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JS-son - a Lean, Extensible JavaScript Agent Programming Library

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JS-son is a lean and extensible JavaScript library for programming agents. It has a focus on reasoning loops (agent-internals), and supports the belief-desire-intention approach, among others. Install it with:

npm install js-son-agent

Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) Agents

JS-son follows the belief-desire-intention(-plan) (BDI) approach; a popular model for developing intelligent agents. However, it is also possible to implement agents that follow simpler reasoning-loop approaches. For example, in its simplest form, JS-son agents can follow a belief-plan approach, that means based on their perception of their environment and their own internal state, the execution of plans--which act on the environment and update the agent's own beliefs--is determined.

In this section, we explain how JS-son agents make use of the BDI (and plan) concepts and how the Environment object type processes agent actions. For detailed documentation of the corresponding JS-son object types and functions, generate the JSDoc (see below).


  • Beliefs: Beliefs specify what the agent beliefs about the state of its environment, as well as about is own state. Each belief has a unique ID.

  • Desires: In JS-son desires are functions (each with a unique ID) that determine, based on the agent's beliefs, what the agents desires to realize, that means what it would ideally see realized.

  • Intentions: Intentions specify which desires an agent intends to realize, that means what it in fact wants to work towards realizing. An agent needs to specify a preference function that derives intentions from desires.

  • Plans: A plan consists of a head and a body. The head specifies the intent that needs to be active (be true or have any other specified value) for the plan to be executed. The body determines who the agent fulfills the desire by changing specific beliefs and "executing" actions (i.e., handing over actions to the environment).

JS-son also supports a simpler belief-plan model: i.e., in a plan's head, it is possible to specify a function that determines whether a plan should be executed based on the agent's current beliefs.


The environment provides the agents' "perceptors" with belief updates and processes the agents' actions to determine the actions' impact on the environment's state.

Requirements & Installation

Installing JS-son requires npm or yarn.

To install JS-son, run:

npm install js-son-agent


yarn add js-son-agent


JS-son does not have any dependencies! This means you can require it in your application without worrying about bloat or unstable/insecure upstream modules. Only when you want to work on the JS-son code base, you should install some dev dependencies for linting and testing. Note that the JS-son examples use dependencies as well, e.g. for UI-level abstractions, but these dependencies are not installed when requiring JS-son in a project.


To illustrate how JS-son works, we first present two basic tutorials. In the first one, we use the simplified belief-plan approach; the second tutorial presents the full belief-desire-intention-plan approach. You find the source code of these tutorials at In addition, we provide a set of advanced tutorials that show how JS-son can be applied in different contexts: in web apps, Jupyter notebooks, grid worlds, and serverless (Function-as-a-Service) environments.

Belief-Plan Approach

In this tutorial, we use basic belief-plan approach to implement the Jason room example with JS-son.

In the example, three agents are in a room:

  1. A porter, that locks and unlocks the room's door if requested.

  2. A paranoid agent, that prefers the door to be locked and asks the porter to lock the door if this is not the case.

  3. A claustrophobe agent, that prefers the door to be unlocked and asks the porter to unlock the door if this is not the case.

The simulation runs twenty iterations of the scenario. In an iteration, each agent acts once.

First, we import JS-son and assign Belief, Plan, Agent, and Environment to separate consts for the sake of convenience:

const JSson = require('js-son-agent')

const Belief = JSson.Belief
const Plan = JSson.Plan
const Agent = JSson.Agent
const Environment = JSson.Environment

All agents start with the same belief set. The belief with the ID door is assigned the object { locked: true}. I.e., the door is locked. Also, nobody has so far requested any change in door state (requests: []).

const beliefs = {
  ...Belief('door', { locked: true }),
  ...Belief('requests', [])

First, we define the porter agent. The porter has the following plans:

  1. If it does not believe the door is locked and it has received a request to lock the door (head), lock the door (body).

  2. If it believes the door is locked and it has received a request to unlock the door (head), unlock the door (body).

const plansPorter = [
    beliefs => !beliefs.door.locked && beliefs.requests.includes('lock'),
    () => [{ door: 'lock' }]
    beliefs => beliefs.door.locked && beliefs.requests.includes('unlock'),
    () => [{ door: 'unlock' }]

Note that an agent can update its own beliefs (and also plans or any other property it has) in a body of its plans (not in a plan's head). For this, simply re-assign the corresponding property, for example as follows:

    beliefs => beliefs.door.locked && beliefs.requests.includes('unlock'),
    function () {
      this.beliefs.door.locked = false
      return [{ door: 'unlock' }]

Note that it is necessary to use the function keyword so that JS-son can set the scope of the plan body correctly. The feature can be deactivated for an agent by instantiating it with the selfUpdatesPossible parameter set to false.

We instantiate a new agent with the belief set and plans. Because we are not making use of desires in this simple belief-plan scenario, we pass an empty object as the agent's desires:

const porter = new Agent('porter', beliefs, {}, plansPorter)

Note that alternatively, we can use a single configuration object to instantiate the agent:

const porter = new Agent({
  id: 'porter',
  plans: plansPorter

Next, we create the paranoid agent with the following plans:

  1. If it does not belief the door is locked (head), it requests the door to be locked (body).

  2. If it beliefs the door is locked (head), it broadcasts a thank you message for locking the door (body).

const plansParanoid = [
    beliefs => !beliefs.door.locked,
    () => [{ request: 'lock' }]
    beliefs => beliefs.door.locked,
    () => [{ announce: 'Thanks for locking the door!' }]

const paranoid = new Agent('paranoid', beliefs, {}, plansParanoid)

The last agent we create is the claustrophobe. It has these plans:

  1. If it beliefs the door the door is locked (head), it requests the door to be unlocked (body).

  2. If it does not belief the door is locked (head), it broadcasts a thank you message for unlocking the door (body).

const plansClaustrophobe = [
    beliefs => beliefs.door.locked,
    () => [{ request: 'unlock' }]
    beliefs => !beliefs.door.locked,
    () => [{ announce: 'Thanks for unlocking the door!' }]

const claustrophobe = new Agent('claustrophobe', beliefs, {}, plansClaustrophobe)

Now, as we have the agents defined, we need to specify the environment. First, we set the environments state, which is--in our case--consistent with the agents' beliefs:

const state = {
  door: { locked: true },
  requests: []

To define how the environment processes agent actions, we implement the updateState function. The function takes an agent's actions, as well as the agent ID and the current state to determine the environment's state update that is merged into the new state state = { ...state, ...stateUpdate }.

const updateState = (actions, agentId, currentState) => {
  const stateUpdate = {
    requests: currentState.requests
  actions.forEach(action => {
    if (action.some(action => action.door === 'lock')) {
      stateUpdate.door = { locked: true }
      stateUpdate.requests = []
      console.log(`${agentId}: Lock door`)
    if (action.some(action => action.door === 'unlock')) {
      stateUpdate.door = { locked: false }
      stateUpdate.requests = []
      console.log(`${agentId}: Unlock door`)
    if (action.some(action => action.request === 'lock')) {
      console.log(`${agentId}: Request: lock door`)
    if (action.some(action => action.request === 'unlock')) {
      console.log(`${agentId}: Request: unlock door`)
    if (action.some(action => action.announce)) {
      console.log(`${agentId}: ${action.find(action => action.announce).announce}`)
  return stateUpdate

To simulate a partially observable world, we can specify the environment's stateFilter function, which determines how the state update should be shared with the agents. However, in our case we simply communicate the whole state update to all agents, which is also the default behavior of the environment, if no stateFilter function is specified.

const stateFilter = state => state

We instantiate the environment with the specified agents, state, update function, and filter function:

const environment = new Environment(
  [paranoid, claustrophobe, porter],

Finally, we run 20 iterations of the scenario:

Goal-based Approach

JS-son supports an alternative goal-based reasoning loop. Here, we show a minimal working example of an agent that employs this approach. Our agent has merely one goal:

const goals = {
  praiseDog: Goal('praiseDog', false, { dogName: 'Hasso' })

The goal has the ID praiseDog, is false (when starting) and has a value object with the property dogname, which is Hasso. The agent starts with the belief that Hasso has not been a nice dog:

const beliefs = {
  ...Belief('dogNice', false)

The agent's goal revision function takes the agent's current beliefs and goals and returns a revised goal object (that can feature new goals, revised goals, and/or have previously existing goals removed):

const reviseGoals = (beliefs, goals) => {
  if (beliefs.dogNice) {
    goals.praiseDog.isActive = true
  return goals

Our agent has only one plan, which is attached to the praiseDog goal, i.e., if the goal is active, the plan's body function is executed (the agent praises the dog):

const plans = [ Plan(goals.praiseDog, (beliefs, goalValue) => ({ action: `Good dog, ${goalValue.dogName}!` })) ]

Note that the value of a plan's goal can be accessed in the body of the plan. Based on the goals, beliefs, goal revision function, and plans, we instantiate the agent:

const newAgent = new Agent({
  id: 'MyAgent',

Finally, we run the agent's reasoning loop for one iteration, and provide an updated belief update the dog's niceness:{ ...Belief('dogNice', true) }

Note that this activates the praiseDog goal and hence triggers the execution of the agent's only plan.

Belief-Desire-Intention-Plan Approach

In this tutorial, we implement a simple information spread simulation, using JS-son's full belief-desire-intention-plan approach. We simulate the spread of a single boolean belief among 100 agents. The belief spread is simulated as follows:

  • The scenario starts with each agent announcing their beliefs.

  • In each iteration, the environment distributes two belief announcements to each agent. Based on these beliefs and possibly (depending on the agent type) the past announcements the agent was exposed to, each agent announces a new belief: either true or false.

The agents are of two different agent types (volatile and introspective):

  1. Type volatile: Volatile agents only consider their current belief and the latest belief set they received from the environment when deciding which belief to announce. Volatile agents are "louder", i.e. the environment is more likely to spread beliefs of volatile agents. We also add bias to the announcement spread function to favor true announcements.

  2. Type introspective: In contrast to volatile agents, introspective agents consider the past five belief sets they have received, when deciding which belief they should announce. Introspective agents are "less loud", i.e. the environment is less likely to spread beliefs of volatile agents.

The agent type distribution is 50, 50. However, 30 volatile and 20 introspective agents start with true as their belief, whereas 20 volatile and 30 introspective agents start with false as their belief.

First, we import the JS-son dependencies:

const {
  Intentions, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
} = require('js-son-agent')

Then, we create the belief sets the agents start with:

const beliefsTrue = {
  ...Belief('keyBelief', true),
  ...Belief('pastReceivedAnnouncements', [])

const beliefsFalse = {
  ...Belief('keyBelief', false),
  ...Belief('pastReceivedAnnouncements', [])

Now, we define the desires of the two agent types. Both agents base their announcement desires on the predominant belief in previous announcements (see the determinePredominantBelief function). However, volatile agents only consider the most recent round of announcements, while introspective agents consider the whole history they have available. If both true and false occur equally often in the considered announcement history, the currently held belief is considered to reach a decision:

const determinePredominantBelief = beliefs => {
  const announcementsTrue = beliefs.pastReceivedAnnouncements.filter(
    announcement => announcement
  const announcementsFalse = beliefs.pastReceivedAnnouncements.filter(
    announcement => !announcement
  const predominantBelief = announcementsTrue > announcementsFalse ||
    (announcementsTrue === announcementsFalse && beliefs.keyBelief)
  return predominantBelief

const desiresVolatile = {
  ...Desire('announceTrue', beliefs => {
    const pastReceivedAnnouncements = beliefs.pastReceivedAnnouncements.length >= 5
      ? beliefs.pastReceivedAnnouncements.slice(-5)
      : new Array(5).fill(beliefs.keyBelief)
    const recentBeliefs = {
    return determinePredominantBelief(recentBeliefs)
  ...Desire('announceFalse', beliefs => {
    const pastReceivedAnnouncements = beliefs.pastReceivedAnnouncements.length >= 5
      ? beliefs.pastReceivedAnnouncements.slice(-5)
      : new Array(5).fill(beliefs.keyBelief)
    const recentBeliefs = {
    return !determinePredominantBelief(recentBeliefs)

const desiresIntrospective = {
  ...Desire('announceTrue', beliefs => determinePredominantBelief(beliefs)),
  ...Desire('announceFalse', beliefs => !determinePredominantBelief(beliefs))

The agents desires are mutually exclusive. Hence, the agents' intentions merely relay their desires, which is reflected by the default preference function generator.

The agents' plans are to disseminate the announcement (true or false) as determined by the desire functions:

const plans = [
  Plan(intentions => intentions.announceTrue, () => [ { announce: true } ]),
  Plan(intentions => intentions.announceFalse, () => [ { announce: false } ])

Before we instantiate the agents, we need to create an object for the environment's initial state. The object will be populated when the agents will be created:

const state = {}

To instantiate the agents according to the scenario specification, we create the following function:

const createAgents = () => {
  const agents = new Array(100).fill({}).map((_, index) => {
    // assign agent types--introspective and volatile--to odd and even numbers, respectively:
    const type = index % 2 === 0 ? 'volatile' : 'introspective'
    const desires = type === 'volatile' ? desiresVolatile : desiresIntrospective
    /* ``true`` as belief: 30 volatile and 20 introspective agents
       ``false`` as belief: 20 volatile and 30 introspective agents:
    const beliefs = (index < 50 && index % 2 === 0) || (index < 40 && index % 2 !== 0) ? beliefsTrue
      : beliefsFalse
    // add agent belief to the environment's state:
    state[`${type}${index}`] = { keyBelief: beliefs.keyBelief }
    // create agent:
    return new Agent(
      { ...beliefs, ...Belief('type', type) },
  const numberBeliefsTrue = Object.keys(state).filter(
    agentId => state[agentId].keyBelief
  const numberBeliefsFalse = Object.keys(state).filter(
    agentId => !state[agentId].keyBelief
  console.log(`True: ${numberBeliefsTrue}; False: ${numberBeliefsFalse}`)
  return agents

To define how the environment processes agent actions, we implement the updateState function. The function takes an agent's actions, as well as the agent ID and the current state to determine the environment's state update that is merged into the new state state = { ...state, ...stateUpdate }:

const updateState = (actions, agentId, currentState) => {
  const stateUpdate = {}
  actions.forEach(action => {
    stateUpdate[agentId] = {
      keyBelief: action.find(action => action.announce !== undefined).announce
  return stateUpdate

We simulate a partially observable world: via the environment's stateFilter function, we determine an array of five belief announcements that should be made available to an agent. As described in the specification, announcements of volatile agents will be "amplified": i.e. the function pseudo-randomly picks 3 announcements of volatile agents and 2 announcements of introspective agents. In addition, we add bias that facilitates true announcements:

const stateFilter = (state, agentKey, agentBeliefs) => {
  const volatileAnnouncements = []
  const introspectiveAnnouncements = []
  Object.keys(state).forEach(key => {
    if (key.includes('volatile')) {
    } else {
  const recentVolatileAnnouncements = volatileAnnouncements.sort(
    () => 0.5 - Math.random()
  ).slice(0, 3)
  const recentIntrospectiveAnnouncements = introspectiveAnnouncements.sort(
    () => 0.5 - Math.random()
  ).slice(0, 2)
  // add some noise
  let noise = Object.keys(state).filter(agentId => state[agentId].keyBelief).length < 50 * Math.random() ? [true] : []
  noise = Object.keys(state).filter(agentId => state[agentId].keyBelief).length < 29 * Math.random() ? [false] : noise
  // combine announcements
  const pastReceivedAnnouncements =
      recentIntrospectiveAnnouncements, agentBeliefs.pastReceivedAnnouncements, noise
  return { pastReceivedAnnouncements, keyBelief: state[agentKey].keyBelief }

The last function we need is render(). In our case, we simply log the number of announcements of true and false to the console:

const render = state => {
  const numberBeliefsTrue = Object.keys(state).filter(
    agentId => state[agentId].keyBelief
  const numberBeliefsFalse = Object.keys(state).filter(
    agentId => !state[agentId].keyBelief
  console.log(`True: ${numberBeliefsTrue}; False: ${numberBeliefsFalse}`)

We instantiate the environment with the specified agents, state, update function, render function, and filter function:

const environment = new Environment(

Finally, we run 50 iterations of the scenario:

Belief Revision

By default, JS-son agents get their belief update from the environment and revise their existing beliefs as follows:

beliefs = {

Here, oldBeliefs are the agent's existing beliefs, whereas newBeliefs are the belief updates the agent receives; i.e., the agent always accepts the belief update. However, JS-son supports the implementation of a custom belief revision function that allows agents to (partially or fully) reject belief updates received from their environment, to post-process beliefs in any other manner, or to acquire additional beliefs on their own. For example, let us implement the following simple agent:

const agent = new Agent('myAgent', { ...Belief('a', true) }, {}, [])

Now, let us run the agent so that the environment changes the agent's belief about a.{ ...Belief('a', false) })

agent.beliefs.a is false.

We can implement a custom belief revision function that guarantees that the belief about a must not be overwritten:

const (oldBeliefs, newBeliefs) => ({
  a: true
const agent = new Agent('myAgent', { ...Belief('a', true) }, {}, [], undefined, false, reviseBeliefs)

To test the change, proceed as follows:{ ...Belief('a', false) })

agent.beliefs.a is true.

JS-son provides an out-of-the-box belief revision function that handles priority rules. We can import this function as follows:

const revisePriority = JSson.revisionFunctions.revisePriority

Let us now specify an initial belief base and an update thereof. In both, each belief has a numerical priority value:

const beliefBase = {
  isRaining: Belief('isRaining', true, 0),
  temperature: Belief('temperature', 10, 0),
  propertyValue: Belief('propertyValue', 500000, 1)

const update = {
  isRaining: Belief('isRaining', false, 0),
  temperature: Belief('temperature', 15, 1),
  propertyValue: Belief('propertyValue', 250000, 0)

const agent = new Agent('myAgent', beliefBase, {}, [], undefined, false, revisePriority)

After applying the belief update with, our agent's belief base is as follows:

  isRaining: Belief('isRaining', false, 0),
  temperature: Belief('temperature', 15, 1),
  propertyValue: Belief('propertyValue', 500000, 1)

Note that in detail, the priorities are interpreted as follows:

  • If a belief exists in the update, but not in the agent's belief base, this belief is added.
  • If the belief's priority is 0 in the belief base and a belief with the same key exists in the update, the agent's belief is overridden; this behavior is desired for beliefs that are generally defeasible.
  • If a belief's priority in the update is higher than the same belief's priority in the agent's belief base, the agent's belief is overridden.

A potential issue that the belief revision function we use above does not address is that it essentially requires the inflation of priorities in case of regular successful revisions of beliefs with a non-zero priority. For example, in order to update the belief \verb|propertyValue: { value: 500000, priority: 1 }, a new propertyValue belief can only defeat the belief if its priority is 2 or higher; the subsequent defeater will then require a priority of 3, and so on.
We can address this issue by defining whether a particular belief (or beliefs in general) should, when defeated, adopt the priority of their defeater.

When using JSson.revisionFunctions.revisePriorityStatic as our belief revision function, the priority of the initial beliefs are maintained. Alternatively, we can specify whether or not a belief's priority should be updated, on the level of the individual belief:

const beliefBase = {
      isRaining: Belief('isRaining', true, Infinity, true),
      temperature: Belief('temperature', 10, Infinity, false)

We may want to specify beliefs that are not simply updated as static objects/properties, but dynamically inferred, based on our current belief base or updates thereof. To supports this, JS-son uses the notion of a functional belief. A functional belief can be specified as follows, for example:

const isSlippery = FunctionalBelief(
      (oldBeliefs, newBeliefs) =>
        (newBeliefs.isRaining && newBeliefs.isRaining.value) ||
        (!newBeliefs.isRaining && oldBeliefs.isRaining && oldBeliefs.isRaining.value),

The arguments of FunctionalBelief have the following meaning:

  • isSlippery (id) is the unique identifier of the (functional) belief,
  • false (value) is the belief's default/initial value;
  • The function:
      (oldBeliefs, newBeliefs) =>
          (newBeliefs.isRaining && newBeliefs.isRaining.value) ||
          (!newBeliefs.isRaining && oldBeliefs.isRaining && oldBeliefs.isRaining.value)

specifies the rule according to which the belief is inferred -- in this simple example, the value of isSlippery takes the value of the new belief isRaining unless the belief does not exist, in which it will check for the existing (old) belief isRaining and return false if neither a new nor an old isRaining belief exists.

  • 0 (order) is the number used for inducing the order in which the functional belief is revised relative to other functional beliefs: e.g., if another functional belief with order 1 is present, then the latter belief is revised later.
  • 2 (priority) is the priority that the belief takes when updating the function as well as the default value, analogous to how orders work for non-functional beliefs.

Given this functional belief, we can now demonstrate how functional belief revision works:

  1. First, we specify our agent:
    const newAgent = new Agent({
      id: 'myAgent',
      beliefs: { isRaining: Belief('isRaining', true, 0) },
  1. Then, we specify the initial belief base and execute the agent's reasoning loop with a belief base update that merely contains the functional belief:{ isSlippery})

Because isRaining is not present in the update, our agent infers isSlippery from its old belief base, i.e., the value of isSlippery remains true.

  1. Finally, we executed the reasoning loop again, with a slightly different belief base update:{
      isRaining: Belief('isRaining', false, 0)

Now, the value of isSlippery is updated to false, as inferred from the update of isRaining.


JS-son agents can send "private" messages to any other JS-son agent, which the environment will then relay to this agent only. Agents can send these messages in the same way they register the execution of an action as the result of a plan. For example, in the plan below, an agent sends the message 'Hi!' to the agent with the ID alice:

const messagePlans = [
  Plan(_ => true, () => ({ messages: [{ message: 'Hi!', agentId: 'alice' }] }))

Assuming that the sending agent has the ID bob, the agent alice will receive the following belief update:

beliefs = {
  messages: {
    bob: ['Hi!']

Note that messages do not need to be strings, but can be of any type, for example objects.

Further Examples

Data Science

To show how JS-son can be used with state-of-the art data science tools, we provide a multi-agent simulation example that runs in a Jupyter notebook and integrates with Python data visualization libraries. The simulation compares belief spread among agents in different environments and is based on the belief-desire-intention(-plan) tutorial.

You find the Jupyter notebook in the example folder of the JS-son Github repository, as well as here on Google Colab.

Note: The interactive widget that is provided as part of the notebook only works with "full"/local Jupyter notebook tools and not on Google Colab, as it requires the ipywidgets library, which Google Colab does not support.

Web Application

Of course, JS-son can also be used in web application development. To illustrate how, we implemented Conway's Game of Life, using JS-son's belief-plan approach. We integrated the Game of Life simulation in a Framework7 application. The web application runs online at

You find the the source code of the web application here in the examples directory. To run the example, install its dependencies with npm install and run the application in development (hot-reload) mode with npm run dev.

Grid World

By default, JS-son supports grid world environments. A comprehensive multi-agent grid world tutorial is provided here in the examples section.

Distributed MAS

JS-son supports distributed multi-agent systems, where the environment interacts with remotely running agents. A tutorial on how to implement distributed MAS with JS-son, alongside a running example, is available here.


This tutorial describes how to run JS-son agents as serverless Google Cloud Functions.

Supported Platforms

JS-son supports recent versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Node.js. It is not tested for other platforms and does not use Babel to facilitate compatibility with legacy platforms. Contributions that change this are welcome!

Further Content


The project uses Jasime for testing. Run the tests with npm test. The tests also run on CircleCI.


JS-son is documented with Sphinx. Building the documentation requires Python and CMake. Install the Python dependencies for the documentation with pip install -r doc-requirements.txt. Generate the documentation by navigating to the doc directory and running make html. The documentation will be placed (as HTML files) to doc/_build/html.


We welcome contributions. Contributors should consider the following conventions:

  • Be nice.

  • Add tests for your code and make sure all tests pass.

  • Add/update JSdoc comments.

  • Ensure ESLint does not show any errors or warnings.

  • Reference relevant issues in commits and branch names.


Author: Timotheus Kampik - @TimKam

Agent Architecture Co-Designer: Juan Carlos Nieves

Cite as:

author="Kampik, Timotheus
and Nieves, Juan Carlos",
editor="Dennis, Louise A.
and Bordini, Rafael H.
and Lesp{\'e}rance, Yves",
title="JS-son - A Lean, Extensible JavaScript Agent Programming Library",
booktitle="Engineering Multi-Agent Systems",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",

This work was partially supported by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.