemůžete opylit nezdravou rostlinu!
+19120=Nemůžete křížově opylovat mutovanou rostlinou!
+19121=Tato rostlina již byla opylena!
+19122=Opylujete rostlinu vlastním pylem.
+19123=Úspěšně jste zkřížili - opylovali rostlinu.
+19124=Tato rostlina nemá semena ke sběru!
+19125=Sbíráte semena z rostliny.
+19126=Do této rostliny nemůžete přidat vodu.
+19127=Změkčíte špínu vodou.
+19128=To nemůžete použít na rostlinu!
+19129=Ve svém balíčku nemáte žádné silné lektvary tohoto typu.
+19130=Lektvary byste měli nalít pouze na rostlinu nebo semeno!
+19131=Rostlina je tímto typem lektvaru již nasáklá!
+19132=Abyste jej mohli použít, musíte mít předmět v batohu.
+19133=Vyberte kousek špíny, který chcete nabrat.
+19134=Potřebujete více nečistot k naplnění misky na rostliny!
+19135=Naplňte misku čerstvou špínou.
+19136=Budete chtít nasbírat čerstvou špínu, abyste vypěstovali zdravou rostlinu!
+19137=Vyberte misku s hlínou, do které zasadíte toto semínko.
+19138=Musíte použít semeno na připravenou půdu!
+19139=Tato miska s nečistotami již obsahuje semínko %s!
+19140=Nejprve je třeba změkčit nečistoty.
+19141=Zasadíte semeno do misky s hlínou.
+19142=Musíte použít semínko na misku s nečistotami!
diff --git a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ENG b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ENG
index c3dc18d54..6c7523274 100644
--- a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ENG
+++ b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ENG
@@ -5312,5 +5312,39 @@
19100=You've successfully converted the metal.
19101=You can only convert five hundred ingots at a time.
19102=The item must be in your backpack to be exchanged.
+// [19110-19200] Plant Growing
+19110=You must have the item in your backpack or locked down in order to use it.
+19111=You need to plant a seed in the bowl first
+19112=You prune the plant. This plant will no longer produce resources or seeds, but will require no upkeep.
+19113=You cannot gather pollen from a mutated plant!
+19114=Too early to gather pollen
+19115=You cannot gather pollen from an unhealthy plant!
+19116=Target the plant you wish to cross-pollinate to.
+19117=You can only pollinate other specially grown plants!
+19118=This plant is not in the flowering stage. You cannot pollinate it!
+19119=You cannot pollinate an unhealthy plant!
+19120=You cannot cross-pollinate with a mutated plant!
+19121=This plant has already been pollinated!
+19122=You pollinate the plant with its own pollen.
+19123=You successfully cross - pollinate the plant.
+19124=This plant has no seeds to gather!
+19125=You gather seeds from the plant.
+19126=You can't add water to this plant.
+19127=You soften the dirt with water.
+19128=You can't use that on a plant!
+19129=You don't have any strong potions of that type in your pack.
+19130=You should only pour potions on a plant or seed!
+19131=The plant is already soaked with this type of potion!
+19132=You must have the object in your backpack to use it.
+19133=Choose a patch of dirt to scoop up.
+19134=You need more dirt to fill a plant bowl!
+19135=You fill the bowl with fresh dirt.
+19136=You'll want to gather fresh dirt in order to raise a healthy plant!
+19137=Choose a bowl of dirt to plant this seed in.
+19138=You must use a seed on some prepared soil!
+19139=This bowl of dirt already has a seed %s in it!
+19140=The dirt needs to be softened first.
+19141=You plant the seed in the bowl of dirt.
+19142=You must use a seed on a bowl of dirt!
diff --git a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.FRE b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.FRE
index 9465437b6..43bacc548 100644
--- a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.FRE
+++ b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.FRE
@@ -5467,5 +5467,39 @@
19100=Vous avez réussi à convertir le métal.
19101=Vous ne pouvez convertir que cinq cents lingots à la fois.
19102=L'article doit être dans votre sac à dos pour être échangé.
+// [19110-19200] Culture de plantes
+19110=Vous devez avoir l'objet dans votre sac à dos ou verrouillé pour pouvoir l'utiliser.
+19111=Vous devez d'abord planter une graine dans le bol
+19112=Vous taillez la plante. Cette plante ne produira plus de ressources ni de graines, mais ne nécessitera aucun entretien.
+19113=Vous ne pouvez pas récolter le pollen d'une plante mutée !
+19114=Trop tôt pour récolter le pollen
+19115=Vous ne pouvez pas récolter le pollen d'une plante en mauvaise santé !
+19116=Ciblez la plante avec laquelle vous souhaitez effectuer une pollinisation croisée.
+19117=Vous ne pouvez polliniser que d'autres plantes spécialement cultivées !
+19118=Cette plante n'est pas en phase de floraison. Vous ne pouvez pas le polliniser !
+19119=Vous ne pouvez pas polliniser une plante en mauvaise santé !
+19120=Vous ne pouvez pas effectuer de pollinisation croisée avec une plante mutée !
+19121=Cette plante a déjà été pollinisée !
+19122=Vous pollinisez la plante avec son propre pollen.
+19123=Vous avez réussi la pollinisation croisée de la plante.
+19124=Cette plante n'a pas de graines à récolter !
+19125=Vous récoltez les graines de la plante.
+19126=Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter d'eau à cette usine.
+19127=Vous adoucissez la saleté avec de l'eau.
+19128=Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ça sur une plante !
+19129=Vous n'avez pas de potions puissantes de ce type dans votre pack.
+19130=Vous ne devriez verser des potions que sur une plante ou une graine !
+19131=La plante est déjà imbibée de ce type de potion !
+19132=Vous devez avoir l'objet dans votre sac à dos pour l'utiliser.
+19133=Choisissez une parcelle de terre à ramasser.
+19134=Vous avez besoin de plus de terre pour remplir un bol de plante !
+19135=Vous remplissez le bol de terre fraîche.
+19136=Vous aurez envie de ramasser de la terre fraîche afin de faire pousser une plante saine !
+19137=Choisissez un bol de terre pour y planter cette graine.
+19138=Vous devez utiliser une graine sur un sol préparé !
+19139=Ce bol de terre contient déjà une graine %s !
+19140=La saleté doit d'abord être ramollie.
+19141=Vous plantez la graine dans le bol de terre.
+19142=Vous devez utiliser une graine sur un bol de terre !
diff --git a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.GER b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.GER
index 2376f9a36..859817185 100644
--- a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.GER
+++ b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.GER
@@ -5311,5 +5311,39 @@
19100=Sie haben das Metall erfolgreich umgewandelt.
19101=Sie können jeweils nur fünfhundert Barren umwandeln.
19102=Der Artikel muss sich zum Umtausch in Ihrem Rucksack befinden.
+// [19110-19200] Pflanzenbau
+19110=Sie müssen den Gegenstand in Ihrem Rucksack haben oder verschlossen haben, um ihn verwenden zu können.
+19111=Sie müssen zuerst einen Samen in die Schüssel pflanzen
+19112=Sie beschneiden die Pflanze. Diese Pflanze produziert keine Ressourcen oder Samen mehr, benötigt aber keine Pflege.
+19113=Sie können keinen Pollen von einer mutierten Pflanze sammeln!
+19114=Zu früh, um Pollen zu sammeln
+19115=Sie können keinen Pollen von einer ungesunden Pflanze sammeln!
+19116=Zielen Sie auf die Pflanze, die Sie kreuzbestäuben möchten.
+19117=Sie können nur andere speziell gezüchtete Pflanzen bestäuben!
+19118=Diese Pflanze befindet sich nicht in der Blütephase. Sie können es nicht bestäuben!
+19119=Sie können eine ungesunde Pflanze nicht bestäuben!
+19120=Eine Kreuzbestäubung mit einer mutierten Pflanze ist nicht möglich!
+19121=Diese Pflanze wurde bereits bestäubt!
+19122=Sie bestäuben die Pflanze mit ihrem eigenen Pollen.
+19123=Sie haben die Pflanze erfolgreich kreuzbestäubt.
+19124=Diese Pflanze hat keine Samen zum Sammeln!
+19125=Sie sammeln Samen von der Pflanze.
+19126=Sie können dieser Pflanze kein Wasser hinzufügen.
+19127=Sie weichen den Schmutz mit Wasser auf.
+19128=Das kannst du nicht bei einer Pflanze anwenden!
+19129=Du hast keine starken Tränke dieser Art in deinem Rucksack.
+19130=Du solltest Tränke nur auf eine Pflanze oder einen Samen gießen!
+19131=Die Pflanze ist bereits mit dieser Art von Trank getränkt!
+19132=Sie müssen das Objekt in Ihrem Rucksack haben, um es verwenden zu können.
+19133=Wählen Sie ein Stück Erde zum Aufsammeln.
+19134=Sie benötigen mehr Erde, um eine Pflanzschale zu füllen!
+19135=Sie füllen die Schüssel mit frischer Erde.
+19136=Sie möchten frische Erde sammeln, um eine gesunde Pflanze zu züchten!
+19137=Wählen Sie eine Schüssel mit Erde, in die Sie diesen Samen pflanzen möchten.
+19138=Sie müssen einen Samen auf vorbereitetem Boden verwenden!
+19139=Diese Schüssel voller Erde enthält bereits einen Samen %s!
+19140=Der Schmutz muss zuerst aufgeweicht werden.
+19141=Sie pflanzen den Samen in die Schüssel mit Erde.
+19142=Sie müssen einen Samen auf eine Schüssel voller Erde verwenden!
diff --git a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ITA b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ITA
index 882528064..ff1ce1bc3 100644
--- a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ITA
+++ b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ITA
@@ -5311,5 +5311,39 @@
19100=Hai convertito con successo il metallo.
19101=Puoi convertire solo cinquecento lingotti alla volta.
19102=L'articolo deve essere nel tuo zaino per essere scambiato.
+// [19110-19200] Coltivazione di piante
+19110=Devi avere l'oggetto nello zaino o chiuso a chiave per poterlo utilizzare.
+19111=Devi prima piantare un seme nella ciotola
+19112=Poti la pianta. Questa pianta non produrrà più risorse o semi, ma non richiederà manutenzione.
+19113=Non puoi raccogliere il polline da una pianta mutata!
+19114=Troppo presto per raccogliere il polline
+19115=Non puoi raccogliere il polline da una pianta malata!
+19116=Prendi come bersaglio la pianta su cui desideri effettuare l'impollinazione incrociata.
+19117=Puoi impollinare solo altre piante coltivate appositamente!
+19118=Questa pianta non è in fase di fioritura. Non puoi impollinarlo!
+19119=Non puoi impollinare una pianta malata!
+19120=Non puoi effettuare l'impollinazione incrociata con una pianta mutata!
+19121=Questa pianta è già stata impollinata!
+19122=Impollina la pianta con il suo stesso polline.
+19123=Hai incrociato e impollinato con successo la pianta.
+19124=Questa pianta non ha semi da raccogliere!
+19125=Raccogli i semi dalla pianta.
+19126=Non puoi aggiungere acqua a questa pianta.
+19127=Ammorbidisci lo sporco con l'acqua.
+19128=Non puoi usarlo su una pianta!
+19129=Non hai pozioni forti di quel tipo nel tuo zaino.
+19130=Dovresti versare pozioni solo su una pianta o un seme!
+19131=La pianta è già intrisa di questo tipo di pozione!
+19132=Devi avere l'oggetto nello zaino per usarlo.
+19133=Scegli un pezzo di terra da raccogliere.
+19134=Hai bisogno di più terra per riempire un vaso per piante!
+19135=Riempi la ciotola con terra fresca.
+19136=Avrai bisogno di raccogliere terra fresca per far crescere una pianta sana!
+19137=Scegli una ciotola di terra in cui piantare questo seme.
+19138=Devi usare un seme su un terreno preparato!
+19139=Questa ciotola di terra contiene già un seme %s!
+19140=Lo sporco deve prima essere ammorbidito.
+19141=Pianta il seme nella ciotola di terra.
+19142=Devi usare un seme su una ciotola di terra!
diff --git a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.POL b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.POL
index 144ca3bbf..11a6ad2eb 100644
--- a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.POL
+++ b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.POL
@@ -5311,5 +5311,39 @@
19100=Udało Ci się przekonwertować metal.
19101=Możesz wymieniać tylko pięćset sztabek na raz.
19102=Przedmiot musi znajdować się w Twoim plecaku, aby można go było wymienić.
+// [19110-19200] Uprawa roślin
+19110=Musisz mieć ten przedmiot w plecaku lub zamknięty, aby go użyć.
+19111=Najpierw musisz zasiać ziarno w misce
+19112=Przycinasz roślinę. Ta roślina nie będzie już produkować zasobów ani nasion, ale nie będzie wymagać konserwacji.
+19113=Nie możesz zbierać pyłku ze zmutowanej rośliny!
+19114=Za wcześnie na zbieranie pyłku
+19115=Nie możesz zbierać pyłku z niezdrowej rośliny!
+19116=Wyceluj w roślinę, którą chcesz zapylić krzyżowo.
+19117=Możesz zapylać tylko inne, specjalnie wyhodowane rośliny!
+19118=Ta roślina nie jest w fazie kwitnienia. Nie można go zapylać!
+19119=Nie możesz zapylać niezdrowej rośliny!
+19120=Nie możesz zapylać krzyżowo ze zmutowaną rośliną!
+19121=Ta roślina została już zapylona!
+19122=Zapylasz roślinę własnym pyłkiem.
+19123=Udało Ci się krzyżować - zapylić roślinę.
+19124=Ta roślina nie ma nasion do zebrania!
+19125=Zbierasz nasiona rośliny.
+19126=Nie możesz dodać wody do tej rośliny.
+19127=Zmiękczasz brud wodą.
+19128=Nie możesz tego użyć na roślinie!
+19129=Nie masz w swoim zestawie żadnych silnych mikstur tego typu.
+19130=Powinieneś polewać miksturami tylko rośliny lub nasiona!
+19131=Roślina jest już nasączona tego typu miksturą!
+19132=Musisz mieć ten przedmiot w plecaku, aby z niego skorzystać.
+19133=Wybierz kawałek ziemi do zebrania.
+19134=Potrzebujesz więcej ziemi, aby wypełnić miskę z roślinami!
+19135=Napełniasz miskę świeżą ziemią.
+19136=Będziesz chciał zebrać świeżą ziemię, aby wyhodować zdrową roślinę!
+19137=Wybierz miskę ziemi, w której chcesz zasadzić to ziarno.
+19138=Musisz użyć nasion na przygotowanej glebie!
+19139=W tej misce brudu jest już nasionko %s!
+19140=Najpierw należy zmiękczyć brud.
+19141=Zasiewasz ziarno w misce z ziemią.
+19142=Musisz użyć nasion na misce ziemi!
diff --git a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.PTG b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.PTG
index 416dcad46..d1f329c46 100644
--- a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.PTG
+++ b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.PTG
@@ -5311,5 +5311,39 @@
19100=Você converteu o metal com sucesso.
19101=Você só pode converter quinhentos lingotes por vez.
19102=O item deve estar em sua mochila para ser trocado.
+// [19110-19200] Cultivo de Plantas
+19110=Você deve ter o item em sua mochila ou trancado para poder usá-lo.
+19111=Você precisa plantar uma semente na tigela primeiro
+19112=Você poda a planta. Esta planta não produzirá mais recursos ou sementes, mas não exigirá manutenção.
+19113=Você não pode coletar pólen de uma planta mutante!
+19114=Muito cedo para coletar pólen
+19115=Você não pode coletar pólen de uma planta insalubre!
+19116=Escolha a planta que você deseja polinizar cruzadamente.
+19117=Você só pode polinizar outras plantas especialmente cultivadas!
+19118=Esta planta não está em fase de floração. Você não pode polinizá-lo!
+19119=Você não pode polinizar uma planta insalubre!
+19120=Você não pode fazer polinização cruzada com uma planta mutante!
+19121=Esta planta já foi polinizada!
+19122=Você poliniza a planta com seu próprio pólen.
+19123=Você fez a polinização cruzada da planta com sucesso.
+19124=Esta planta não tem sementes para colher!
+19125=Você colhe sementes da planta.
+19126=Você não pode adicionar água a esta planta.
+19127=Você suaviza a sujeira com água.
+19128=Você não pode usar isso em uma planta!
+19129=Você não tem nenhuma poção forte desse tipo em seu pacote.
+19130=Você só deve colocar poções em uma planta ou semente!
+19131=A planta já está encharcada com esse tipo de poção!
+19132=Você deve ter o objeto em sua mochila para usá-lo.
+19133=Escolha um pedaço de terra para recolher.
+19134=Você precisa de mais terra para encher um vaso de plantas!
+19135=Você enche a tigela com terra fresca.
+19136=Você vai querer juntar terra fresca para cultivar uma planta saudável!
+19137=Escolha um recipiente com terra para plantar esta semente.
+19138=Você deve usar uma semente em solo preparado!
+19139=Esta tigela de terra já contém uma semente %s!
+19140=A sujeira precisa ser amolecida primeiro.
+19141=Você planta a semente na tigela de terra.
+19142=Você deve usar uma semente em uma tigela de terra!
diff --git a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.SPA b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.SPA
index aa5807812..418c01cf9 100644
--- a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.SPA
+++ b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.SPA
@@ -5311,5 +5311,39 @@
19100=Has convertido exitosamente el metal.
19101=Sólo puedes convertir quinientos lingotes a la vez.
19102=El artículo debe estar en tu mochila para ser intercambiado.
+// [19110-19200] Cultivo de plantas
+19110=Debes tener el artículo en tu mochila o bajo llave para poder usarlo.
+19111=Primero debes plantar una semilla en el recipiente
+19112=Podas la planta. Esta planta ya no producirá recursos ni semillas, pero no requerirá mantenimiento.
+19113=¡No puedes recolectar polen de una planta mutada!
+19114=Demasiado pronto para recolectar polen
+19115=¡No puedes recolectar polen de una planta enferma!
+19116=Objetivo a la planta con la que desea realizar polinización cruzada.
+19117=¡Solo puedes polinizar otras plantas especialmente cultivadas!
+19118=Esta planta no se encuentra en etapa de floración. ¡No puedes polinizarlo!
+19119=¡No puedes polinizar una planta enferma!
+19120=¡No puedes realizar polinización cruzada con una planta mutada!
+19121=¡Esta planta ya ha sido polinizada!
+19122=Polinizas la planta con tu propio polen.
+19123=Cruzas - polinizas exitosamente la planta.
+19124=¡Esta planta no tiene semillas para recolectar!
+19125=Recolectas semillas de la planta.
+19126=No puedes agregar agua a esta planta.
+19127=Ablandas la suciedad con agua.
+19128=¡No puedes usar eso en una planta!
+19129=No tienes ninguna poción fuerte de ese tipo en tu paquete.
+19130=¡Solo debes verter pociones sobre una planta o semilla!
+19131=¡La planta ya está empapada con este tipo de poción!
+19132=Debes tener el objeto en tu mochila para usarlo.
+19133=Elige un trozo de tierra para recoger.
+19134=¡Necesitas más tierra para llenar un macetero!
+19135=Llenas el recipiente con tierra fresca.
+19136=¡Querrás recolectar tierra fresca para poder cultivar una planta saludable!
+19137=Elija un recipiente con tierra para plantar esta semilla.
+19138=¡Debes usar una semilla en algún suelo preparado!
+19139=¡Este cuenco de tierra ya tiene una semilla %s!
+19140=Primero es necesario ablandar la suciedad.
+19141=Plantas la semilla en el cuenco de tierra.
+19142=¡Debes usar una semilla en un recipiente con tierra!
diff --git a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ZRO b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ZRO
index 5792f2860..62cf605eb 100644
--- a/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ZRO
+++ b/data/dictionaries/dictionary.ZRO
@@ -5306,5 +5306,39 @@
19100=You've successfully converted the metal.
19101=You can only convert five hundred ingots at a time.
19102=The item must be in your backpack to be exchanged.
+// [19110-19200] Plant Growing
+19110=You must have the item in your backpack or locked down in order to use it.
+19111=You need to plant a seed in the bowl first
+19112=You prune the plant. This plant will no longer produce resources or seeds, but will require no upkeep.
+19113=You cannot gather pollen from a mutated plant!
+19114=Too early to gather pollen
+19115=You cannot gather pollen from an unhealthy plant!
+19116=Target the plant you wish to cross-pollinate to.
+19117=You can only pollinate other specially grown plants!
+19118=This plant is not in the flowering stage. You cannot pollinate it!
+19119=You cannot pollinate an unhealthy plant!
+19120=You cannot cross-pollinate with a mutated plant!
+19121=This plant has already been pollinated!
+19122=You pollinate the plant with its own pollen.
+19123=You successfully cross - pollinate the plant.
+19124=This plant has no seeds to gather!
+19125=You gather seeds from the plant.
+19126=You can't add water to this plant.
+19127=You soften the dirt with water.
+19128=You can't use that on a plant!
+19129=You don't have any strong potions of that type in your pack.
+19130=You should only pour potions on a plant or seed!
+19131=The plant is already soaked with this type of potion!
+19132=You must have the object in your backpack to use it.
+19133=Choose a patch of dirt to scoop up.
+19134=You need more dirt to fill a plant bowl!
+19135=You fill the bowl with fresh dirt.
+19136=You'll want to gather fresh dirt in order to raise a healthy plant!
+19137=Choose a bowl of dirt to plant this seed in.
+19138=You must use a seed on some prepared soil!
+19139=This bowl of dirt already has a seed %s in it!
+19140=The dirt needs to be softened first.
+19141=You plant the seed in the bowl of dirt.
+19142=You must use a seed on a bowl of dirt!
diff --git a/data/js/item/disguisekit.js b/data/js/item/disguisekit.js
index 0f7abeeeb..c4767dbc3 100644
--- a/data/js/item/disguisekit.js
+++ b/data/js/item/disguisekit.js
@@ -338,10 +338,15 @@ function onGumpPress( pSock, buttonID, gumpData )
// Start Disguise timer
pUser.KillJSTimer( 1, 5023 );
+ TriggerEvent( 2204, "RemoveBuff", pUser, 1033 );// Remove Current Disguise Buff
pUser.StartTimer( disguiseDuration, 1, 5023 );
pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 18037, pSock.language )); // Disguises wear off after 2 hours. : You're looking good.
+ TriggerEvent( 2204, "AddBuff", pUser, 1033, 1075821, 1075820, 7200, "" ); // Add Disguise Buff
// Resend Disguise Kit Gump
ShowDisguiseKitMenu( pSock, pUser );
diff --git a/data/js/item/plant_growing/plantbowl.js b/data/js/item/plant_growing/plantbowl.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29b0ad88a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/js/item/plant_growing/plantbowl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// Valid map target IDs for dirt
+const validMapDirtIDs = [0x9 ,0x15 ,0x71 ,0x7C ,0x82 ,0xA7 ,0xDC ,0xE3 ,0xE8 ,0xEB
+ ,0x141 ,0x144 ,0x14C ,0x15C ,0x169 ,0x174 ,0x1DC ,0x1EF ,0x272 ,0x275
+ ,0x27E ,0x281 ,0x2D0 ,0x2D7 ,0x2E5 ,0x2FF ,0x303 ,0x31F ,0x32C ,0x32F
+ ,0x33D ,0x340 ,0x345 ,0x34C ,0x355 ,0x358 ,0x367 ,0x36E ,0x377 ,0x37A
+ ,0x38D ,0x390 ,0x395 ,0x39C ,0x3A5 ,0x3A8 ,0x3F6 ,0x405 ,0x547 ,0x54E
+ ,0x553 ,0x556 ,0x597 ,0x59E ,0x623 ,0x63A ,0x6F3 ,0x6FA ,0x777 ,0x791
+ ,0x79A ,0x7A9 ,0x7AE ,0x7B1 ,0x98C ,0x99F ,0x9AC ,0x9BF ,0x5B27 ,0x5B3E ,0x71F4
+ ,0x71FB ,0x72C9 ,0x72CA
+function onUseChecked( pUser, iBowl )
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ if( socket && iBowl && iBowl.isItem )
+ {
+ var bowlOwner = GetPackOwner( iBowl, 0 );
+ if( bowlOwner == null || bowlOwner != pUser )
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19132, socket.language )); //You must have the object in your backpack to use it.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pUser.socket.tempObj = iBowl;
+ pUser.CustomTarget( 1, GetDictionaryEntry( 19133, socket.language ));//Choose a patch of dirt to scoop up.
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function onCallback1( socket, myTarget )
+ if( socket == null )
+ return;
+ var mChar = socket.currentChar;
+ if( ValidateObject(mChar) && mChar.isChar )
+ {
+ var iBowl = socket.tempObj;
+ var tileID = 0;
+ var staticTile = true;
+ if( socket.GetByte(1) )
+ {
+ tileID = socket.GetWord( 17 );
+ if( !tileID )
+ {
+ tileID = GetTileIDAtMapCoord( socket.GetWord( 11 ), socket.GetWord( 13 ), mChar.worldNumber );
+ staticTile = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( ValidateObject( myTarget ) && myTarget.isItem )
+ {
+ // Make sure targeted object is in same world & instance as player
+ if( myTarget.worldnumber != mChar.worldnumber || myTarget.instanceID != mChar.instanceID )
+ return;
+ tileID = myTarget.id;
+ }
+ var validTileIDFound = false;
+ if( tileID != 0 )
+ {
+ if( staticTile == true || ( myTarget && myTarget.isItem )) // tileID is from a dynamic or static item
+ {
+ if( myTarget.id == 0x0f81 )// Fertile Dirt
+ {
+ if( myTarget.amount < 40 ) //amount needed
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19134, socket.language ));//You need more dirt to fill a plant bowl!
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var bowlofdirt = CreateDFNItem( mChar.socket, mChar, "plantbowlOfdirt", 1, "ITEM", true );
+ bowlofdirt.SetTag( "PlantInfo", 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 1 );
+ bowlofdirt.SetTag( "PlantStage", 14 );
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19135, socket.language ));//You fill the bowl with fresh dirt.
+ iBowl.Delete();
+ if( myTarget.amount == 40 )
+ myTarget.Delete();
+ else if( myTarget.amount > 40 )
+ myTarget.amount -= 40;
+ }
+ }
+ validTileIDFound = true;
+ }
+ else if( staticTile == false ) // tileID is from a map tile
+ {
+ if( validMapDirtIDs.indexOf( tileID ) != -1 ) // Dirt
+ {
+ var bowlofdirt = CreateDFNItem( mChar.socket, mChar, "plantbowlOfdirt", 1, "ITEM", true );
+ bowlofdirt.SetTag( "PlantInfo", 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 );
+ bowlofdirt.SetTag( "PlantStage", 14 );//dirt
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19135, socket.language ));//You fill the bowl with fresh dirt.
+ validTileIDFound = true;
+ iBowl.Delete();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( !validTileIDFound )
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19136, socket.language )); // "You'll want to gather fresh dirt in order to raise a healthy plant!"
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/js/item/plant_growing/plantsystem.js b/data/js/item/plant_growing/plantsystem.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cdbb51916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/js/item/plant_growing/plantsystem.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2476 @@
+const scriptID = 19100;// this is the script id
+const PlantDelayTimer = 82800000;//82800000 Every 23 hours plant grows
+function onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed )
+ var gumpID = scriptID + 0xffff;
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ socket.tempObj = iUsed;
+ iUsed.tempObj = socket;
+ socket.CloseGump( gumpID, 0 );
+ var itemPack = GetPackOwner( iUsed, 0 );
+ var iMulti = pUser.multi;
+ if (ValidateObject(iMulti) && (iMulti.IsOnOwnerList(pUser)
+ || (GetServerSetting("COOWNHOUSESONSAMEACCOUNT") && iMulti.owner.accountNum == pUser.accountNum)) || ( itemPack || itemPack == pUser ) && !iUsed.movable != 3 )
+ {
+ PlantBowlGump(pUser, iUsed);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage(GetDictionaryEntry(19110, socket.language));// You must have the item in your backpack or locked down in order to use it.
+ return false;
+ }
+function onCreateDFN( objMade, objType )
+ // This function initializes default settings when creating a new object, especially for objects like a bowl of dirt.
+ // If the object type is 0 (representing a bowl of dirt), the function checks if the object has specific plant information and stage.
+ if( objType == 0 )
+ {
+ // Retrieves plant information and stage tags from the object.
+ var plantInfo = objMade.GetTag( "PlantInfo" );
+ var plantStage = objMade.GetTag( "PlantStage" );
+ // If the object lacks plant information, or if its stage is not set or not equal to 14 (representing dirt), it sets the stage to 14.
+ if( !plantInfo )
+ {
+ if( plantStage != 14 || !plantStage )
+ {
+ // Sets the stage of the object to represent dirt.
+ objMade.SetTag( "PlantStage", 14 );
+ }
+ // Sets default values for plant information, potions, and infections tags.
+ objMade.SetTag( "PlantInfo", 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 );
+ objMade.SetTag( "Potions", 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 );
+ objMade.SetTag( "Infections", 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 );
+ // Stops further execution as default settings have been applied.
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+function PlantBowlGump( pUser, iUsed )
+ var PlantGump = new Gump;
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ var potionInfo = iUsed.GetTag( "Potions" );
+ var infection = iUsed.GetTag( "Infections" );
+ var waterLevel = iUsed.GetTag( "water" );
+ var plantStage = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantStage" );
+ if( !potionInfo || !infection )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var potionLength = potionInfo.split( "," );
+ var infectionLength = infection.split( "," );
+ if( potionLength.length != 4 || infectionLength.length != 4 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var greaterPoison = parseInt( potionLength[0] );
+ var greaterCure = parseInt( potionLength[1] );
+ var greaterHeal = parseInt( potionLength[2] );
+ var greaterStrength = parseInt( potionLength[3] );
+ var infestationLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[0] );
+ var fungusLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[1] );
+ var poisonLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[2] );
+ var diseaseLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[3] );
+ DrawBackground( PlantGump );
+ DrawPlant( PlantGump, iUsed );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 71, 67, 0xD4, 0xD4, 1, 1, 1 ); // Reproduction menu
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 59, 68, 0xD08 );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 71, 91, 0xD4, 0xD4, 2, 2, 2 ); // infestation
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 8, 96, 0x372 );
+ AddPlus( PlantGump, 95, 92, infestationLevel );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 71, 115, 0xD4, 0xD4, 3, 3, 3 ); // fungus
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 58, 115, 0xD16 );
+ AddPlus( PlantGump, 95, 116, fungusLevel );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 71, 139, 0xD4, 0xD4, 4, 4, 4 ); // poison
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 59, 143, 0x1AE4 );
+ AddPlus( PlantGump, 95, 140, poisonLevel );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 71, 163, 0xD4, 0xD4, 5, 5, 5 ); // disease
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 55, 167, 0x1727 );
+ AddPlus( PlantGump, 95, 164, diseaseLevel );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 209, 67, 0xD4, 0xD4, 6, 6, 6 ); // water
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 193, 67, 0x1F9D );
+ AddWaterLevel( PlantGump, 196, 67, waterLevel );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 209, 91, 0xD4, 0xD4, 7, 7, 7 ); // poison potion
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 201, 91, 0xF0A );
+ PlantGump.AddText( 196, 91, 0x835, greaterPoison );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 209, 115, 0xD4, 0xD4, 8, 8, 8 ); // Cure potion
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 201, 115, 0xF07 );
+ PlantGump.AddText( 196, 115, 0x835, greaterCure );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 209, 139, 0xD4, 0xD4, 9, 9, 9 ); // Heal potion
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 201, 139, 0xF0C );
+ PlantGump.AddText( 196, 139, 0x835, greaterHeal );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 209, 163, 0xD4, 0xD4, 10, 10, 10 ); // Strength potion
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 201, 163, 0xF09 );
+ PlantGump.AddText( 196, 163, 0x835, greaterStrength );
+ PlantGump.AddGump( 48, 47, 0xD2 );
+ if( plantStage >= 1 && plantStage <= 9 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddText(54, 47, 0x835, plantStage.toString() );
+ }
+ PlantGump.AddGump( 232, 47, 0xD2 );
+ AddGrowthIndicator( PlantGump, iUsed );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 48, 183, 0xD2, 0xD2, 11, 11, 11 ); // Help
+ PlantGump.AddText( 54, 183, 0x835, "?" );
+ PlantGump.AddButton( 232, 183, 0xD4, 0xD4, 12, 12, 12 ); // Empty the bowl
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 219, 180, 0x15FD );
+ PlantGump.Send( socket );
+ PlantGump.Free();
+function DrawBackground( PlantGump )
+ PlantGump.AddBackground( 50, 50, 200, 150, 0xE10 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 45, 45, 0xCEF );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 45, 118, 0xCF0 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 211, 45, 0xCEB );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 211, 118, 0xCEC );
+ return;
+function AddPlus( PlantGump, x, y, Level )
+ if( Level == 1 )
+ PlantGump.AddText( x, y, 0x35, "+" );
+ if( Level == 2 )
+ PlantGump.AddText( x, y, 0x21, "+" );
+ return;
+function AddWaterLevel( PlantGump, x, y, Level )
+ var addPlusMinus = "";
+ var addHue = 0;
+ switch (Level)
+ {
+ case 0: // severely under-watered.
+ addHue = 0x21;
+ addPlusMinus = "-";
+ break;
+ case 1: // slightly under-watered
+ addHue = 0x35;
+ addPlusMinus = "-";
+ break;
+ case 3: // slightly over-watered
+ addHue = 0x35;
+ addPlusMinus = "+";
+ break;
+ case 4: // severely over-watered
+ addHue = 0x21;
+ addPlusMinus = "+";
+ break;
+ }
+ if( addPlusMinus != 0 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddText(x, y, addHue, addPlusMinus );
+ }
+ return;
+function HealthStatus( myPlant )
+ var status = myPlant.GetTag( "PlantStage" );
+ var maxhealth = myPlant.maxhp + status * 2 + 10;
+ var health = ( myPlant.health / maxhealth ) * 100;
+ var plantHealth = 0;
+ if( health < 33 )
+ {
+ plantHealth = 10; // Dying
+ }
+ else if( health < 66 )
+ {
+ plantHealth = 11; // Wilted
+ }
+ else if( health < 100 )
+ {
+ plantHealth = 12; // Healthy
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ plantHealth = 13; // Vibrant
+ }
+ myPlant.SetTag( "PlantHealth", plantHealth );
+function PlantDamage( iUsed )
+ var infection = iUsed.GetTag( "Infections" );
+ if( !infection )
+ return false;
+ var infectionLevels = infection.split( "," );
+ if( infectionLevels.length != 4 )
+ return false;
+ var damage = 0;
+ for( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+ {
+ var level = parseInt( infectionLevels[i] );
+ if( level > 0 )
+ damage += level * RandomNumber( 3, 6 );
+ }
+ var waterLevel = iUsed.GetTag( "water" );
+ if( waterLevel >= 3 || waterLevel <= 1 )
+ {
+ damage += Math.abs( 2 - waterLevel ) * RandomNumber( 3, 6 );
+ }
+ // Ensure health doesn't go below 0
+ iUsed.health = Math.max( 0, iUsed.health - damage );
+function AddGrowthIndicator( PlantGump, iUsed )
+ var plantInfo = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantInfo" )
+ var plantStage = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantStage" )
+ if( !plantInfo )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var infoLength = plantInfo.split( "," );
+ if( infoLength.length != 4 )
+ return false;
+ var fertialeDirt = parseInt( infoLength[3] );
+ if( plantStage >= 1 && plantStage <= 9)
+ {
+ const gi = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantHealth" );
+ if( iUsed.movable != 3 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddText(239, 47, 0x21, "!" );
+ }
+ else if( gi >= 10 && gi <= 11 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddText( 239, 47, 0x21, "-" ); //Not Healthy
+ }
+ //else if(growthdelay) this takes place on server restart.
+ //PlantGump.AddText(239, 47, 0x35, "-");// delay
+ else if( plantStage == 9 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddText( 239, 47, 0x3, "+" ); // Blue + : The plant successfully grew.
+ }// Green + : The plant successfully grew, and got an extra bonus growth from being planted in fertile dirt.
+ else if( fertialeDirt == 1 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddText( 239, 47, 0x3F, "+" ); // Double Grown
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+function Die( myPlant )
+ // Check if the plant's stage is at its maximum value or beyond (representing a fully grown/dead plant)
+ if( myPlant.GetTag( "PlantStage" ) >= 9 )
+ {
+ // Set the plant's stage to represent dead twigs
+ myPlant.SetTag( "PlantStage", 20 ); //dead twigs
+ // Change the plant's attributes to represent twigs
+ myPlant.id = 0x1B9D; // twig ID
+ myPlant.colour = 0; // twig color
+ myPlant.name = "twigs"; // twig name
+ // Reset the plant's attributes and state
+ ResetPlant( myPlant );
+ }
+ else // If the plant is not fully grown/dead
+ {
+ // Change the plant's attributes to represent a bowl of dirt
+ myPlant.id = 0x1602; // dirt ID
+ myPlant.colour = 0; // dirt color
+ myPlant.name = "a bowl of dirt"; // dirt name
+ myPlant.health = 100; // reset the plant's health
+ // Clear various tags related to plant state
+ myPlant.SetTag( "water", null );
+ myPlant.SetTag( "PlantInfo", 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 );
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 );
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Infections", 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 );
+ myPlant.SetTag( "PlantCross", null );
+ myPlant.SetTag( "PlantHealth", null );
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Seed", null );
+ // Set the plant's stage to represent dirt
+ myPlant.SetTag("PlantStage", 14);//dirt
+ // Add a script trigger (presumably for further processing)
+ myPlant.AddScriptTrigger( scriptID );
+ // Kill any timers associated with the plant (presumably for growth or other processes)
+ myPlant.KillTimers();
+ }
+ return; // End the function
+function GrowthCheck( myPlant )
+ var waterLevel = parseInt( myPlant.GetTag( "water" ));
+ var infection = myPlant.GetTag( "Infections" );
+ var potionInfo = myPlant.GetTag( "Potions" );
+ var plantInfo = myPlant.GetTag( "PlantInfo" );
+ var infoLength = plantInfo.split( "," );
+ var potionLength = potionInfo.split( "," );
+ var infectionLength = infection.split( "," );
+ if( infoLength.length !== 4 || potionLength.length !== 4 || infectionLength.length !== 4)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ var greaterPoison = parseInt( potionLength[0] );
+ var greaterCure = parseInt( potionLength[1] );
+ var greaterHeal = parseInt( potionLength[2] );
+ var greaterStrength = parseInt( potionLength[3] );
+ var infestationLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[0] );
+ var fungusLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[1] );
+ var poisonLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[2] );
+ var diseaseLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[3] );
+ var plantType = infoLength[0];
+ var plantColor = infoLength[2];
+ var infestationChance = 0.30 - greaterStrength * 0.075 + ( waterLevel - 2 ) * 0.10;
+ if( [1, 27, 28, 30].indexOf( plantType) !== -1 )
+ {
+ infestationChance += 0.10;
+ }
+ if( [21, 5, 38, 10, 42, 43].indexOf( plantColor) !== -1 )
+ {
+ infestationChance += 0.10;
+ }
+ if( infestationChance >= Math.random() && infestationLevel < 2 )
+ {
+ infestationLevel++;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Infections", infestationLevel + "," + fungusLevel + "," + poisonLevel + "," + diseaseLevel );
+ }
+ var fungusChance = 0.15 - greaterStrength * 0.075 + ( waterLevel - 2 ) * 0.10;
+ if( fungusChance >= Math.random() && fungusLevel < 2 )
+ {
+ fungusLevel++;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Infections", infestationLevel + "," + fungusLevel + "," + poisonLevel + "," + diseaseLevel );
+ }
+ if( waterLevel > 0 && ( waterLevel >= 2 || 0.9 >= Math.random() ))
+ {
+ waterLevel--;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "water", waterLevel );
+ }
+ if( greaterPoison > 0 )
+ {
+ greaterPoison--;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", greaterPoison + "," + greaterCure + "," + greaterHeal + "," + greaterStrength );
+ poisonLevel++;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Infections", infestationLevel + "," + fungusLevel + "," + poisonLevel + "," + diseaseLevel );
+ }
+ if( greaterCure > 0 )
+ {
+ greaterCure--;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", greaterPoison + "," + greaterCure + "," + greaterHeal + "," + greaterStrength );
+ diseaseLevel++;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Infections", infestationLevel + "," + fungusLevel + "," + poisonLevel + "," + diseaseLevel );
+ }
+ if( greaterStrength > 0 )
+ {
+ greaterStrength--;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", greaterPoison + "," + greaterCure + "," + greaterHeal + "," + greaterStrength );
+ }
+function ApplyPotions( myPlant )
+ var waterLevel = parseInt( myPlant.GetTag( "water" ));
+ var potionInfo = myPlant.GetTag( "Potions" );
+ var infection = myPlant.GetTag( "Infections" );
+ var potionLength = potionInfo.split( "," );
+ var infectionLength = infection.split( "," );
+ if( potionLength.length !== 4 || infectionLength.length !== 4 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var greaterPoison = parseInt( potionLength[0] );
+ var greaterCure = parseInt( potionLength[1] );
+ var greaterHeal = parseInt( potionLength[2] );
+ var greaterStrength = parseInt( potionLength[3] );
+ var infestationLevel = parseInt(infectionLength[0] );
+ var fungusLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[1] );
+ var poisonLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[2] );
+ var diseaseLevel = parseInt( infectionLength[3] );
+ var infestation = 0;
+ if( greaterPoison >= infestationLevel )
+ {
+ var poison = greaterPoison - infestationLevel;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", poison + "," + greaterCure + "," + greaterHeal + "," + greaterStrength );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", 0 + "," + greaterCure + "," + greaterHeal + "," + greaterStrength );
+ infestation = infestationLevel - greaterPoison;
+ }
+ var fungus = 0;
+ if( greaterCure >= fungusLevel )
+ {
+ var cure = greaterCure - fungusLevel;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", greaterPoison + "," + cure + "," + greaterHeal + "," + greaterStrength );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", greaterPoison + "," + 0 + "," + greaterHeal + "," + greaterStrength );
+ fungus = fungusLevel - greaterCure; }
+ var poison = 0;
+ if( greaterHeal >= poisonLevel )
+ {
+ var heal = greaterHeal - poisonLevel;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", greaterPoison + "," + greaterCure + "," + heal + "," + greaterStrength );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", greaterPoison + "," + greaterCure + "," + 0 + "," + greaterStrength );
+ poison = poisonLevel - greaterHeal;
+ }
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Infections", infestation + "," + fungus + "," + poison + "," + diseaseLevel );
+ if( infestationLevel == 0 || fungusLevel == 0 || poisonLevel == 0 || diseaseLevel == 0 || waterLevel != 2 )
+ {
+ if( greaterHeal > 0 )
+ {
+ myPlant.health += greaterHeal * 7;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myPlant.health += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if( greaterHeal > 0 )
+ {
+ greaterHeal--;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Potions", greaterPoison + "," + greaterCure + "," + greaterHeal + "," + greaterStrength );
+ }
+function onTimer( myPlant, timerID )
+ if( !ValidateObject( myPlant ))
+ return;
+ var stage = myPlant.GetTag( "PlantStage" );//Starts at stage 1
+ var Seeds = myPlant.GetTag( "Seed" );
+ var CrossedPlants = myPlant.GetTag( "PlantCross" );
+ var plantInfo = myPlant.GetTag( "PlantInfo" );
+ if( !CrossedPlants || !Seeds || !plantInfo )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var Crossed = CrossedPlants.split( "," );
+ var Seedlength = Seeds.split( "," );
+ var infoLength = plantInfo.split( "," );
+ if( Crossed.length != 3 || Seedlength.length != 3 || infoLength.length != 4 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var Pollinated = parseInt( Crossed[0] );
+ var SeedBreed = parseInt( Crossed[1] );
+ var crossAble = parseInt( Crossed[2] );
+ var availableSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[0] );
+ var remainingSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[1] );
+ var hueSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[2] );
+ var fertialeDirt = parseInt( infoLength[3] );
+ if( timerID == 1 )
+ {
+ if( myPlant.health <= 0 )
+ {
+ Die( myPlant );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( myPlant.movable != 3 )
+ { // Checks make sure the plant is lockdown if its not it loops timer until it no longer fails this check.
+ myPlant.StartTimer( PlantDelayTimer, 1, scriptID );
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( myPlant.GetTag( "PlantHealth" ) != 10 && myPlant.GetTag( "PlantHealth" ) != 11 )//wilted or dying
+ {
+ if( fertialeDirt == 1 && stage <= 5 )
+ {
+ //double growth to stage 5
+ myPlant.SetTag( "PlantStage", stage + 2 );
+ }
+ else if( stage < 9 )
+ {
+ // Continue to the next stage if it does not have fertial dirt
+ myPlant.SetTag( "PlantStage", stage + 1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Produce Seeds
+ if( remainingSeeds > 0 && Pollinated == 1 )
+ {
+ var rseeds = remainingSeeds - 1;
+ var aseeds = availableSeeds + 1;
+ myPlant.SetTag( "Seed", aseeds + "," + rseeds + "," + hueSeeds );
+ }
+ }
+ if( stage >= 2 && stage <= 3 )
+ {
+ myPlant.id = 0x1600;
+ }
+ else if( stage == 9 )
+ {
+ PlantBowl( myPlant );
+ }
+ }
+ if( stage >= 9 )
+ {
+ if( Pollinated == 0 )
+ {
+ myPlant.SetTag( "PlantCross", 1 + "," + SeedBreed + "," + crossAble );
+ }
+ }
+ ApplyPotions( myPlant )
+ HealthStatus( myPlant );
+ PlantDamage( myPlant );
+ GrowthCheck( myPlant );
+ myPlant.Refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ myPlant.StartTimer( PlantDelayTimer, 1, scriptID );
+function DrawPlant( PlantGump, iUsed )
+ var plantStage = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantStage" );
+ var plantHealth = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantHealth" )
+ if( plantStage >= 0 && plantStage < 9 || plantStage == 14 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddGump( 110, 85, 0x589 );
+ if( plantStage <= 14 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 122, 94, 0x914 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 135, 94, 0x914 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 120, 112, 0x914 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 135, 112, 0x914 );
+ }
+ if( plantStage >= 2 && plantStage < 3 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 127, 112, 0xC62 );
+ }
+ if( plantStage == 3 || plantStage == 4 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 129, 85, 0xC7E );
+ }
+ if( plantStage >= 4 && plantStage < 9 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 121, 117, 0xC62 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 133, 117, 0xC62 );
+ }
+ if( plantStage >= 5 && plantStage < 9 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 110, 100, 0xC62 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 140, 100, 0xC62 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 110, 130, 0xC62 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 140, 130, 0xC62 );
+ }
+ if( plantStage >= 6 && plantStage < 9 )
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 105, 115, 0xC62 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 145, 115, 0xC62 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 125, 90, 0xC62 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 125, 135, 0xC62 );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PlantImage( PlantGump, iUsed );
+ }
+ if( plantStage != 14 ) //BowlOfDirt
+ {
+ switch( plantHealth )
+ {
+ case 10:
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 92, 167, 0x1B9D );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 161, 167, 0x1B9D );
+ PlantGump.AddHTMLGump( 136, 167, 42, 20, false, false, "" + "dying" + "" );
+ break;// Dying
+ case 11:
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 91, 164, 0x18E6 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 161, 164, 0x18E6 );
+ PlantGump.AddHTMLGump( 132, 167, 42, 20, false, false, "" + "Wilted" + "" );
+ break;// Wilted
+ case 12:
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 96, 168, 0xC61 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 162, 168, 0xC61 );
+ PlantGump.AddHTMLGump( 129, 167, 42, 20, false, false, "" + "Healthy" + "" );
+ break;// Healthy
+ case 13:
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 93, 162, 0x1A99 );
+ PlantGump.AddPicture( 162, 162, 0x1A99 );
+ PlantGump.AddHTMLGump( 129, 167, 42, 20, false, false, "" + "Vibrant" + "" );
+ break;// Vibrant
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+function PlantImage( PlantGump, iUsed )
+ var plantInfo = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantInfo" )
+ if( !plantInfo )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var infoLength = plantInfo.split( "," );
+ if( infoLength.length != 4 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var plantType = parseInt( infoLength[0] );
+ var plantColor = parseInt( infoLength[2] );
+ var fertialeDirt = parseInt( infoLength[3] );
+ var plantArray = {
+ "3203": [0, 0], // 0x0c83
+ "3206": [0, 0], // 0x0c86
+ "3208": [0, 0], // 0x0c88
+ "3220": [-15, 0], // 0xC94
+ "3211": [0, 0], // 0xC8B
+ "3237": [-8, 0], // 0xCA5
+ "3239": [-10, 0], // 0xCA7
+ "3223": [-20, 0], // 0xC97
+ "3231": [-20, 0], // 0xC9F
+ "3238": [-16, -5], // 0xCA6
+ "3228": [-5, -10], // 0xC9C
+ "3377": [0, -27], // 0xD31
+ "3332": [0, 10], // 0xD04
+ "3241": [0, 0], // 0xCA9
+ "3372": [0, 10], // 0xD2C
+ "3366": [0, 10], // 0xD26
+ "3367": [0, 10], // 0xD27
+ "10460": [-5, 5], //0x28DC
+ "10463": [-5, 5], // 0x28DF
+ "10461": [-5, 5], // 0x28DD
+ "10464": [-5, 5], // 0x28E0
+ "10462": [-5, 5], // 0x28DE
+ "10465": [-5, 5], // 0x28E1
+ "10466": [-5, 5], // 0x28E2
+ "10467": [-5, 5], // 0x28E3
+ "3365": [0, 0], // 0x0D25
+ "6810": [5, 10], // 0x1A9A
+ "3204": [0, 0], // 0x0C84
+ "6815": [5, 25], // 0x1A9F
+ "3265": [0, 0], // 0x0CC1
+ "3326": [-45, -35], // 0x0CFE
+ "3215": [0, 0], // 0x0C8F
+ "3272": [0, 0], // 0x0CC8
+ "3214": [-20, 0], // 0x0C8E
+ "3255": [0, 0], // 0x0CB7
+ "3262": [-20, 0], // 0x0CBE
+ "3273": [0, 0], // 0x0CC9
+ "3521": [-15, 15], // 0x0DC1
+ "3323": [-45, -30], // 0x0CFB
+ "3512": [0, -20], // 0x0DB8
+ "6817": [10, -25], // 0x1AA1
+ "9324": [-25, -20] // 0x246C
+ };
+ var CampionFlowers = 3203;
+ var Poppies = 3206;
+ var Snowdrops = 3208;
+ var Bulrushes = 3220;
+ var Lilies = 3211;
+ var PampasGrass = 3237;
+ var Rushes = 3239;
+ var ElephantEarPlant = 3223;
+ var Fern = 3231;
+ var PonytailPalm = 3238;
+ var SmallPalm = 3228;
+ var CenturyPlant = 3377;
+ var WaterPlant = 3332;
+ var SnakePlant = 3241;
+ var PricklyPearCactus = 3372;
+ var BarrelCactus = 3366;
+ var TribarrelCactus = 3367;
+ var CommonGreenBonsai = 10460;
+ var CommonPinkBonsai = 10463;
+ var UncommonGreenBonsai = 10461;
+ var UncommonPinkBonsai = 10464;
+ var RareGreenBonsai = 10462;
+ var RarePinkBonsai = 10465;
+ var ExceptionalBonsai = 10466;
+ var ExoticBonsai = 10467;
+ var Cactus = 3365;
+ var FlaxFlowers = 6810;
+ var FoxgloveFlowers = 3204;
+ var HopsEast = 6815;
+ var OrfluerFlowers = 3265;
+ var CypressTwisted = 3326;
+ var HedgeShort = 3215;
+ var JuniperBush = 3272;
+ var SnowdropPatch = 3214;
+ var Cattails = 3255;
+ var PoppyPatch = 3262;
+ var SpiderTree = 3273;
+ var WaterLily = 3521;
+ var CypressStraight = 3323;
+ var HedgeTall = 3512;
+ var HopsSouth = 6817;
+ var SugarCanes = 9324;
+ var plantID = 0;
+ var plantNewName = "";
+ switch( plantType )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ plantID = CampionFlowers;
+ plantNewName = "Campion Flowers";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ plantID = Poppies;
+ plantNewName = "Poppies";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ plantID = Snowdrops;
+ plantNewName = "Snowdrops";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ plantID = Bulrushes;
+ plantNewName = "Bulrushes";
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ plantID = Lilies;
+ plantNewName = "Lilies";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ plantID = PampasGrass;
+ plantNewName = "Pampas Grass";
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ plantID = Rushes;
+ plantNewName = "Rushes";
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ plantID = ElephantEarPlant;
+ plantNewName = "Elephant Ear Plant";
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ plantID = Fern;
+ plantNewName = "Fern";
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ plantID = PonytailPalm;
+ plantNewName = "Ponytail Palm";
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ plantID = SmallPalm;
+ plantNewName = "Small Palm";
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ plantID = CenturyPlant;
+ plantNewName = "Century Plant";
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ plantID = WaterPlant;
+ plantNewName = "Water Plant";
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ plantID = SnakePlant;
+ plantNewName = "Snake Plant";
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ plantID = PricklyPearCactus;
+ plantNewName = "Prickly Pear Cactus";
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ plantID = BarrelCactus;
+ plantNewName = "Barrel Cactus";
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ plantID = TribarrelCactus;
+ plantNewName = "Tribarrel Cactus";
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ plantID = CommonGreenBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Common Green Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ plantID = CommonPinkBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Common Pink Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ plantID = UncommonGreenBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Uncommon Green Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ plantID = UncommonPinkBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Uncommon Pink Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ plantID = RareGreenBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Rare Green Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ plantID = RarePinkBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Rare Pink Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ plantID = ExceptionalBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Exceptional Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ plantID = ExoticBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Exotic Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ plantID = Cactus;
+ plantNewName = "Cactus";
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ plantID = FlaxFlowers;
+ plantNewName = "Flax Flowers";
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ plantID = FoxgloveFlowers;
+ plantNewName = "Foxglove Flowers";
+ break;
+ case 29:
+ plantID = HopsEast;
+ plantNewName = "Hops East";
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ plantID = OrfluerFlowers;
+ plantNewName = "Orfluer Flowers";
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ plantID = CypressTwisted;
+ plantNewName = "Cypress Twisted";
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ plantID = HedgeShort;
+ plantNewName = "Hedge Short";
+ break;
+ case 33:
+ plantID = JuniperBush;
+ plantNewName = "Juniper Bush";
+ break;
+ case 34:
+ plantID = SnowdropPatch;
+ plantNewName = "Snowdrop Patch";
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ plantID = Cattails;
+ plantNewName = "Cattails";
+ break;
+ case 36:
+ plantID = PoppyPatch;
+ plantNewName = "Poppy Patch";
+ break;
+ case 37:
+ plantID = SpiderTree;
+ plantNewName = "Spider Tree";
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ plantID = WaterLily;
+ plantNewName = "Water Lily";
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ plantID = CypressStraight;
+ plantNewName = "Cypress Straight";
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ plantID = HedgeTall;
+ plantNewName = "Hedge Tall";
+ break;
+ case 41:
+ plantID = HopsSouth;
+ plantNewName = "Hops South";
+ break;
+ case 42:
+ plantID = SugarCanes;
+ plantNewName = "Sugar Canes";
+ break;
+ }
+ if( plantID == CypressTwisted || plantID == CypressStraight )
+ { // The large images for these trees trigger a client crash, so use a smaller, generic tree for gump.
+ PlantGump.AddPictureColor( 130 + plantArray[plantID][0], 96 + plantArray[plantID][1], 0x0CCA, plantColor );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PlantGump.AddPictureColor( 130 + plantArray[plantID][0], 96 + plantArray[plantID][1], plantID, plantColor );
+ }
+ iUsed.SetTag( "PlantInfo", plantType + "," + plantNewName + "," + plantColor + "," + fertialeDirt );
+ return;
+function PlantBowl( iUsed )
+ var plantInfo = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantInfo" )
+ if( !plantInfo )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var infoLength = plantInfo.split( "," );
+ if( infoLength.length != 4 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var plantType = infoLength[0];
+ var plantColor = infoLength[2];
+ var fertialeDirt = infoLength[3];
+ var CampionFlowers = 3203;
+ var Poppies = 3206;
+ var Snowdrops = 3208;
+ var Bulrushes = 3220;
+ var Lilies = 3211;
+ var PampasGrass = 3237;
+ var Rushes = 3239;
+ var ElephantEarPlant = 3223;
+ var Fern = 3231;
+ var PonytailPalm = 3238;
+ var SmallPalm = 3228;
+ var CenturyPlant = 3377;
+ var WaterPlant = 3332;
+ var SnakePlant = 3241;
+ var PricklyPearCactus = 3372;
+ var BarrelCactus = 3366;
+ var TribarrelCactus = 3367;
+ var CommonGreenBonsai = 10460;
+ var CommonPinkBonsai = 10463;
+ var UncommonGreenBonsai = 10461;
+ var UncommonPinkBonsai = 10464;
+ var RareGreenBonsai = 10462;
+ var RarePinkBonsai = 10465;
+ var ExceptionalBonsai = 10466;
+ var ExoticBonsai = 10467;
+ var Cactus = 3365;
+ var FlaxFlowers = 6810;
+ var FoxgloveFlowers = 3204;
+ var HopsEast = 6815;
+ var OrfluerFlowers = 3265;
+ var CypressTwisted = 3326;
+ var HedgeShort = 3215;
+ var JuniperBush = 3272;
+ var SnowdropPatch = 3214;
+ var Cattails = 3255;
+ var PoppyPatch = 3262;
+ var SpiderTree = 3273;
+ var WaterLily = 3521;
+ var CypressStraight = 3323;
+ var HedgeTall = 3512;
+ var HopsSouth = 6817;
+ var SugarCanes = 9324;
+ var plantID = 0;
+ var plantNewName = "";
+ switch( plantType )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ plantID = CampionFlowers;
+ plantNewName = "Campion Flowers";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ plantID = Poppies;
+ plantNewName = "Poppies";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ plantID = Snowdrops;
+ plantNewName = "Snowdrops";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ plantID = Bulrushes;
+ plantNewName = "Bulrushes";
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ plantID = Lilies;
+ plantNewName = "Lilies";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ plantID = PampasGrass;
+ plantNewName = "Pampas Grass";
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ plantID = Rushes;
+ plantNewName = "Rushes";
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ plantID = ElephantEarPlant;
+ plantNewName = "Elephant Ear Plant";
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ plantID = Fern;
+ plantNewName = "Fern";
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ plantID = PonytailPalm;
+ plantNewName = "Ponytail Palm";
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ plantID = SmallPalm;
+ plantNewName = "Small Palm";
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ plantID = CenturyPlant;
+ plantNewName = "Century Plant";
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ plantID = WaterPlant;
+ plantNewName = "Water Plant";
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ plantID = SnakePlant;
+ plantNewName = "Snake Plant";
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ plantID = PricklyPearCactus;
+ plantNewName = "Prickly Pear Cactus";
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ plantID = BarrelCactus;
+ plantNewName = "Barrel Cactus";
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ plantID = TribarrelCactus;
+ plantNewName = "Tribarrel Cactus";
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ plantID = CommonGreenBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Common Green Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ plantID = CommonPinkBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Common Pink Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ plantID = UncommonGreenBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Uncommon Green Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ plantID = UncommonPinkBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Uncommon Pink Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ plantID = RareGreenBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Rare Green Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ plantID = RarePinkBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Rare Pink Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ plantID = ExceptionalBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Exceptional Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ plantID = ExoticBonsai;
+ plantNewName = "Exotic Bonsai";
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ plantID = Cactus;
+ plantNewName = "Cactus";
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ plantID = FlaxFlowers;
+ plantNewName = "Flax Flowers";
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ plantID = FoxgloveFlowers;
+ plantNewName = "Foxglove Flowers";
+ break;
+ case 29:
+ plantID = HopsEast;
+ plantNewName = "Hops East";
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ plantID = OrfluerFlowers;
+ plantNewName = "Orfluer Flowers";
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ plantID = CypressTwisted;
+ plantNewName = "Cypress Twisted";
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ plantID = HedgeShort;
+ plantNewName = "Hedge Short";
+ break;
+ case 33:
+ plantID = JuniperBush;
+ plantNewName = "Juniper Bush";
+ break;
+ case 34:
+ plantID = SnowdropPatch;
+ plantNewName = "Snowdrop Patch";
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ plantID = Cattails;
+ plantNewName = "Cattails";
+ break;
+ case 36:
+ plantID = PoppyPatch;
+ plantNewName = "Poppy Patch";
+ break;
+ case 37:
+ plantID = SpiderTree;
+ plantNewName = "Spider Tree";
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ plantID = WaterLily;
+ plantNewName = "Water Lily";
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ plantID = CypressStraight;
+ plantNewName = "Cypress Straight";
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ plantID = HedgeTall;
+ plantNewName = "Hedge Tall";
+ break;
+ case 41:
+ plantID = HopsSouth;
+ plantNewName = "Hops South";
+ break;
+ case 42:
+ plantID = SugarCanes;
+ plantNewName = "Sugar Canes";
+ break;
+ }
+ iUsed.id = plantID;
+ iUsed.name = plantNewName;
+ iUsed.movable = 1;
+ iUsed.colour = plantColor;
+ iUsed.SetTag( "PlantInfo", plantType + "," + plantNewName + "," + plantColor + "," + fertialeDirt );
+ iUsed.Refresh();
+function CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, topicID )
+ var helpPacket = new Packet; // Create new packet stream
+ helpPacket.ReserveSize( 11 ); // Reserve packet size of 11, which is optimal for packet 0xBF in this case
+ helpPacket.WriteByte( 0, 0xBF ); // Write packetID (0xBF) at position 0
+ helpPacket.WriteShort( 1, 11 ); // Write total packet length at position 1 (0+WriteByte, or 0+1)
+ helpPacket.WriteShort( 3, 0x17 ); // Write subcommand 0x17 (Codex of Wisdom) at position 3 (1+WriteShort, or 0+2)
+ helpPacket.WriteByte( 5, 0x01 ); // Write unknown 0x01 at position 5 (3+WriteShort, or 3+2)
+ helpPacket.WriteLong( 6, topicID); // Write topicID (???) at position 6 (5+WriteByte, or 5+2)
+ helpPacket.WriteByte( 10, 1 ); // Write 0 or 1 at position 10 (6+WriteLong, or 6+4)
+ socket.Send( helpPacket );
+ helpPacket.Free();
+function onGumpPress( socket, button, PlantGump )
+ var pUser = socket.currentChar;
+ var iUsed = socket.tempObj;
+ var gumpID = scriptID + 0xffff;
+ switch( button )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ socket.CloseGump( gumpID, 0 );
+ break;// abort and do nothing
+ case 1:// Reproduction menu
+ if( iUsed.GetTag( "PlantStage" ) >= 1 )
+ {
+ ReproductionGump( pUser, iUsed );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19111, socket.language ));//You need to plant a seed in the bowl first
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:// infestation
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, 54 );
+ break;
+ case 3:// fungus
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, 56 );
+ break;
+ case 4:// poison
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, 58 );
+ break;
+ case 5:// disease
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, 60 );
+ break;
+ case 6:// water
+ addWater( pUser, iUsed );
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 7:// poison potion
+ addPotion( pUser, iUsed, 7 );
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 8:// Cure potion
+ addPotion( pUser, iUsed, 8 );
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 9:// Heal potion
+ addPotion( pUser, iUsed, 9 );
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 10:// Strength potion
+ addPotion( pUser, iUsed, 10 );
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 11:// Help
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, 48 );
+ break;
+ case 12:// Empty the bowl
+ socket.CloseGump( gumpID, 0 );
+ EmptyBowlGump( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 13:// Empty Bowl Help
+ EmptyBowlGump( pUser, iUsed );
+ CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, 71 );
+ break;
+ case 14:// Cancel Plant Bowl Gump
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 15:// Okay Empty Bowl
+ if( iUsed.GetTag( "PlantStage") == 1)
+ {
+ GatherSeeds( pUser, iUsed );
+ }
+ CreateDFNItem( pUser.socket, pUser, "emptyplantbowl", 1, "ITEM", true, 0 );
+ iUsed.Delete( );
+ break;
+ case 16:// Main Plant Gump
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 17:// Set to decorative
+ SetToDecorativeGump( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 18:// Pollination
+ CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, 67 );
+ break;
+ case 19:// Resources
+ CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, 69 );
+ break;
+ case 20:// Seeds
+ CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, 68 );
+ break;
+ case 21:// Gather pollen
+ PollinatePlant( pUser, iUsed );
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 22:// Gather Resources
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 23:// Gather seeds
+ GatherSeeds( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 24:// Cancel set decorative
+ ReproductionGump( pUser, iUsed );
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ CodexOFWisdomPacket( socket, 70 );
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ iUsed.SetTag( "PlantStage", 19 );//DecorativePlant
+ socket.CloseGump( gumpID, 0 );
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19112, socket.language ));//You prune the plant. This plant will no longer produce resources or seeds, but will require no upkeep.
+ ResetPlant( iUsed );
+ iUsed.Refresh();
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+function ResetPlant( iUsed )
+ iUsed.SetTag( "water", null );
+ iUsed.SetTag( "PlantInfo", null );
+ iUsed.SetTag( "Potions", null );
+ iUsed.SetTag( "Infections", null );
+ iUsed.SetTag( "PlantCross", null );
+ iUsed.SetTag( "PlantHealth", null );
+ iUsed.SetTag( "Seed", null );
+ iUsed.RemoveScriptTrigger( scriptID );
+ iUsed.KillTimers();
+function PollinatePlant( pUser, iUsed )
+ pUser.socket.tempObj = iUsed;
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ var status = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantStage" );
+ var CrossedPlants = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantCross" );
+ var plantHealth = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantHealth" );
+ if( !CrossedPlants )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19113, socket.language ));//You cannot gather pollen from a mutated plant!
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( status < 7 )
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19114, socket.language ));//Too early to gather pollen
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( plantHealth == 10 && plantHealth == 11 )//wilted or dying
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19115, socket.language ));//You cannot gather pollen from an unhealthy plant!
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ pUser.CustomTarget( 1, GetDictionaryEntry( 19116, socket.language ));//Target the plant you wish to cross-pollinate to.
+function onCallback1( pSock, myTarget )
+ var iUsed = pSock.tempObj;
+ var pUser = pSock.currentChar;
+ var status = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantStage" );
+ var iCrossedPlants = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantCross" )
+ var plantHealth = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantHealth" )
+ if( !iCrossedPlants )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19113, pSock.language ));//You cannot gather pollen from a mutated plant!
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( status < 7 )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19114, pSock.language ));
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( plantHealth == 10 && plantHealth == 11 )//wilted or dying
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19115, pSock.language ));//You cannot gather pollen from an unhealthy plant!
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( status > 7 && status < 9)
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19117, pSock.language ));//You can only pollinate other specially grown plants!
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var tstatus = myTarget.GetTag( "PlantStage" );
+ var tCrossedPlants = myTarget.GetTag( "PlantCross" );
+ var tplantHealth = myTarget.GetTag( "PlantHealth" );
+ if( !tCrossedPlants )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19113, pSock.language ));//You cannot gather pollen from a mutated plant!
+ return false;
+ }
+ var Crossed = tCrossedPlants.split( "," );
+ if( Crossed.length != 3 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var Pollinated = parseInt( Crossed[0] );
+ var SeedBreed = parseInt( Crossed[1] );
+ var crossAble = parseInt( Crossed[2] );
+ if( tstatus < 7 )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19118, pSock.language ));//This plant is not in the flowering stage. You cannot pollinate it!
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( tplantHealth == 10 && tplantHealth == 11 )//wilted or dying
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19119, pSock.language ));//You cannot pollinate an unhealthy plant!
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( tstatus > 7 && tstatus < 9 )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19117, pSock.language ));//You can only pollinate other specially grown plants!
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( crossAble == 0 )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19120, pSock.language ));//You cannot cross-pollinate with a mutated plant!
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( Pollinated == 1)
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19121, pSock.language ));//This plant has already been pollinated!
+ }
+ else if( myTarget == iUsed )
+ {
+ CrossPollinateTable( myTarget, iUsed, pSock );
+ SeedColorsSet( myTarget, iUsed );
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19122, pSock.language ));//You pollinate the plant with its own pollen.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CrossPollinateTable( myTarget, iUsed, pSock );
+ SeedColorsSet( myTarget, iUsed );
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19123, pSock.language ));//You successfully cross - pollinate the plant.
+ }
+ }
+function CrossPollinateTable( myTarget, iUsed, pSock )
+ var iinfo = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantInfo" )
+ var tinfo = myTarget.GetTag( "PlantInfo" );
+ if( !iinfo || !tinfo )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var icrossLength = iinfo.split( "," );
+ var tcrossLength = tinfo.split( "," );
+ if( icrossLength.length != 4 || tcrossLength.length != 4 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var cross = icrossLength[0];
+ var cross2 = tcrossLength[0];
+ var setcross = 0;
+ if( cross == 1 && cross2 == 1)
+ setcross = 1; // CampionFlowerSeed
+ if( cross == 2 && cross2 == 2)//Poppies + Poppies
+ setcross = 2;// PoppieSeed
+ if( cross == 1 && cross2 == 3)//Campion Flowers + Snowdrops
+ setcross = 2;// PoppieSeed
+ if( cross == 3 && cross2 == 3)//Snowdrops + Snowdrops
+ setcross = 3;//SnowdropSeed
+ if( cross == 2 && cross2 == 4)//Poppies + Bulrushes
+ setcross = 3;//SnowdropSeed
+ if( cross == 1 && cross2 == 5)//Campion Flowers + Lilies
+ setcross = 3;//SnowdropSeed
+ if( cross == 4 && cross2 == 4)//Bulrushes + Bulrushes
+ setcross = 4;//BulrusheSeed
+ if( cross == 3 && cross2 == 5)//Snowdrops + Lilies
+ setcross = 4;//BulrusheSeed
+ if( cross == 2 && cross2 == 6)//Poppies + Pampas Grass
+ setcross = 4;//BulrusheSeed
+ if( cross == 1 && cross2 == 7)//Campion Flowers + Rushes
+ setcross = 4;//BulrusheSeed
+ if( cross == 5 && cross2 == 5)//Lilies + Lilies
+ setcross = 5;//LilieSeed
+ if( cross == 4 && cross2 == 6)//Bulrushes + Pampas Grass
+ setcross = 5;//LilieSeed
+ if( cross == 3 && cross2 == 7)//Snowdrops + Rushes
+ setcross = 5;//LilieSeed
+ if( cross == 2 && cross2 == 8)//Poppies + Elephant Ear Plant
+ setcross = 5;//LilieSeed
+ if( cross == 1 && cross2 == 9)//Campion Flowers + Fern
+ setcross = 5;//LilieSeed
+ if( cross == 6 && cross2 == 6)//Pampas Grass + Pampas Grass
+ setcross = 6;//PampasGrassSeed
+ if( cross == 5 && cross2 == 7)//Lilies + Rushes
+ setcross = 6;//PampasGrassSeed
+ if( cross == 4 && cross2 == 8)//Bulrushes + Elephant Ear Plant
+ setcross = 6;//PampasGrassSeed
+ if( cross == 3 && cross2 == 9)//Snowdrops + Fern
+ setcross = 6;//PampasGrassSeed
+ if( cross == 2 && cross2 == 10)//Poppies + Ponytail Palm
+ setcross = 6;//PampasGrassSeed
+ if( cross == 1 && cross2 == 11)//Campion Flowers + Small Palm
+ setcross = 6;//PampasGrassSeed
+ if( cross == 7 && cross2 == 7)//Rushes + Rushes
+ setcross = 7;//RusheSeed
+ if( cross == 6 && cross2 == 8)//Pampas Grass + Elephant Ear Plant
+ setcross = 7;//RusheSeed
+ if( cross == 5 && cross2 == 9)//Lilies + Fern
+ setcross = 7;//RusheSeed
+ if( cross == 4 && cross2 == 10)//Bulrushes + Ponytail Palm
+ setcross = 7;//RusheSeed
+ if( cross == 3 && cross2 == 11)//Snowdrops + Small Palm
+ setcross = 7;//RusheSeed
+ if( cross == 2 && cross2 == 12)//Poppies + Century Plant
+ setcross = 7;//RusheSeed
+ if( cross == 1 && cross2 == 13)//Campion Flowers + Water Plants
+ setcross = 7;//RusheSeed
+ if( cross == 8 && cross2 == 8)//Elephant Ear Plant + Elephant Ear Plant
+ setcross = 8;//ElephantEarPlantrSeed
+ if( cross == 7 && cross2 == 9)//Rushes + Fern
+ setcross = 8;//ElephantEarPlantrSeed
+ if( cross == 6 && cross2 == 10)//Pampas Grass + Ponytail Palm
+ setcross = 8;//ElephantEarPlantrSeed
+ if( cross == 5 && cross2 == 11)//Lilies + Small Palm
+ setcross = 8;//ElephantEarPlantrSeed
+ if( cross == 4 && cross2 == 12)//Bulrushes + Century Plant
+ setcross = 8;//ElephantEarPlantrSeed
+ if( cross == 3 && cross2 == 13)//Snowdrops + Water Plants
+ setcross = 8;//ElephantEarPlantrSeed
+ if( cross == 2 && cross2 == 14)//Poppies + Snake Plant
+ setcross = 8;//ElephantEarPlantrSeed
+ if( cross == 1 && cross2 == 15)//Campion Flowers + Prickly Pear Cactus
+ setcross = 8;//ElephantEarPlantrSeed
+ if( cross == 9 && cross2 == 9)//Fern + Fern
+ setcross = 9;//FernSeed
+ if( cross == 8 && cross2 == 10)//Elephant Ear Plant + Ponytail Palm
+ setcross = 9;//FernSeed
+ if( cross == 7 && cross2 == 11)//Rushes + Small Palm
+ setcross = 9;//FernSeed
+ if( cross == 6 && cross2 == 12)//Pampas Grass + Century Plant
+ setcross = 9;//FernSeed
+ if( cross == 5 && cross2 == 13)//Lilies + Water Plants
+ setcross = 9;//FernSeed
+ if( cross == 4 && cross2 == 14)//Bulrushes + Snake Plant
+ setcross = 9;//FernSeed
+ if( cross == 3 && cross2 == 15)//Snowdrops + Prickly Pear Cactus
+ setcross = 9;//FernSeed
+ if( cross == 2 && cross2 == 16)//Poppies + Barrel Cactus
+ setcross = 9;//FernSeed
+ if( cross == 1 && cross2 == 17)//Campion Flowers + Tribarrel Cactus
+ setcross = 9;//FernSeed
+ if( cross == 10 && cross2 == 10)//Ponytail Palm + Ponytail Palm
+ setcross = 10;//PonytailPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 9 && cross2 == 11)//Fern + Small Palm
+ setcross = 10;//PonytailPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 8 && cross2 == 12)//Elephant Ear Plant + Century Plant
+ setcross = 10;//PonytailPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 7 && cross2 == 13)//Rushes + Water Plants
+ setcross = 10;//PonytailPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 6 && cross2 == 14)//Pampas Grass + Snake Plant
+ setcross = 10;//PonytailPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 5 && cross2 == 15)//Lilies + Prickly Pear Cactus
+ setcross = 10;//PonytailPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 4 && cross2 == 16)//Bulrushes + Barrel Cactus
+ setcross = 10;//PonytailPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 3 && cross2 == 17)//Snowdrops + Tribarrel Cactus
+ setcross = 10;//PonytailPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 11 && cross2 == 11)//Small Palm + Small Palm
+ setcross = 11;//SmallPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 10 && cross2 == 12)//Ponytail Palm + Century Plant
+ setcross = 11;//SmallPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 9 && cross2 == 13)//Fern + Water Plants
+ setcross = 11;//SmallPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 8 && cross2 == 14)//Elephant Ear Plant + Snake Plant
+ setcross = 11;//SmallPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 7 && cross2 == 15)//Rushes + Prickly Pear Cactus
+ setcross = 11;//SmallPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 6 && cross2 == 16)//Pampas Grass + Barrel Cactus
+ setcross = 11;//SmallPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 5 && cross2 == 17)//Lilies + Tribarrel Cactus
+ setcross = 11;//SmallPalmSeed
+ if( cross == 12 && cross2 == 12)//Century Plant + Century Plant
+ setcross = 12;//CenturyPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 11 && cross2 == 13)//Small Palm + Water Plants
+ setcross = 12;//CenturyPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 10 && cross2 == 14)//Ponytail Palm + Snake Plant
+ setcross = 12;//CenturyPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 9 && cross2 == 15)//Fern + Prickly Pear Cactus
+ setcross = 12;//CenturyPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 8 && cross2 == 16)//Elephant Ear Plant + Barrel Cactus
+ setcross = 12;//CenturyPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 7 && cross2 == 17)//Rushes + Tribarrel Cactus
+ setcross = 12;//CenturyPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 13 && cross2 == 13)//Water Plants + Water Plants
+ setcross = 13;//WaterPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 12 && cross2 == 14)//Century Plant + Snake Plant
+ setcross = 13;//WaterPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 11 && cross2 == 15)//Small Palm + Prickly Pear Cactus
+ setcross = 13;//WaterPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 10 && cross2 == 16)//Ponytail Palm + Barrel Cactus
+ setcross = 13;//WaterPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 9 && cross2 == 17)//Fern + Tribarrel Cactus
+ setcross = 13;//WaterPlantSeed
+ if( cross == 14 && cross2 == 14)//Snake Plant + Snake Plant
+ setcross = 14;//SnakePlantSeed
+ if( cross == 13 && cross2 == 15)//Water Plants + Prickly Pear Cactus
+ setcross = 14;//SnakePlantSeed
+ if( cross == 12 && cross2 == 16)//Century Plant + Barrel Cactus
+ setcross = 14;//SnakePlantSeed
+ if( cross == 11 && cross2 == 17)//Small Palm + Tribarrel Cactus
+ setcross = 14;//SnakePlantSeed
+ if( cross == 15 && cross2 == 15)//Prickly Pear Cactus + Prickly Pear Cactus
+ setcross = 15;//PricklyPearCactusSeed
+ if( cross == 14 && cross2 == 16)//Snake Plant + Barrel Cactus
+ setcross = 15;//PricklyPearCactusSeed
+ if( cross == 13 && cross2 == 17)//Water Plants + Tribarrel Cactus
+ setcross = 15;//PricklyPearCactusSeed
+ if( cross == 16 && cross2 == 16)//Barrel Cactus + Barrel Cactus
+ setcross = 16;//BarrelCactusSeed
+ if( cross == 15 && cross2 == 17)//Prickly Pear Cactus + Tribarrel Cactus
+ setcross = 16;//BarrelCactusSeed
+ if( cross == 17 && cross2 == 17)//Tribarrel Cactus + Tribarrel Cactus
+ setcross = 17;//TribarrelCactusSeed
+ myTarget.SetTag("PlantCross", 1 + "," + setcross + "," + 1);
+function SeedColorsSet(myTarget, iUsed)
+ var Seeds = iUsed.GetTag("Seed");
+ var plantInfo = iUsed.GetTag("PlantInfo")
+ var tplantInfo = myTarget.GetTag("PlantInfo")
+ if( !Seeds || !plantInfo || !tplantInfo )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var infoLength = plantInfo.split(",");
+ var tinfoLength = tplantInfo.split(",");
+ var Seedlength = Seeds.split(",");
+ if( Seedlength.length != 3 || infoLength.length != 4 || tinfoLength.length != 4 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var iplantColor = parseInt( infoLength[2] );
+ var tplantColor = parseInt( tinfoLength[2] );
+ var availableSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[0] );
+ var remainingSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[1] );
+ // Define color combination object
+ var colorMap = {
+ "0_0": 0, // Plain + Plain
+ "1645_1645": 33, // Red + Red = Bright Red
+ "1645_1341": 13, // Red + Blue = Purple
+ "1645_2213": 1135, // Red + Yellow = Orange
+ "1645_13": 1645, // Red + Purple = Red
+ "1645_1435": 1645, // Red + Green = Red
+ "1645_1135": 1645, // Red + Orange = Red
+ "1645_0": 0, // Red + Plain = Plain
+ "1341_1341": 5, // Blue + Blue = Bright Blue
+ "1341_1645": 13, // Blue + Red = Purple
+ "1341_2213": 1435, // Blue + Yellow = Green
+ "1341_13": 1341, // Blue + Purple = Blue
+ "1341_1435": 1341, // Blue + Green = Blue
+ "1341_1135": 1341, // Blue + Orange = Blue
+ "1341_0": 0, // Blue + Plain = Plain
+ "2213_2213": 56, // Yellow + Yellow = Bright Yellow
+ "2213_1645": 1135, // Yellow + Red = Orange
+ "2213_1341": 1435, // Yellow + Blue = Green
+ "2213_13": 2213, // Yellow + Purple = Yellow
+ "2213_1435": 2213, // Yellow + Green = Yellow
+ "2213_1135": 2213, // Yellow + Orange = Yellow
+ "2213_0": 0, // Yellow + Plain = Plain
+ "13_1645": 1645, // Purple + Red = Red
+ "13_1341": 1341, // Purple + Blue = Blue
+ "13_2213": 2213, // Purple + Yellow = Yellow
+ "13_13": 16, // Purple + Purple = Bright Purple
+ "13_1435": 1341, // Purple + Green = Blue
+ "13_1135": 1645, // Purple + Orange = Red
+ "13_0": 0, // Purple + Plain = Plain
+ "1435_1645": 1645, // Green + Red = Red
+ "1435_1341": 1341, // Green + Blue = Blue
+ "1435_2213": 2213, // Green + Yellow = Yellow
+ "1435_13": 1341, // Green + Purple = Blue
+ "1435_1435": 66, // Green + Green = Bright Green
+ "1435_1135": 2213, // Green + Orange = Yellow
+ "1435_0": 0, // Green + Plain = Plain
+ "1135_1645": 1645, // Orange + Red = Red
+ "1135_1341": 1341, // Orange + Blue = Blue
+ "1135_2213": 2213, // Orange + Yellow = Yellow
+ "1135_13": 1645, // Orange + Purple = Red
+ "1135_1435": 2213, // Orange + Green = Yellow
+ "1135_1135": 43, // Orange + Orange = Bright Orange
+ "1135_0": 0, // Orange + Plain = Plain
+ "1117_1117": 1117, // Black + Black
+ "1117_0": 1117, // Black + plain
+ "1153_1153": 1153, // White + White
+ "1153_0": 1153, // Black + plain
+ "1166_1166": 1166, // Pink + Pink
+ "1166_0": 1166, // Pink + plain
+ "1158_1158": 1158, // Magenta + Magenta
+ "1158_0": 1158, // Magenta + plain
+ "1173_1173": 1173, // Aqua + Aqua
+ "1173_0": 1173, // Aqua + plain
+ "1161_1161": 1173, // FireRed + FireRed
+ "1161_0": 1173, // FireRed + plain
+ };
+ // Build key for the color combination
+ var key = iplantColor.toString() + "_" + tplantColor.toString();
+ // Get hue from the object
+ var sethue = colorMap[key] || 0;
+ myTarget.SetTag("Seed", availableSeeds + "," + remainingSeeds + "," + sethue);
+function GatherSeeds(pUser, iUsed)
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ var Seeds = iUsed.GetTag( "Seed" )
+ var CrossedPlants = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantCross" );
+ if( !Seeds || !CrossedPlants )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var Seedlength = Seeds.split( "," );
+ var Crossed = CrossedPlants.split( "," );
+ if( Seedlength.length != 3 || Crossed.length != 3 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var availableSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[0] );
+ var remainingSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[1] );
+ var hueSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[2] );
+ var Pollinated = parseInt( Crossed[0] );
+ var SeedBreed = parseInt( Crossed[1] );
+ var crossAble = parseInt( Crossed[2] );
+ if( availableSeeds == 0 )
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19124, socket.language ));//This plant has no seeds to gather!
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var seedType = "";
+ switch (SeedBreed)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ seedType = "CampionFlowerSeed";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ seedType = "PoppiesSeed";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ seedType = "SnowdropSeed";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ seedType = "BulrusheSeed";
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ seedType = "LilieSeed";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ seedType = "PampasGrassSeed";
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ seedType = "RusheSeed";
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ seedType = "ElephantEarPlantrSeed";
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ seedType = "FernSeed";
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ seedType = "PonytailPalmSeed";
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ seedType = "SmallPalmSeed";
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ seedType = "CenturyPlantSeed";
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ seedType = "WaterPlantSeed";
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ seedType = "SnakePlantSeed";
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ seedType = "PricklyPearCactusSeed";
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ seedType = "BarrelCactusSeed";
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ seedType = "TribarrelCactusSeed";
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ seedType = "CommonGreenBonsaiSeed";
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ seedType = "CommonPinkBonsaiSeed";
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ seedType = "UncommonGreenBonsaiSeed";
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ seedType = "UncommonPinkBonsaiSeed";
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ seedType = "RareGreenBonsai";
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ seedType = "RarePinkBonsai";
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ seedType = "ExceptionalBonsai";
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ seedType = "ExoticBonsai";
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ seedType = "Cactus";
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ seedType = "FlaxFlowers";
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ seedType = "FoxgloveFlowers";
+ break;
+ case 29:
+ seedType = "HopsEast";
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ seedType = "OrfluerFlowers";
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ seedType = "CypressTwisted";
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ seedType = "HedgeShort";
+ break;
+ case 33:
+ seedType = "JuniperBush";
+ break;
+ case 34:
+ seedType = "SnowdropPatch";
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ seedType = "Cattails";
+ break;
+ case 36:
+ seedType = "PoppyPatch";
+ break;
+ case 37:
+ seedType = "SpiderTree";
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ seedType = "WaterLily";
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ seedType = "CypressStraight";
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ seedType = "HedgeTall";
+ break;
+ case 41:
+ seedType = "HopsSouth";
+ break;
+ case 42:
+ seedType = "SugarCanes";
+ break;
+ }
+ if( seedType != null)
+ {
+ CreateDFNItem(pUser.socket, pUser, seedType, 1, "ITEM", true, hueSeeds);
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19125, socket.language ));//You gather seeds from the plant.
+ if( availableSeeds > 0)
+ {
+ var rseeds = availableSeeds - 1;
+ iUsed.SetTag("Seed", rseeds + "," + remainingSeeds + "," + hueSeeds);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+function EmptyBowlGump( pUser, iUsed )
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ var gumpID = scriptID + 0xffff;
+ var EmptyBowlGump = new Gump;
+ socket.tempObj = iUsed;
+ var plantStage = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantStage" )
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddBackground( 50, 50, 200, 150, 0xE10 );
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddPicture( 45, 45, 0xCEF );
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddPicture( 45, 118, 0xCF0 );
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddPicture( 211, 45, 0xCEB );
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddPicture( 211, 118, 0xCEC );
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddText( 90, 70, 0x44, "Empty the bowl?" );
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddPicture( 90, 100, 0x1602 );
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddGump( 140, 102, 0x15E1 );
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddPicture( 160, 100, 0x15FD );
+ if( plantStage != 14 && plantStage < 2 ) //BowlOfDirt
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddPicture( 156, 130, 0xDCF ); // Seed
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddButton( 98, 150, 0x47E, 0x480, 14, 14, 14 ); // Cancel
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddButton( 138, 151, 0xD2, 0xD2, 13, 13, 13 ); // Help
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddText( 143, 151, 0x835, "?" );
+ EmptyBowlGump.AddButton( 168, 150, 0x481, 0x483, 15, 15, 15 ); // Ok
+ EmptyBowlGump.Send( socket );
+ EmptyBowlGump.Free();
+function addWater(pUser, iUsed)
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ var waterLevel = iUsed.GetTag( "water" );
+ var pitcherofwater1 = pUser.FindItemSection( "0X1F9E" );
+ var pitcherofwater2 = pUser.FindItemSection( "0X1F9D" );
+ // Check if water level is max
+ if( waterLevel >= 4 )
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19126, socket.language ));//You can't add water to this plant.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check if pitcher1 or pitcher2 is valid
+ if( ValidateObject( pitcherofwater1 ) || ValidateObject( pitcherofwater2 ))
+ {
+ // Increase water level
+ iUsed.SetTag("water", waterLevel + 1);
+ // Reduce uses remaining in pitcher
+ var pitcher = ValidateObject( pitcherofwater1 ) ? pitcherofwater1 : pitcherofwater2;
+ if( pitcher.usesLeft == 1 )
+ {
+ // Pitcher is empty
+ pitcher.usesLeft = 0;
+ pitcher.SetTag( "ContentsName", "nothing" );
+ TriggerEvent( 2100, "switchPitcherID", socket, pitcher );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Reduce uses left in pitcher by 1
+ pitcher.usesLeft--;
+ pitcher.Refresh();
+ }
+ // Inform user
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19127, socket.language ));//You soften the dirt with water.
+ pUser.SoundEffect( 0x4e, 1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19128, socket.language ));//You can't use that on a plant!
+ }
+function addPotion( pUser, iUsed, button )
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ pUser.socket.tempObj = iUsed;
+ pUser.SetTempTag( "ButtonPushed", button );// 7 = poison, 8 = cure, 9 = heal, 10 = strength
+ pUser.CustomTarget( 0 );
+function onCallback0( pSock, myTarget )
+ var iUsed = pSock.tempObj;
+ var pUser = pSock.currentChar;
+ var buttonPushed = pUser.GetTempTag( "ButtonPushed" ); // 7 = poison, 8 = cure, 9 = heal, 10 = strength
+ //Define maximum potion count
+ var maxPotionCount = 4; // Change this value to the desired maximum potion count
+ // Check if the target is an item
+ if( !myTarget.isItem )
+ return false;
+ var potionInfo = iUsed.GetTag( "Potions" );
+ if( !potionInfo )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var potionLength = potionInfo.split(",");
+ if( potionLength.length != 4 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var greaterPoison = parseInt( potionLength[0] );
+ var greaterCure = parseInt( potionLength[1] );
+ var greaterHeal = parseInt( potionLength[2] );
+ var greaterStrength = parseInt( potionLength[3] );
+ // Check if the item is in the user's backpack
+ var itemOwner = GetPackOwner( myTarget, 0 );
+ if( itemOwner !== pUser )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 1763, pSock.language )); //That item must be in your backpack before it can be used.
+ return false;
+ }
+ var potionTypeIDs = {
+ 7: ["greaterpoisonpotion", "0X0F09-B"],
+ 8: ["greatercurepotion", "0X0F07-C"],
+ 9: ["greaterhealpotion", "0X0F0C-C"],
+ 10: ["greaterstrengthpotion", "0X0F09-B"]
+ };
+ var potionType = potionTypeIDs[buttonPushed];
+ if( !potionType )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19129, pSock.language ));//You don't have any strong potions of that type in your pack.
+ pSock.SysMessage("Borken 1");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( myTarget.sectionID != potionType[0] && myTarget.sectionID != potionType[1] )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19129, pSock.language ));//You don't have any strong potions of that type in your pack.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( iUsed.GetTag( "PlantStage" ) == 14 )
+ { //dirt bowl
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19130, pSock.language ));//You should only pour potions on a plant or seed!
+ return false;
+ }
+ var potionIndex = buttonPushed - 7;
+ var potionCount = [greaterPoison, greaterCure, greaterHeal, greaterStrength];
+ if( potionCount[potionIndex] >= maxPotionCount )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19131, pSock.language ));//The plant is already soaked with this type of potion!
+ return false;
+ }
+ potionCount[potionIndex]++;
+ var newPotionInfo = potionCount[0] + "," + potionCount[1] + "," + potionCount[2] + "," + potionCount[3];
+ iUsed.SetTag( "Potions", newPotionInfo );
+ // Call onUseChecked
+ onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed );
+ // Decrease target amount or delete if amount is 1
+ if( myTarget.amount > 1 )
+ myTarget.amount--;
+ else
+ myTarget.Delete();
+ pUser.SoundEffect(0x240, 1);
+ return false;
+function ReproductionGump( pUser, iUsed )
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ var ReproductionGump = new Gump;
+ socket.tempObj = iUsed;
+ var plantStage = iUsed.GetTag("PlantStage")
+ ReproductionGump.AddBackground( 50, 50, 200, 150, 0xE10 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddGump( 60, 90, 0xE17 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddGump( 120, 90, 0xE17 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddGump( 60, 145, 0xE17 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddGump( 120, 145, 0xE17 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 45, 45, 0xCEF );
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture(45, 118, 0xCF0 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 211, 45, 0xCEB );
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 211, 118, 0xCEC );
+ ReproductionGump.AddButton( 70, 67, 0xD4, 0xD4, 16, 16, 16 ); // Main menu
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 57, 65, 0x1600 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddText( 108, 67, 0x835, "Reproduction" );
+ if( plantStage == 9 )
+ {
+ ReproductionGump.AddButton( 212, 67, 0xD4, 0xD4, 17, 17, 17 ); // Set to decorative
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 202, 68, 0xC61 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddText( 216, 66, 0x21, "/" );
+ }
+ ReproductionGump.AddButton( 80, 116, 0xD4, 0xD4, 18, 18, 18 ); // Pollination
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 66, 117, 0x1AA2 );
+ AddPollinationState( ReproductionGump, iUsed, 106, 116 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddButton( 128, 116, 0xD4, 0xD4, 19, 19, 19 ); // Resources
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 113, 120, 0x1021 );
+ AddResourcesState( ReproductionGump, iUsed, 149, 116 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddButton( 177, 116, 0xD4, 0xD4, 20, 20, 20 ); // Seeds
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 160, 121, 0xDCF );
+ AddSeedsState( ReproductionGump, iUsed,199, 116 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddButton( 70, 163, 0xD2, 0xD2, 21, 21, 21 ); // Gather pollen
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 56, 164, 0x1AA2 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddButton( 138, 163, 0xD2, 0xD2, 22, 22, 22 ); // Gather resources
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 123, 167, 0x1021 );
+ ReproductionGump.AddButton( 212, 163, 0xD2, 0xD2, 23, 23, 23 ); // Gather seeds
+ ReproductionGump.AddPicture( 195, 168, 0xDCF );
+ ReproductionGump.Send( socket );
+ ReproductionGump.Free();
+function AddResourcesState(ReproductionGump, iUsed, x, y)
+ var Seeds = iUsed.GetTag( "Seed" )
+ if( !Seeds )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var Seedlength = Seeds.split( "," );
+ if( Seedlength.length != 3 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var availableSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[0] );
+ var remainingSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[1] );
+ var hueSeeds = parseInt(Seedlength[2]);
+ if( availableSeeds == 0 && remainingSeeds == 0 )
+ {
+ ReproductionGump.AddText( x + 5, y, 0x21, "X" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ReproductionGump.AddText( x, y, hueSeeds, availableSeeds + "/" + remainingSeeds );
+ }
+ return;
+function AddSeedsState( ReproductionGump, iUsed, x, y )
+ var Seeds = iUsed.GetTag( "Seed" )
+ if( !Seeds )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var Seedlength = Seeds.split( "," );
+ if( Seedlength.length != 3 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var availableSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[0] );
+ var remainingSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[1] );
+ var hueSeeds = parseInt( Seedlength[2] );
+ if( availableSeeds == 0 && remainingSeeds == 0 )
+ {
+ ReproductionGump.AddText( x + 5, y, 0x21, "X" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ReproductionGump.AddText( x, y, hueSeeds, availableSeeds + "/" + remainingSeeds );
+ }
+function AddPollinationState(ReproductionGump, iUsed, x, y)
+ var status = parseInt( iUsed.GetTag( "PlantStage" ));
+ var tCrossedPlants = iUsed.GetTag( "PlantCross" );
+ if( !tCrossedPlants )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var Crossed = tCrossedPlants.split( "," );
+ if( Crossed.length != 2 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var Pollinated = parseInt( Crossed[0] );
+ if( status < 7 )
+ {
+ ReproductionGump.AddText( x, y, 0x35, "-" );
+ }
+ else if( status >= 7 && Pollinated == 0 )
+ {
+ ReproductionGump.AddText( x, y, 0x21, "!" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ReproductionGump.AddText( x, y, 0x3F, "+" );
+ }
+function SetToDecorativeGump( pUser, iUsed )
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ var SetToDecorativeGump = new Gump;
+ socket.tempObj = iUsed;
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddBackground( 50, 50, 200, 150, 0xE10 );
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddPicture( 25, 45, 0xCEB );
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddPicture( 25, 118, 0xCEC );
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddPicture( 227, 45, 0xCEF );
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddPicture( 227, 118, 0xCF0 );
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddText( 115, 85, 0x44, "Set plant" );
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddText( 82, 105, 0x44, "to decorative mode?" );
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddButton( 98, 140, 0x47E, 0x480, 24, 24, 24 ); // Cancel
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddButton( 138, 141, 0xD2, 0xD2, 25, 25, 25 ); // Help
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddText( 143, 141, 0x835, "?" );
+ SetToDecorativeGump.AddButton( 168, 140, 0x481, 0x483, 26, 26, 26 ); // Ok
+ SetToDecorativeGump.Send( socket );
+ SetToDecorativeGump.Free();
+function onTooltip( myPlant )
+ var tooltipText = "";
+ var status = parseInt( myPlant.GetTag( "PlantStage" ));
+ var plantHealth = myPlant.GetTag( "PlantHealth" );
+ var plantInfo = myPlant.GetTag( "PlantInfo" );
+ if( !plantInfo )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var infoLength = plantInfo.split( "," );
+ if( infoLength.length != 4 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var plantType = parseInt( infoLength[0] );
+ var PlantName = infoLength[1];
+ var plantColor = parseInt( infoLength[2] );
+ var fertialeDirt = parseInt( infoLength[3] );
+ var colorname = "";
+ switch( plantColor )
+ {
+ case 0: colorname = "plain"; break;
+ case 1645: colorname = "red"; break;
+ case 1341: colorname = "blue"; break;
+ case 13: colorname = "purple"; break;
+ case 1135: colorname = "orange"; break;
+ case 2213: colorname = "yellow"; break;
+ case 1435: colorname = "green"; break;
+ case 33: colorname = "bright red"; break;
+ case 66: colorname = "bright green"; break;
+ case 5: colorname = "bright blue"; break;
+ case 56: colorname = "bright yellow"; break;
+ case 43: colorname = "bright orange"; break;
+ case 16: colorname = "bright purple"; break;
+ default: colorname = "plain";
+ }
+ var healthStatus = {
+ 10: "Drying",
+ 11: "Wilted",
+ 12: "Healthy",
+ 13: "Vibrant"
+ };
+ var health = healthStatus[plantHealth] || "Vibrant";
+ var waterLevel = myPlant.GetTag( "water" );
+ var waterStatus = {
+ 1: "Hard",
+ 2: "Soft",
+ 3: "Squishy",
+ 4: "Sopping wet"
+ };
+ var water = waterStatus[waterLevel] || "Hard";
+ if( status === 0 || status === 14 )
+ {
+ tooltipText = "A bowl of " + water + " dirt";
+ }
+ if( status === 1 )
+ {
+ tooltipText = "A bowl of " + water + " dirt with a " + health + " " + PlantName.toString();
+ }
+ else if( status >= 2 && status <= 8 )
+ {
+ tooltipText = "A bowl of " + water + " dirt with a " + health + " " + colorname + " " + PlantName.toString() + " Plant";
+ }
+ else if( status == 9 )
+ {
+ tooltipText = "a " + health + " " + colorname + " " + PlantName.toString() + " Plant";
+ }
+ return tooltipText;
+function _restorecontext_() {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/js/item/plant_growing/seed.js b/data/js/item/plant_growing/seed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25b8a24ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/js/item/plant_growing/seed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+function onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed )
+ var socket = pUser.socket;
+ if( socket && iUsed && iUsed.isItem )
+ {
+ var itemOwner = GetPackOwner( iUsed, 0 );
+ if( itemOwner == null || itemOwner != pUser )
+ {
+ socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 1763, pUser.socket.language )); //That item must be in your backpack before it can be used.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pUser.socket.tempObj = iUsed;
+ pUser.CustomTarget( 0, GetDictionaryEntry(19137, socket.language ));//Choose a bowl of dirt to plant this seed in.
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function onCallback0( pSock, myTarget )
+ const PlantDelayTimer = 82800000;//82800000 Every 23 hours plant grows
+ var iUsed = pSock.tempObj;
+ var pUser = pSock.currentChar;
+ // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
+ if( !pSock.GetWord( 1 ) && myTarget.isItem )
+ {
+ var plantStage = myTarget.GetTag("PlantStage");
+ var plantInfo = myTarget.GetTag( "PlantInfo" );
+ var waterLevel = myTarget.GetTag( "water" );
+ if( !plantInfo )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var infoLength = plantInfo.split( "," );
+ if( infoLength.length != 4 )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var plantType = parseInt( infoLength[0] );
+ var PlantName = infoLength[1];
+ var plantColor = parseInt( infoLength[2] );
+ var fertialeDirt = parseInt( infoLength[3] );
+ var itemOwner = GetPackOwner( myTarget, 0 );
+ if( itemOwner == null || itemOwner != pUser )
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 1763, pSock.language )); //That item must be in your backpack before it can be used.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( ValidateObject( myTarget ) && myTarget.id == 0x1602 || myTarget.sectionID == "plantbowlOfdirt" ) //checking to make sure its a full bowl of dirt
+ {
+ if( plantStage >= 18 ) // FullGrownPlant
+ {
+ // You must use a seed on some prepared soil!
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19138, pSock.language ));//You must use a seed on some prepared soil!
+ }
+ else if( plantStage != 14 && PlantName ) // BowlOfDirt or PlantName
+ {
+ var tempMsg = GetDictionaryEntry( 19139, socket.language );
+ pSock.SysMessage( tempMsg.replace( /%s/gi, PlantName ));//This bowl of dirt already has a seed %s in it!
+ // This bowl of dirt already has a seed of %s in it!
+ }
+ else if( waterLevel < 2 ) // not enough water
+ {
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19140, pSock.language ));//The dirt needs to be softened first.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const seedToPlantType = {
+ "CampionFlowerSeed": { type: 1, crossable: 1 },
+ "PoppieSeed": { type: 2, crossable: 1 },
+ "SnowdropSeed": { type: 3, crossable: 1 },
+ "BulrusheSeed": { type: 4, crossable: 1 },
+ "LilieSeed": { type: 5, crossable: 1 },
+ "PampasGrassSeed": { type: 6, crossable: 1 },
+ "RusheSeed": { type: 7, crossable: 1 },
+ "ElephantEarPlantrSeed": { type: 8, crossable: 1 },
+ "FernSeed": { type: 9, crossable: 1 },
+ "PonytailPalmSeed": { type: 10, crossable: 1 },
+ "SmallPalmSeed": { type: 11, crossable: 1 },
+ "CenturyPlantSeed": { type: 12, crossable: 1 },
+ "WaterPlantSeed": { type: 13, crossable: 1 },
+ "SnakePlantSeed": { type: 14, crossable: 1 },
+ "PricklyPearCactusSeed": { type: 15, crossable: 1 },
+ "BarrelCactusSeed": { type: 16, crossable: 1 },
+ "TribarrelCactusSeed": { type: 17, crossable: 1 },
+ "CommonGreenBonsaiSeed": { type: 18, crossable: 0 },
+ "CommonPinkBonsaiSeed": { type: 19, crossable: 0 },
+ "UncommonGreenBonsai": { type: 20, crossable: 0 },
+ "UncommonPinkBonsai": { type: 21, crossable: 0 },
+ "RareGreenBonsai": { type: 22, crossable: 0 },
+ "RarePinkBonsai": { type: 23, crossable: 0 },
+ "ExceptionalBonsai": { type: 24, crossable: 0 },
+ "ExoticBonsai": { type: 25, crossable: 0 },
+ "Cactus": { type: 26, crossable: 0 },
+ "FlaxFlowers": { type: 27, crossable: 0 },
+ "FoxgloveFlowers": { type: 28, crossable: 0 },
+ "HopsEast": { type: 29, crossable: 0 },
+ "OrfluerFlowers": { type: 30, crossable: 0 },
+ "CypressTwisted": { type: 31, crossable: 0 },
+ "HedgeShort": { type: 32, crossable: 0 },
+ "JuniperBush": { type: 33, crossable: 0 },
+ "SnowdropPatch": { type: 34, crossable: 0 },
+ "Cattails": { type: 35, crossable: 0 },
+ "PoppyPatch": { type: 36, crossable: 0 },
+ "SpiderTree": { type: 37, crossable: 0 },
+ "WaterLily": { type: 38, crossable: 0 },
+ "CypressStraight": { type: 39, crossable: 0 },
+ "HedgeTall": { type: 40, crossable: 0 },
+ "HopsSouth": { type: 41, crossable: 0 },
+ "SugarCanes": { type: 42, crossable: 0 }
+ };
+ // Loop through the keys of seedToPlantType to find the matching tag
+ for( var tagName in seedToPlantType )
+ {
+ if( parseInt( iUsed.GetTag( tagName )) == 1 )
+ {
+ var tplantType = seedToPlantType[tagName];
+ if( !isNaN( tplantType.type ))
+ {
+ myTarget.SetTag( "PlantInfo", tplantType.type + "," + iUsed.name + "," + iUsed.colour + "," + fertialeDirt );
+ myTarget.SetTag( "PlantCross", 0 + "," + tplantType.type + "," + tplantType.crossable );
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Handle the case where the plantType is not a valid number
+ pSock.SysMessage( "Invalid plantType:", tplantType.type, "Page and GM" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ myTarget.StartTimer( PlantDelayTimer, 1, 19100 );
+ myTarget.SetTag( "PlantStage", 1 );//Seed
+ myTarget.SetTag( "Seed", 0 + "," + 8 + "," + iUsed.colour );//Min/max/color
+ pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19141, pSock.language ));//You plant the seed in the bowl of dirt.
+ if( iUsed.amount > 1 )
+ iUsed.amount--;
+ else
+ iUsed.Delete();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pUser.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19142, pSock.language ));//You must use a seed on a bowl of dirt!
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/js/jse_fileassociations.scp b/data/js/jse_fileassociations.scp
index 2cbb8e3d5..ceeac4c36 100644
--- a/data/js/jse_fileassociations.scp
+++ b/data/js/jse_fileassociations.scp
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
// Server Data [2500-2749]
@@ -284,6 +285,10 @@
// treasure maps and chest [5400-5405]
diff --git a/data/js/server/global.js b/data/js/server/global.js
index aada1f443..c68a778fc 100644
--- a/data/js/server/global.js
+++ b/data/js/server/global.js
@@ -36,6 +36,16 @@ function onLogin( socket, pChar )
// Check if "Young" player still meets requirement for being considered young
TriggerEvent( 8001, "CheckYoungStatus", socket, pChar, true );
+ // Re-adds Buff for disguise kit if player still has time left.
+ var currentTime = GetCurrentClock();
+ var disguiseKitTime = pChar.GetJSTimer( 1, 5023 );
+ var timeLeft = Math.round(( disguiseKitTime - currentTime ) / 1000 );
+ if( disguiseKitTime > 0 )
+ {
+ TriggerEvent( 2204, "RemoveBuff", pChar, 1033 );
+ TriggerEvent( 2204, "AddBuff", pChar, 1033, 1075821, 1075820, timeLeft, "" );
+ }
function onLogout( pSock, pChar )
diff --git a/data/js/server/network/0xDF_buffBar.js b/data/js/server/network/0xDF_buffBar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f90ee46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/js/server/network/0xDF_buffBar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// how to use
+// TriggerEvent( 2204, "AddBuff", mChar, buffIcon, priCliloc, scndCliloc, seconds, " " + ourObj.name ); name sent
+// TriggerEvent( 2204, "AddBuff", mChar, buffIcon, priCliloc, scndCliloc, seconds, " " + "blah blah msg" ); any msg sent
+// TriggerEvent( 2204, "AddBuff", mChar, buffIcon, priCliloc, scndCliloc, seconds, " " );//No text msg sent
+// TriggerEvent( 2204, "AddBuff", mChar, buffIcon, priCliloc, scndCliloc, 0, " " );// No msg no timer sent
+const BuffEnabled = true; // Turn buffs on and off here.
+function AddBuff( pUser, iconID, priCliloc, scndCliloc, seconds, stringData )
+ if( !BuffEnabled )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var pSocket = pUser.socket;
+ if( seconds >= 1 )
+ {
+ pUser.StartTimer( seconds * 1000, iconID, 2204 );
+ }
+ var pStream = new Packet;
+ var hasArgs = ( stringData.length != 0 );
+ var utf16Bytes = [];
+ if( hasArgs )
+ {
+ for( var i = 0; i < stringData.length; ++i )
+ {
+ var charCode = stringData.charCodeAt( i );
+ utf16Bytes.push( charCode & 0xFF ); // lower byte
+ utf16Bytes.push( ( charCode >> 8 ) & 0xFF ); // upper byte
+ }
+ }
+ var size = hasArgs ? ( 48 + utf16Bytes.length + 2 ) : 44;
+ pStream.ReserveSize( size );
+ pStream.WriteByte( 0, 0xDF );
+ pStream.WriteShort( 1, size );
+ pStream.WriteLong( 3, pUser.serial );
+ pStream.WriteShort( 7, iconID );
+ pStream.WriteShort( 9, 1 );
+ // Skip 4 .., so 11-14
+ pStream.WriteShort( 15, iconID );
+ pStream.WriteShort( 17, 1 );
+ // Skip 4 .., so 19-22
+ pStream.WriteShort( 23, seconds );
+ // Skip 3 .., so 25-27
+ pStream.WriteLong( 28, priCliloc );
+ pStream.WriteLong( 32, scndCliloc );
+ if( hasArgs )
+ {
+ // Skip 4 .., so 36-39
+ pStream.WriteShort( 40, 1 );
+ // Skip 2 .., so 42-43
+ for( var k = 0; k < utf16Bytes.length; ++k )
+ {
+ pStream.WriteByte( 44 + k, utf16Bytes[k] );
+ }
+ pStream.WriteShort( 44 + utf16Bytes.length, 2 );
+ }
+ pSocket.Send( pStream );
+ pStream.Free();
+function RemoveBuff( pUser, iconID )
+ var pSocket = pUser.socket;
+ var pStream = new Packet;
+ pStream.ReserveSize( 13 );
+ pStream.WriteByte( 0, 0xDF );
+ pStream.WriteShort( 1, 13 );
+ pStream.WriteLong( 3, pUser.serial );
+ pStream.WriteShort( 7, iconID );
+ pStream.WriteShort( 9, 0 );
+ pSocket.Send( pStream );
+ pStream.Free();
+ pUser.KillJSTimer( iconID, 2204 );
+function onTimer( pUser, timerID )
+ if( !ValidateObject( pUser ))
+ return;
+ RemoveBuff( pUser, timerID );
diff --git a/data/js/skill/healing.js b/data/js/skill/healing.js
index 6523eb4a7..78010b144 100644
--- a/data/js/skill/healing.js
+++ b/data/js/skill/healing.js
@@ -123,17 +123,26 @@ function onCallback1( socket, ourObj )
var healSkill;
var skillNum;
+ var buffIcon;
+ var priCliloc;
+ var scndCliloc;
if( IsTargetHealable( ourObj, false ))
// Target can be healed with Healing skill
healSkill = mChar.baseskills.healing;
skillNum = 17;
+ buffIcon = 1069;
+ priCliloc = 1002082;
+ scndCliloc = 1151400;
else if( IsTargetHealable( ourObj, true ) || ( ourObj.tamed && ourObj.owner ))
// Target can be healed with Veterinary skill
healSkill = mChar.baseskills.veterinary;
skillNum = 39;
+ buffIcon = 1101;
+ priCliloc = 1002167;
+ scndCliloc = 1151400;
@@ -269,6 +278,18 @@ function onCallback1( socket, ourObj )
mChar.AddScriptTrigger( 4014 ); // Add healing_slip.js script
SetSkillInUse( socket, mChar, ourObj, skillNum, healTimer, true );
+ var seconds = Math.round(healTimer / 1000);
+ // Add buff to target or yourself
+ if (ourObj != mChar && ourObj.socket)
+ {
+ TriggerEvent( 2204, "AddBuff", ourObj, buffIcon, priCliloc, scndCliloc, seconds, " " + ourObj.name );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TriggerEvent( 2204, "AddBuff", mChar, buffIcon, priCliloc, scndCliloc, seconds, " " + ourObj.name );
+ }
mChar.StartTimer( healTimer, 2, true );
diff --git a/source/CPacketSend.cpp b/source/CPacketSend.cpp
index e1d8ee4ca..ba30f52d8 100644
--- a/source/CPacketSend.cpp
+++ b/source/CPacketSend.cpp
@@ -7459,6 +7459,14 @@ void CPToolTip::CopyItemData( CItem& cItem, size_t &totalStringLen, bool addAmou
FinalizeData( tempEntry, totalStringLen );
+ if( cItem.GetArtifactRarity() > 0)
+ {
+ tempEntry.stringNum = 1061078; // // artifact rarity ~1_val~
+ tempEntry.ourText = oldstrutil::number( cItem.GetArtifactRarity() );
+ FinalizeData( tempEntry, totalStringLen );
+ }
if( cItem.GetType() == IT_MAGICWAND && cItem.GetTempVar( CITV_MOREZ ))
tempEntry.stringNum = 1060584; // uses remaining: ~1_val~
diff --git a/source/Changelog.txt b/source/Changelog.txt
index c8413e9c6..b35a55a0d 100644
--- a/source/Changelog.txt
+++ b/source/Changelog.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
6/06/2024 - Dragon Slayer
Fixed Accepting bods, When the expansion is to to lbr or later.
+13/05/2024 - Dragon Slayer
+ Added New Shield Type 107 so shield ID's no longer have to be in hard code for shields to work properly
+09/05/2024 - Dragon Slayer
+ Added ArtifactRarity AOS Property for items
+ -Artifact Rarity is an item property that is visible on some artifacts and meant to give players an idea of how rare the item is. Items with rarity 1 are supposed to be common while rarity 12 are extremely scarce.
1/05/2024 - Dragon Slayer/Xuri
Fixed AutoUnequipAttempt function in clumsy.js, createfood.js level1target.js, will no longer fail on casting and return to hardcode.
Fixed createfood to check for reagents on cast.
diff --git a/source/UOXJSPropertyEnums.h b/source/UOXJSPropertyEnums.h
index af309d496..45517f28d 100644
--- a/source/UOXJSPropertyEnums.h
+++ b/source/UOXJSPropertyEnums.h
@@ -461,6 +461,7 @@ enum CI_Properties
diff --git a/source/UOXJSPropertyFuncs.cpp b/source/UOXJSPropertyFuncs.cpp
index 3823356f9..5fc2a3a82 100644
--- a/source/UOXJSPropertyFuncs.cpp
+++ b/source/UOXJSPropertyFuncs.cpp
@@ -676,6 +676,7 @@ JSBool CItemProps_getProperty( JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp
case CIP_DAMAGERAIN: *vp = BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL( gPriv->GetWeatherDamage( RAIN )); break;
case CIP_DAMAGESNOW: *vp = BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL( gPriv->GetWeatherDamage( SNOW )); break;
case CIP_SPEED: *vp = INT_TO_JSVAL( gPriv->GetSpeed() ); break;
+ case CIP_ARTIFACTRARITY: *vp = INT_TO_JSVAL( gPriv->GetArtifactRarity() ); break;
case CIP_NAME2:
tString = JS_NewStringCopyZ( cx, gPriv->GetName2().c_str() );
*vp = STRING_TO_JSVAL( tString );
@@ -1321,6 +1322,7 @@ JSBool CItemProps_setProperty( JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp
case CIP_DAMAGERAIN: gPriv->SetWeatherDamage( RAIN, encaps.toBool() ); break;
case CIP_DAMAGESNOW: gPriv->SetWeatherDamage( SNOW, encaps.toBool() ); break;
case CIP_SPEED: gPriv->SetSpeed( static_cast( encaps.toInt() )); break;
+ case CIP_ARTIFACTRARITY: gPriv->SetArtifactRarity( static_cast( encaps.toInt() )); break;
case CIP_NAME2: gPriv->SetName2( encaps.toString() ); break;
case CIP_RACE: gPriv->SetRace( static_cast( encaps.toInt() )); break;
case CIP_MAXHP: gPriv->SetMaxHP( static_cast( encaps.toInt() )); break;
diff --git a/source/UOXJSPropertySpecs.h b/source/UOXJSPropertySpecs.h
index 3149dc0ec..8607ffab5 100644
--- a/source/UOXJSPropertySpecs.h
+++ b/source/UOXJSPropertySpecs.h
@@ -535,6 +535,7 @@ inline JSPropertySpec CItemProps[] =
{ "ammoFXHue", CIP_AMMOFXHUE, JSPROP_ENUMANDPERM, nullptr, nullptr },
{ "ammoFXRender", CIP_AMMOFXRENDER, JSPROP_ENUMANDPERM, nullptr, nullptr },
{ "speed", CIP_SPEED, JSPROP_ENUMANDPERM, nullptr, nullptr },
+ { "artifactRarity", CIP_ARTIFACTRARITY, JSPROP_ENUMANDPERM, nullptr, nullptr },
{ "multi", CIP_MULTI, JSPROP_ENUMANDPERM, nullptr, nullptr },
{ "maxRange", CIP_MAXRANGE, JSPROP_ENUMANDPERM, nullptr, nullptr },
{ "baseRange", CIP_BASERANGE, JSPROP_ENUMANDPERM, nullptr, nullptr },
diff --git a/source/cItem.cpp b/source/cItem.cpp
index 3c6523d5d..3a2acd106 100644
--- a/source/cItem.cpp
+++ b/source/cItem.cpp
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ const UI16 DEFITEM_MAXUSES = 0;
//| Function - CItem()
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ spd( DEFITEM_SPEED ), maxHp( DEFITEM_MAXHP ), amount( DEFITEM_AMOUNT ),
spells[0] = spells[1] = spells[2] = 0;
value[0] = value[1] = value[2] = 0;
@@ -542,6 +543,23 @@ auto CItem::SetSpawnerList( bool newValue ) -> void
+//| Function - CBaseObject::GetArtifactRarity()
+//| CBaseObject::SetArtifactRarity()
+//| Date - 9 May, 2024
+//| Purpose - Gets/Sets the Artifacts Rarity of the object
+SI16 CItem::GetArtifactRarity( void ) const
+ return artifactRarity;
+void CItem::SetArtifactRarity( SI16 newValue )
+ artifactRarity = newValue;
+ UpdateRegion();
//| Function - CItem::GetName2()
//| CItem::SetName2()
@@ -1443,9 +1461,7 @@ auto CItem::LockDown( CMultiObj *multiObj ) -> void
auto CItem::IsShieldType() const -> bool
- return ( id >= 0x1B72 && id <= 0x1B7B ) || ( id >= 0x1BC3 && id <= 0x1BC7 ) ||
- ( id >= 0x4200 && id <= 0x420B ) || ( id >= 0x4228 && id <= 0x422C ) ||
- ( id == 0xA649 || id == 0xA64A ) || ( id == 0xA831 || id == 0xA832 );
+ return type == IT_SHIELD;
@@ -1638,6 +1654,7 @@ auto CItem::CopyData( CItem *target ) -> void
target->SetRndValueRate( GetRndValueRate() );
target->SetSpawn( GetSpawn() );
target->SetSpeed( GetSpeed() );
+ target->SetArtifactRarity( GetArtifactRarity() );
target->SetSpell( 0, GetSpell( 0 ));
target->SetSpell( 1, GetSpell( 1 ));
target->SetSpell( 2, GetSpell( 2 ));
@@ -1737,6 +1754,7 @@ bool CItem::DumpBody( std::ostream &outStream ) const
outStream << "MaxItems=" + std::to_string( GetMaxItems() ) + newLine;
outStream << "MaxHP=" + std::to_string( GetMaxHP() ) + newLine;
outStream << "Speed=" + std::to_string( GetSpeed() ) + newLine;
+ outStream << "ArtifactRarity=" + std::to_string( GetArtifactRarity() ) + newLine;
outStream << "Movable=" + std::to_string( GetMovable() ) + newLine;
outStream << "Priv=" + std::to_string( GetPriv() ) + newLine;
outStream << "Value=" + std::to_string( GetBuyValue() ) + "," + std::to_string( GetSellValue() ) + "," + std::to_string( GetVendorPrice() ) + newLine;
@@ -1773,7 +1791,12 @@ bool CItem::HandleLine( std::string &UTag, std::string &data )
switch(( UTag.data()[0] ))
case 'A':
- if( UTag == "AMMO" )
+ if( UTag == "ARTIFACTRARITY" )
+ {
+ SetArtifactRarity( static_cast( std::stoul( oldstrutil::trim( oldstrutil::removeTrailing( data, "//" )), nullptr, 0 )));
+ rValue = true;
+ }
+ else if( UTag == "AMMO" )
if( csecs.size() == 2 )
diff --git a/source/cItem.h b/source/cItem.h
index 3a3b60e5d..4b220999e 100644
--- a/source/cItem.h
+++ b/source/cItem.h
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class CItem : public CBaseObject
UI16 entryMadeFrom;
SERIAL creator; // Store the serial of the player made this item
SI08 gridLoc;
+ SI16 artifactRarity;
SI32 weightMax; // Maximum weight a container can hold
SI32 baseWeight; // Base weight of item. Applied when item is created for the first time, based on weight. Primarily used to determine base weight of containers
UI16 maxItems; // Maximum amount of items a container can hold
@@ -110,6 +111,9 @@ class CItem : public CBaseObject
auto GetGridLocation() const -> SI08;
auto SetGridLocation( SI08 newLoc ) -> void;
+ virtual SI16 GetArtifactRarity(void) const;
+ virtual void SetArtifactRarity(SI16 newValue);
auto GetStealable() const -> UI08;
auto SetStealable( UI08 newValue ) -> void;
diff --git a/source/cPlayerAction.cpp b/source/cPlayerAction.cpp
index d667a6598..5d58ccbd5 100644
--- a/source/cPlayerAction.cpp
+++ b/source/cPlayerAction.cpp
@@ -3392,6 +3392,7 @@ void InitTagToItemType( void )
tagToItemType["SEXTANT"] = IT_SEXTANT;
tagToItemType["HAIRDYE"] = IT_HAIRDYE;
+ tagToItemType["SHIELD"] = IT_SHIELD;
ItemTypes FindItemTypeFromTag( const std::string &strToFind )
diff --git a/source/enums.h b/source/enums.h
index 75e8786ae..1383bbd10 100644
--- a/source/enums.h
+++ b/source/enums.h
@@ -527,6 +527,7 @@ enum ItemTypes
IT_DRINK = 105,
+ IT_SHIELD = 107,
IT_PLANK = 117,
diff --git a/source/items.cpp b/source/items.cpp
index 1cd4a2aaf..a95e80f70 100644
--- a/source/items.cpp
+++ b/source/items.cpp
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ auto ApplyItemSection( CItem *applyTo, CScriptSection *toApply, std::string sect
auto ssecs = oldstrutil::sections( oldstrutil::trim( oldstrutil::removeTrailing( cdata, "//" )), " " );
switch( tag )
+ case DFNTAG_ARTIFACTRARITY: applyTo->SetArtifactRarity( static_cast( ndata )); break;
applyTo->SetAmmoId( static_cast( std::stoul( oldstrutil::trim( oldstrutil::removeTrailing( ssecs[0], "//" )), nullptr, 0 )));
if( ssecs.size() > 1 )
diff --git a/source/ssection.cpp b/source/ssection.cpp
index c2a563b47..fae41e7a1 100644
--- a/source/ssection.cpp
+++ b/source/ssection.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ const UI08 dfnDataTypes[DFNTAG_COUNTOFTAGS] =
@@ -268,6 +269,7 @@ const std::map strToDFNTag
diff --git a/source/ssection.h b/source/ssection.h
index a2a660aec..c652b9d3b 100644
--- a/source/ssection.h
+++ b/source/ssection.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ enum DFNTAGS