Welcome! As a collaborative, civic-minded project, we always welcome new participants.
This project share the global Open Food Facts' code of conduct.
Suggestions for better understanding what we do and how we work:
- Have a look at our database, this the core of our project
- Install and explore our mobile app
- Scan few products and enjoy
- Update a product: update photos; fill the missing data
- Check our last blog posts, allowing you to better understand how the project is growing
- Check our major components map, to understand our components' ecosystem
- Hey, we also have a wiki, where we can find useful knowledge
Folksonomy Engine is fully developped on Github. You will need a Github user account to participate.
All contributions start with an issue
- Issues are prioritized:
- P0 tag means high priority issues; while P4 means lower priority
- Good first issues, is a good start for beginners
- Issues are prioritized:
Development practices
- We use an
file to help developpers maintain consistent coding style (see EditorConfig) - Want to start working on something: express your wish in the corresponding issue
- Create your own git branches, one per topic/feature/bugfix; commit frequently; open Pull Requests when ready
- We try to implement as many automated tests as possible, thanks to Pytest; see ./tests directory
- DB migrations, if any, needs to be handled by Yoyo; see ./db-migration.py
- We use an