- Update to latest version of ShortcutBadger.
- Changes for Android Oreo support, adding required channel and importance fields to notifications (old scheduled notifications will be assigned to a channel called "Pre-Android Oreo notifications").
- Update for latest OpenFL support.
- Update to latest version of ShortcutBadger.
- No longer embedding the extension-v4 jar in the haxelib (install it via the Android SDK manager instead).
- Added "ongoing" parameter for Android notifications to optionally make the notification the ongoing type.
- Added "smallIconName" and "largeIconName" parameters for Android notifications, for optionally specifying custom notification icons from your Android package resources.
- Now attempts to reschedule notifications on app launch on Android, for the case force-stopping resulted in alarms being cancelled.
- Now using SharedPreferences with ''MODE_PRIVATE'' instead of ''MODE_WORLD_READABLE''.
- Update to latest version of ShortcutBadger, fix badging error affecting some Android devices.
- Fix bug displaying high dpi notification icons on some devices.
- Minor tweaks to Android notification icon appearances.
- Breaking change - notification delays must now be specified in seconds.
- Work around another integer overflow bug for long-term notifications.
- Update to latest ShortcutBadger, for better Samsung phone badging support.
- Fix 38 day (integer overflow) limit when scheduling notifications.
- Initial release