issues Search Results · repo:TylerBloom/troupe language:Rust
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inTylerBloom/troupe (press backspace or delete to remove)About
A useful actor pattern is an actor that spawns and deletes worker actors to scale with the traffic it is receiving. This
will require a change to the actor client and the base stream that is used ...
- Opened on Apr 12, 2024
- #14
Add a method similar to the scheduler s schedule method but that takes a Duration instead of an instant. This will make
the scheduler slightly more ergonomic.
good first issue
- Opened on Nov 18, 2023
- #12
Currently, all streams that get attached to the scheduler must be FusedStreams. This is because the scheduler will stop
listening to a stream once it has yielded a None. It would be nice to provide support ...
- Opened on Nov 18, 2023
- #11
Currently, all messages going into an actor must have a static lifetime. While this can be managed by cloning, it would
be nice to provide an API similar to that of thread::scope. This is conceptually ...
help wanted
- Opened on Nov 18, 2023
- #10
Because of limitations in tokio_stream s BroadcastStream, a copy of that implementation was made. The crux of the issue
is that internally BroadcastStream uses a box trait object which has a Send bound. ...
good first issue
- Opened on Nov 16, 2023
- #7
Currently, the broadcast buffer is always 100 items large. Users should be able to set this for their needs
good first issue
- Opened on Nov 15, 2023
- #6
Currently, if one actor needs to have a handle to another actor, it must explicitly declare that in its state. This can
make constructing a series of interconnected actors tricky. It also can distract ...
- Opened on Nov 15, 2023
- #5
Currently, the code for sending a tracked message to an actor ignores failures on send. This will still cause the
tracker to yield a None, but that will occur only after the tracker is polled. For clients ...
- Opened on Nov 15, 2023
- #4
Currently, if the scheduler fails to broadcast a message, the message is dropped entirely. There should be a better way
to handle this. This might include scheduled, automatic retries or just returning ...
- Opened on Nov 14, 2023
- #3
Currently, there is no way to cancel streams, timers, and futures that are queued in the scheduler. This should be
fairly easy to implement. futures-rs provides an Abortable wrapper for futures and streams. ...
- Opened on Nov 14, 2023
- #2

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