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25b0032 · Jan 20, 2022


This branch is up to date with Liqwid-Labs/plutus-extra:master.



What is this?

A framework for testing serialized representation stability using golden testing. This focuses on type classes used for serialization for Plutus projects.

What can this do?

Currently, we can perform golden testing of the following serializing type classes:

  • ToJSON from aeson
  • ToData from Plutus
  • ToSchema from openapi3

For the first two, we support either using an Arbitrary instance for generating samples, or, if you prefer, you can supply an explicin Gen instead.

What are the goals of this project?


Golden tests can be a bit awkward to set up, as most frameworks for it are general and unopinionated to the point of uselessness. This forces you to do a lot of manual plumbing and setup, even if most of this generality is not needed. plutus-golden, due to its narrower focus, aims to avoid all of this - just specify what types you want tested, and what type classes to test, and you're all set.

This is partly what drives the decision to piggy-back off of Arbitrary; due to Plutus' support for QuickCheck, it's likely you'll already have such instances lying around, especially if you also want to do property testing.

Good failure reporting

Knowing that a test failed is often far less useful than knowing why it failed. This is true of golden testing especially, as you need to figure out what exactly changed in the representation. To this end, we aim to give focused and useful information about what we expected to see, versus what we actually saw, and present it as readably as the type class being checked allows.

This also extends to the format used for sample files: we use JSON throughout, as this aids human-readability and manual inspection.

Integration with tasty

The tasty test framework supports a range of test types, is extensible, scriptable, and provides a lot of solutions to 'boilerplate' around testing. plutus-golden aims to be a 'good citizen' of the tasty universe as much as possible, allowing integration between itself and other uses of tasty without issue.

How can I use this?

> {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
> import Test.Tasty (testGroup)
> import Test.Tasty.Plutus.Golden (goldenJSON, goldenDataWith, goldenToSchema)
> myGoldenTests :: TestTree
> myGoldenTests = testGroup "Golden tests" [
>   goldenJSON @MyType,
>   goldenDataWith myGenerator @MyOtherType,
>   goldenToSchema @MyType,
>   ...

## What can I do with this?

The code is licensed under Apache 2.0; check the file for details.