Welcome to the BucketDrive client repository! This centralized library houses the core code for our secure cloud file storage solution. It includes essential components such as file encryption protocol and Protobuf definitions, along with client.
With this comprehensive library, developers can easily integrate BucketDrive's features into CLI tools and websites. Whether you're building a command-line interface or a user-friendly web application, this client library provides everything you need to interact with our cloud file storage platform seamlessly.
Explore our codebase and leverage the powerful functionalities offered by BucketDrive for secure and efficient file storage in the cloud. Join our community and contribute to the future of cloud-based file management! Please refere to https://docs.bucketdrive.co for more details.
- Native API (GRPC)
- S3
- Zero Knowledge Encryption
- Signature Validation
- Virtual Filesystem (Under Development)
Add logging for information gathering fix upload and download code. fix up the API a bit. make all enpoint callable. Add suport for virtual filesystem. test mock make sure backend and client work in harmony