Balikobot API
It offers implementation of Balikobot API described in the documentation, ver.1.79.
composer require merinsky/balikobot
To order shipment you should done these steps:
- add packages to the front
- order packages collection (for each shipper)
use ThreeSixtyEu\Balikobot\Balikobot;
define('API_USER', '...');
define('API_KEY', '...');
define('SHOP', 100);
// create instance of the class
$balikobot = new Balikobot(API_USER, API_KEY, SHOP);
// add package
$package = $balikobot->service(Balikobot::SHIPPER_PPL, 4, [
Balikobot::OPTION_ORDER => '2017000001',
->customer('Jan Novak', 'Jankovcova 2', 'Praha', '17000', '+420773145254', '')
carrier_id => 40458564564,
package_id => 7338,
label_url =>,
status => 200,
// order packages collection
$response = $balikobot->order(Balikobot::SHIPPER_PPL, [$package['package_id'], ...]);
order_id => 788,
handover_url =>,
labels_url =>,
status => 200,
Use the getServices method to get available services for a given shipper. It returns associative array, serviceId => description. Use the serviceId as a service method parameter.
$response = $balikobot->getServices(Balikobot::SHIPPER_PPL);
2 => PPL Parcel Connect,
3 => PPL Parcel CZ Dopolední balík,
4 => PPL Parcel CZ Private,
8 => PPL Parcel CZ Business,
9 => PPL Parcel CZ Private - Večerní doručení,
15 => PPL Firemní paleta,
19 => PPL Soukromá paleta,
Use the getOptions method to get available options for a given shipper. It returns list of options.
$response = $balikobot->getOptions(Balikobot::SHIPPER_DPD);
0 => price,
1 => real_order_id,
2 => sms_notification,
3 => branch_id,
4 => del_insurance,
5 => note,
6 => weight,
The getBranches method is useful for pickup services. You can get list of pickup places (branches). This method is available only for some services.
$response = $balikobot->getBranches(Balikobot::SHIPPER_CP, 'NP');
67152 => [
name => Hluboké Mašůvky,
city => Hluboké Mašůvky,
street => 230,
zip => 67152,
country => CZ,
type => branch
74282 => [
Use the getZipCodes method to get available zip codes for given shipper and service. This method is not available for pickup services, of course.
$response = $balikobot->getZipCodes(Balikobot::SHIPPER_ULOZENKA, 2);
0 => 97401,
1 => 97405,
2 => 97411,
You can create labels only for given packages by calling getLabels method.
$response = $balikobot->getLabels(Balikobot::SHIPPER_PPL, [1258, 544, 5454, ...]);
Call overview method to get list of packages in the front (added by add method).
$response = $balikobot->overview(Balikobot::SHIPPER_PPL);
0 => [
eshop_id => 20170000071490299455,
carrier_id => 13805004931509,
package_id => 5732,
label_url =>,
Call trackPackage method to get list of tracking information.
$response = $balikobot->trackPackage(Balikobot::SHIPPER_PPL, '40425465434');
0 => 01.07.2014 11:11 1383 Hradec Kralove - Pouchov (CZ) 6211385 doručeno : BALIKOBOT CZ •50311 • 1383 351 327,
1 => 01.07.2014 06:37 1383 Hradec Kralove - Pouchov (CZ)rozvoz CZ •50311 • 1383 351 327,
2 => 01.07.2014 06:32 1383 Hradec Kralove - Pouchov (CZ)příjem na depo CZ •50311 • 1383 64 327,
3 => 30.06.2014 16:56 1381 Ricany (CZ)vyzvednutí CZ •50311 • 1383 686 327,
Call trackPackageLast method to get status id and message of the last tracking information. It is useful to summarize status of several packages.
$response = $balikobot->trackPackageLast(Balikobot::SHIPPER_PPL, '40425465434');
status_id => 2,
status_text => Zásilka je doručována příjemci.,
The methods you use very rarely:
- getCountryCodes()
- getCurrencies()
- getCountriesForService($shipper)
- getOptionServices()
- getManipulationUnits($shipper)
- dropPackage($shipper, $packageId)