You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Redis (more metrics, multi instance support, multi db support) (shows snake to camel, perc to decimal, replace keys, rename keys & sub parse functionality)
PagerDuty (shows lazy_flatten functionality)
AlertOps (shows lazy_flatten functionality)
New Relic Alert Ingestion (provides similar output to nri-alerts-pipe)
New Relic App Status Health Ingestion (appSample to present your app health, language, and aggregated summary)
http/s testing & request performance via curl
Postgres Custom Querying
MySQL Custom Querying
MariaDB Custom Querying
Percona Server, Google CloudSQL or Sphinx (2.2.3+) Custom Querying
MS SQL Server Custom Querying
JMX via nrjmx // (nrjmx is targetted to work with Java 7+, see cassandra and tomcat examples)
cassandra - via jmx
tomcat - via jmx
df display disk & inode info (shows horizontal split functionality)
PHP-FPM (Contributor: goldenplec)
How to create Flex config(s)?
Easiest way is to take a look at the examples and their inline comments
Standard Configuration
Default configuration looks for Flex config files in /flexConfigs
Run ./nri-flex -help for more info
- This integration also supports the following two flags
You could specific a single Flex Config, or another config directory
-config_dir string
Set directory of config files (default "flexConfigs/")
-config_file string
Set a specific config file
With these flags, you could also define multiple instances with different configurations of Flex within "nri-flex-config.yml"
Flex Auto Container Discovery
Flex has the capability to auto discovery containers in your surrounding environment, and dynamically monitor them regardless of changing IP addresses and ports
See flexContainerDiscovery/ for examples
Enable container auto discovery
-container_discovery_dir string
Set directory of auto discovery config files (default "flexContainerDiscovery/")
integration_name: com.kav91.nri-flex
- name: nri-flex
command: metrics
container_discovery: true ### <- set to true to enable
Container Discovery
Requires access to /var/run/docker.sock (same as the New Relic Infrastructure Agent, so it is convenient to bake flex into the newrelic/infrastructure image)
Add a label that contains the keyword - "flexDiscovery" for the container (if using reverse discovery apply to nri-flex container - explained further under parameters)
For Kubernetes add it as an environment variable
To that same label add a flex discovery configuration eg. "t=redis,c=redis,tt=img,tm=contains"
Complete example flexDiscoveryRedis="t=redis,c=redis,tt=img,tm=contains"
If your target is consistent with the config file you could even just have flexDiscoveryRedis="t=redis" and it'll work!
You can have varying configs for one or many container as well just set different names eg. flexDiscoveryRedis1, flexDiscoveryRedis2, flexDiscoveryZookeeper etc.
Flex Container Discovery Configs are placed within "flexContainerDiscovery/" directory
For an example see "flexContainerDiscovery/redis.yml"
Use ${auto:host} and ${auto:port} anywhere in your config, this will dynamically be substituted per container discovered
This makes it possible to have multiple containers re-use the same config with different ip/port configurations
Flex Discovery Configuration Parameters
tt=targetType - are we targetting an img = image or cname = containerName? (default "img")
t=target - the keyword to target based on the targetType eg. "redis"
tm=targetMode - contains, prefix or regex to match the target (default "contains")
c=config - which config file will we use to create the dynamic configs from eg. "redis" .yml (defaults to the "target value")
p=port - force set a chosen target port
r=reverse - if set eg. r=true on nri-flex itself, it will perform a reverse lookup to match against containers (this means you don't have to set labels on individal containers)
ip=ipMode - default private can be set to public
If config is nil, use the target (t), as the yaml file to look up, eg. if target (t) = redis, lookup the config (c) redis.yml if config not set
Flex will attempt to flatten all Prometheus metrics for you to save on events being generated, however you may need to do some minor additional configuration (below) to get your desired output
With the automatically flattened event, the histogram & summary, count & sum values are retained
If you would like the full qauntiles and buckets, consider flagging on histogram, and/or summary to true
Target the /metrics endpoint and set your desired configuration, see further below for options
To quickly find out what metrics may need to be in their own samples or merged into the main sample, set -force_log and view the /metrics endpoint you are targetting
Check this basic example flexConfigs/prometheus-redis-exporter.yml && for auto discovery flexContainerDiscovery/prometheusRedisExporter.yml
# Redis Example
# placed in -> flexConfigs/
name: prometheusRedisFlex
- name: prometheusRedis
url: http://localhost:9121/metrics
enable: true
flattened_event: "prometheusRedisSample" # name of the event_type when metrics are flattened into a single sample
# unflatten: true ### <- every prometheus metric will be unflattened into their own sample, other functions will not be available
############ use with caution as this can create a large amount samples
############ it is useful for testing to see the output of metrics you are getting as well
key_merge: [cmd] # the same metric may exist multiple times, for different things, if we want to flatten them out we can use this parameter
############ eg. "redis_commands_duration_seconds_total" Metric exists for multiple commands, there is a "cmd" attribute on each metric to distinguish each command
############ so we add "cmd" to the array to flatten it like this eg. "" = 132 ("info was the command in this case")
########### db could also be added here, so you could just add to the array eg. key_merge: [cmd,db]
prometheusRedisDbSample: db # multiple metrics may exist where they correspond to the same thing like metrics of each particular database
############ eg. redis_db_keys_expiring and redis_db_keys, both have a "db" key to distinguish each database
############ this will let us roll up all the metrics that contain the "db" key into a "prometheusRedisDbSample"
############ we could also use cmd here, if we wanted them in separate samples add for eg. prometheusRedisCmdSample: cmd
custom_attributes: # apply any custom attributes as you require
serverName: mySuperServer
- go_ # we can remove the internal exporter go metrics like this
#snake_to_camel: true
# Etcd Example with Container Discovery
# placed in -> flexContainerDiscovery/
name: prometheusEtcdFlex
- name: prometheusEtcd
url: http://${auto:host}:${auto:port}/metrics
enable: true
flattened_event: "prometheusEtcdSample"
key_merge: [action]
prometheusEtcdServiceSample: grpc_service
Testing & Debugging
Testing a single config
./nri-flex -config_file "flexConfigs/redis-cmd-raw-example.yml"
./nri-flex-mac -config_file "flexConfigs/redis-cmd-raw-example.yml" # remember to remove the -q0 flag from the command as it's not supported by mac in the example config
Testing all configs in ./flexConfigs (this repo has alot of examples! only keep what you need)
./nri-flex -force_log <- will spit out additional info to stdout (do not use in production)
Setup your configuration see inside flexConfigs, flexContainerDiscovery & fullConfigExamples for examples
Flex will run everything by default in the default flexConfigs/ folder (so only keep what you need before deploying)
Review the commented out portions in the and/or Dockerfile depending on your config setup
Run or build the docker image
Alternatively use the as a guide for setting up
Set your configs, modify Dockerfile if need be
Build & Run Image
docker build -t nri-flex .
RUN - standard
docker run -d --name nri-flex --network=host --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -v "/:/host:ro" -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" -e NRIA_LICENSE_KEY="yourInfraLicenseKey" nri-flex:latest
RUN - with container discovery reverse lookup (ensure -container_discovery is set to true nri-flex-config.yml)
docker run -d --name nri-flex --network=host --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -l flexDiscoveryRedis="t=redis,c=redis,tt=img,tm=contains,r=true" -v "/:/host:ro" -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" -e NRIA_LICENSE_KEY="yourInfraLicenseKey" nri-flex:latest
Example: Run Redis with a flex discovery label
docker run -it -p 9696:6379 --label flexDiscoveryRedis="t=redis,c=redis,tt=img,tm=contains" --name redis-svr -d redis